Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Waiting for something
I didn't get him I did the step up banner and nothing and I used all my tickets, got a bloody Queen and my 3rd CGFina always with the off banner rainbows on the banners with me fucks me right off, kinda raging about it, I just really want a good tank.


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Don't worry @Sprites, I'm sure you'll get him.

Up to step 2...


What a coincidence, my pull is also known as not Sieghart.
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Looks like Sephiroth is still waiting for a 7* awakening as well. Still, probably better than someone in my party.

On an unrelated note, can I just say Rikku is effing amazing. Her LB is insane, to say nothing of her other abilities.

okay Sephiroth is kinda fun. his LB animation is sick.
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Waiting for something
I regret doing the step up now and wasting the majority of my lapis if it makes you feel better :)


Waiting for something
Thanks, also I meant to respond earlier to say as far as support unit go Rikku is still up there she's amazingly versatile, I usually use her instead of a healer or Nichol for story stuff because I like being able to use different units in story mode and not just my top units.


Waiting for something
Looks like we're all gonna get another 5* ticket as we hit level 99 in the raid and 3000 lapis :)


Waiting for something
Wilhelms good because he can counter and is a fan provoke tank only thing he lacks in 6* is AOE cover which is generally a must for tanking these days I believe he gets this in his 7* form though so if you have him and can UOC him then you don't need Sieg.

I went straight for 100% TMR, Def and HP potted and also maxed leveled Sieg in prep for his 7* form. I already like him as a tank!

Looking forward to immediately 7* Christine in the Xmas banners I was lucky to pull 2 of her last Xmas she chains amazingly with T.Terra but she is locked to ice so sometimes she's not able to be used but she's still another one I use in story situations instead of maybe Terra for variety.

Come February I'm hoping they give Chow a 7* form (he was a limited magic tank unit) so I have a magical tank hopefully on par with A.Rain he's great for getting through a lot of the content where you need a magic tank but he's nearly a year old unit so he's a bit more behind now in terms of the current content still a big help in the 3* esper battles but lacking in the trials now.


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I'll hold back on Wilhelm for the time being, I've still got two steps to go for Sieg.

Do we know who is going to be on banner for Christmas then? I'm not 100% up on the news for this game as you've noticed.

FFBE × KH collab announced at Fan Festa apparently. Twitter says Sora is coming to FFBE, but I doubt it will be him only. Fortunately KH something I'm very happy to skip.


Waiting for something
Long post ahead.

No it won't just be Sora as far as I know although who the other units are is uncertain I imagine they don't want to announce too early, although I want them no matter how shite or amazing they are.

Fingers crossed you get 2 Siegs finishing the step ups. BTW his story event is absolutely hilarious.

So from what I've heard from the Fan Festa news, they'll probably do enhancements and awakenings for the previous units, Christine,(magic chainer locked into ice element) Kryla (imperiler and debuffer) and White Knight Noel (Tank) will probably get 7* upgrades and further enhancements they were all limited units but extremely good with amazing TMRs usually most of the limited units are really good.

Upon release until T.Terra got her 7* Christine was tied with her for top tier magic damage and her TMR is still top tier for magic users +50 mag, +30 spr, can counter magic attacks with 15% HP recover and LB increase.

Kryla is pretty much on par with Ignis in terms of imperilling and debuffing and has a fab TMR for magic tanks, increases SPR by 15%, resistance to all elements by 25% and LB increase.

WKN is still an amazing Tank huge physical and magic mitigation except because he's limited and he lacks AOE abilities he's not mentioned so much, but if you set him up right you can make him 100% evade and provoke. He also has the unusual ability in a tank of being a decent magic attacker, there's been trials in the past where people have used just him and one DPS units to take bosses down his TMR is amazing for both physical tanks and magic users +50 Mag and Def.

They have two new units coming out for the Xmas banners called Tiana she's a quadcast magic attacker and Felix is going to be chainer, finisher TDH user etc no idea what else they're planning for them.


Waiting for something
Holy shit guys we got some awesome in-game rewards coming our way from Fan Festa so far:

7000 lapis

2x100% trust moogles.

1 x normal 10+1 ticket

1x10+1 5* guaranteed ticket

4 max level minitaurs

3x 5* Ex tickets.

So that's 4x 5* units in total available plus this month's login reward includes a 5* ex ticket also.

@V I think you can forget about your lack of rainbow pulls now :D
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Waiting for something
Ha! wait until we get the 3rd anniversary out of the way. For the second anniversary they released special tickets that were based on how much lapis you'd spent on summons (free or purchased) in game over the two years....there was a lot of tickets put it that way and I a good few rainbows out of them.

They were very generous during last years Fan Festa also, So yes Gumi can be greedy but they can be generous when they want to be to their playerbase too.


Waiting for something
Awwww c'mon friend think positive.

I know we've been through a lot with the game to be VERY Skeptical about what the 5* tickets in 7* era could bring but considering Gumi has been lacking in the 5* ticket freebies in recent months especially with the 7* era it's nice to be able to celebrate getting some free ones.


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Ha! wait until we get the 3rd anniversary out of the way. For the second anniversary they released special tickets that were based on how much lapis you'd spent on summons (free or purchased) in game over the two years....there was a lot of tickets put it that way and I a good few rainbows out of them.

They were very generous during last years Fan Festa also, So yes Gumi can be greedy but they can be generous when they want to be to their playerbase too.
They reward you based on how much you spend? That's insane. I've been playing Fire Emblem Heroes since it began and I've yet to be rewarded for being a non-trivial financial contributor. Sick!


Waiting for something
Fuck off 246??

Also yeah I got like 8 rainbows outta I think it was 180ish tickets, the tickets were based on spending 5000 lapis at a time if I remember correctly and I did used to spend on this game (stopped completely after the way they originally handled UOC tickets)

For the 3rd anniversary in JP they've done tickets based on your total log in days and also tickets based on rank. No idea how it all works exactly but we got the same ticket system for the second anniversary as jp did so I imagine it'll be the same.


Waiting for something
Aaannnd immediately my postive vibes are going down the drain because they're bringing Katy Perry into the game. Ariana I thought was fine she fits kinda well into the whole JP/anime/rpg vibe thing.

Katy Perry absolutely fucking not, why would they do that?


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Katy Perry absolutely fucking not, why would they do that?

I don't see how ariana grande has more jrpg cred, she seems just as much of a pop pleb to me.

KP will probably be a shit unit anyway and I've yet to see an Ariana pop up


Waiting for something
Ariana was limited I got her although I didn't go out of my way to pull the first version of her, there was 2 events released for her and they released a FF version of her song 'touch it' which is actually very good. Apparently shes a fan of the FF series too and that was alright I thought as long as they don't make a habit of this sort of thing, that's OK.

KP is gonna be a 5-7* unit and I couldnt give a fuck if she ends up being the most amazing unit I will absolutely not be pulling for her.

God I play RPGs to get away from reality, having them insert Katy Perry when they already did this once with Ariana into an FF game really boils my piss, they could announce Foo Fighters and I'd still be pissed off about, get out of my fucking RPG Series, this really better not be a trend because if they a year down the line announce a Justin Bieber collab I will riot.
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