Final Fantasy Type-0 Thread


Double Growth
We gonna merge these threads at some point or.... :monster:

This one is in the more appropriate forum, but the other one has more of the discussion.


AI Researcher
bumping this to ask

did the english version have subtitles for the utakata lyrics? or did they do what they did with suteki da ne/longing/redemption/why/eyes on me [3rd birthday] and just leave it untranslated?


Where does that song play? The only song that had subtitles (my memory is hazy though) is Zero.


AI Researcher
it's in the new cg cutscene/secret ending? and apparently the credits, but that might mean the credits after the new cutscene


I tried looking up the scene but I couldn't find it. I did hear the song though, and I don't remember hearing it when I played through (I saw the "secret" ending too).


Impressions after finishing the first chapter:
I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the names and terms they throw at you in the beginning. Maybe I'm getting old. :monster:
I'm also a bit surprised a PSP game on PS4 is locked at 30fps...


Double Growth
I was pretty nonplussed about all the characters who are necessarily one note because of how many of them there are. But I found a couple of them rose to the top and I wound up liking a couple. Though it was probably influenced by who I liked in battle.


unsavory tart
So I just finished this game. I enjoyed it, but I kept my expectations for a PSP game, and well, it's very much a PSP game, as in a pick up, play, put down kind of game. Overall I like it.

Except for fucking Machina. Fucking hell, just... Machina.



Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
So would you guys recommend this?

I've had this sitting on my shelf for a few months and may have to get into it soon if it's any good.


Double Growth
Oh sure, when Tets asks...



Its fun. It wasn't mind blowing or anything. But it was an enjoyable game with a lot of variety between the characters (gameplay-wise, I mean). I had fun figuring out my favorites.

It's a shame the story is nigh-incomprehensible without a second playthrough, but still worthwhile, I think.


I'm in chapter 4 and it took me a bit to get into it. I got overwhelmed with all the names and terms they throw at you in the beginning ("DOMINION! PERYSTILIA! VERMILION BIRD! AQU. XIII, 429729! L'CIE! Oh no wait, I know what a l'Cie is") and the choice of having fourteen freakin characters.

But so far I like it. Gameplay is kinda fun although I wish the camera wouldn't jerk around as much during battles. Can't imagine the vomfest that this game pre-motion blur patch must've been.

English voice acting seems like a shitshow mostly. And once more I get the feeling it's not due to the actors but rather the VA direction because there are capable voice actors in this.

Probably gonna switch to Japanese for the inevitable second playthrough.


Switch to Japanese, don't go in expecting much scenes from the crew outside of Machina and Rem, I really liked it.


Oh sure, when Tets asks...



Its fun. It wasn't mind blowing or anything. But it was an enjoyable game with a lot of variety between the characters (gameplay-wise, I mean). I had fun figuring out my favorites.

It's a shame the story is nigh-incomprehensible without a second playthrough, but still worthwhile, I think.

Tbh people should have avoided discussion in the "announced" thread because it was a news report and it was in a different section, but people were just kind of posting in whatever one they came across first I guess.

Nothing wrong with that, but it's bad practice to merge threads when they've both had discussion in them because anyone reading through won't be able to make sense of the posts, which is why I've avoided merging them. That and to merge them I had to move the announcement thread to the sub-Final Fantasy section because you can't merge two threads from different sections. But this is the third request so I thought meh why not :monster:


I'm in chapter seven now. The last two were kinda cool because
Bahamut Fury fighting a dragon in a frozen cloud formation in the sky followed by battling an overpowered Gilgamesh on the Big Bridge and then Alexander absolutely decimating EVERYONE after that like holy shit.

Kinda sad Kurasame's dead and no one even knows who he was anymore. Strange rules this world has.

Also, is it just me or do they pronounce Caetuna like the Japanese Setsuna? I definitely hear an 's' in there...

Also, that new Militesi l'Cie. Uh. That's totally Machina, isn't it.

You little shit


AI Researcher
Her name in the Japanese version is 'Setsuna' but they gave her a really odd spelling in English despite there being loads of other characters with Japanese names (unless they got weird spellings too).


I'm in chapter 8 and
I don't even understand what the fuck is going on anymore. :wacky:

I chose to become l'Cie but at that point it seemed like all I could do is fight infinite hordes or Rursus that become stronger and stronger.



You need to go to the library and watch the scenes it unlocked. I know, bullshit move. Second playthrough, you must do.
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