Final Fantasy IX


Harbinger O Great Justice
One of my favorite FF's and the first one I beat myself. All I'm gonna say is Chocobo Hot and Cold, reeeaaaally hilariously fun and addictive. I remember X and I just doing that for hours.

Hahaha, I remember that, and then we ran into Ozma, and being blown away at how insanely difficult a tie-dyed sphere was as a boss. I also remember being surprised that the chocobos said "Kweh!" instead of "Wark!'

It's funny, because my girlfriend and I played though this game again about a year ago (because it's her favorite as well), and I still have some mad Chocobo Hot/Cold skills, and I'm ok at cards, but I'm still AWFUL at jump rope.

X :neo:


Double Growth
I HATE Chocobo Hot and Cold, you're all insane. I have never gotten the ultimate weapons and stuff in that game and I never will because that damn mini-game is how you get virtually all of them. Pisses me off.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
FFIX is my favourite FF, together with VI and VII.

I just love it all. The plot, the characters, the environments, the battle system, the music...

....and Kuja above everything else, of course. :monster:

Celes Chere

Lol, I ignored Chocobo Hot N Cold because I got annoyed with the clues... EVERYTHING ON THE MAP LOOKS THE SAME. But that's what the internet is for! Cheating! :lol:

I really adored the characters, and all the extra stuff there is to do in the game... and also, I actually ENJOYED playing the cards. I still need five more... then I will have ... THEM ALL.


X's Brother
on that note, favorite characters everyone? Personally I feel like Vivi is going to get enough votes, so I'll cast mine for Freya- viking name, she's a dragoon, and she's ssooo sad (d'aww) all in all, awesomeness


Double Growth
While I do love all Dragoons as a rule, Vivi still gets it. He is probably my favorite character in the whole of Final Fantasy. Even though IX floats around 3rd place on my list of FFs, it does have the best character.

Ghost X

Won't be downloading the game onto my PS3 from PSN (or anywhere else for that matter). Its one of my favourite FFs, but I've seriously completed it that many times I don't want to play it again (which can be said for the other FFs as well). As for favourite character, it would've been Steiner had his amusing antics kept up all the way through the game. Otherwise, it has got to be Kuja just because he is the bad guy and all the versions of his theme song are awesome; Immoral Melody and Millenium especially, though I'm not a big fan of Dark Messenger, and I find the composition of Kuja 5 intriguing. I'm not sure if they're the actual titles of the song, I'm just getting this from youtube =P.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
All of Kuja's themes are awesome. Kuja 5 is one of the best.

My favourite characters are probably Vivi, Freya, Beatrix, and Kuja. I wish we'd seen more of Lani; she had potential but disappeared way too early.


I love Garnet and Vivi. Beatrix, Freya, Kuja and Zidane are up there as well. In fact, I don't think there's a character I don't love. FFIX has one of the best casts imo.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Kuja and Vivi.

The first is one of my three favourite characters of all time and the second one is my favourite team member of the entire FF saga.

Celes Chere

I really adore Garnet, but my favorite character in FFIX is Freya. She is amazing, and I too have a soft spot for Dragoons. XD Nomnomnom. And of course, Kuja is high up there. I really love Zidane as well... DAMNIT WHY ARE ALL OF IX'S CHARACTERS FUCKING AWESOME


Double Growth
All of Kuja's themes are awesome..

Even if they are near-straight ripoffs of We Will Rock You :monster:

That's true about IX's cast, though. There is a very refreshing lack of the ubiquitous annoying bubbly animu chick. There's Eiko, but she's not really like that. Not like Selphie, Rikku, Penelo, Vanille, anyway.
Don't like Quina, but that's largely because I don't like Blue Mages in general.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'd say only the Millennium Version and Immoral Melody are, and even then it's only because of the drums. It also reminds me of one of the tracks from FFV. Intension of the Earth maybe? I can't remember.


wangxian married
I disliked Dagger on my first playthrough and now she's one of my favorite FF females. ;o; But I also loved Zidane and Kuja a lot -- I think Kuja's still my favorite antagonist. And who doesn't love Vivi?

argh okay i sort of love everyone too. except maybe amarant.

Also the music in this game was amazing. I forgot the name of it, but Beatrix's theme was one of my favorites.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Also the music in this game was amazing. I forgot the name of it, but Beatrix's theme was one of my favorites.

Loss of Me (or Rose of May depending on which translation you believe). There's a reprise later in the game which is called Protecting My Devotion as well.

And yeah, this is my favourite FF soundtrack after FFVI, but it's a razor-thin margin separating them.

Celes Chere

Oh, yeah. I hated Amarant because he didn't like... DO anything, lol. I hated Steiner too, but it was kind of that love-hate thing, you know? Otherwise, you can tell Quina is there to be really awkward, creepy, and stupid so IT didn't bother me much. I mostly ignored it. x'D

I hated Eiko my first few play throughs, but then she grew on me and I have no problems anymore. :lol:

I think IX's music beats VI's music, but just by a hair. Both soundtracks are amazing. *Q*

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
FFIX's soundtrack is my favourite in the entire series.

It doesn't have an epic theme like Dancing Mad or One Winged Angel, but the soundtrack is filled with such beautiful themes. like "The Dark Messenger", "The Place I'll Return To Someday", "The Chosen Summoner" and "Chamber of One Thousand faces", to name a few. And "Melodies of Life" is still the best FF theme, imo.


Double Growth
Don't forget The Jesters of the Moons :monster:

And I would play Tetra Master for the sole purpose of hearing that song when I was a kid.


Waiting for something
This is probably one of my favourite FFs to ever be made. Beautiful storyline and soundtrack, brilliant characters, loads of sidequests, in fact I really just loved everything about this FF.

@Forcestealer: I didn't like Quina either until I found out it could learn a lovely little ability called Level 5 Death which instantly kills Grand Dragons so you can level up and master loads of abilities early on enough.

Quina is now one of my favourite characters to use before splitting up the party at the Desert Palace. I usually have the mountain chocobo by then so I usually take a couple of hours to level up my party equally against Grand Dragons, works wonders :)


Save your valediction (she/her)
I didn't like Quina either until I found out it could learn a lovely little ability called Level 5 Death which instantly kills Grand Dragons so you can level up and master loads of abilities early on enough.

HOLY SHIT REALLY!? Wow. Time for playthrough #4!

...Vivi dies at the end, right?
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