There's absolutely nothing tedious or grindy about the plat surprisingly. The only one that might be considered so is "Breed 100 Chocobos" but when you get greens that net you around 10 per breed and if you luck out and get 99 from one breed like I did it's not even remotely grindy.
It's officially the easiest FF plat IMO. It doesn't even require you to do anything difficult, like the "ultimate dungeon" (Tower of Agito). You barely have to set foot in any optional content at all to do it, and anything you have to do outside the main (like solo-ing a mission with just one, two, or three characters) can be done in mission select on the very first mission on the easiest difficulty. It's a total breeze. The only one you need to watch out for is the chocobo one, because the eggs they lay take 6 hours to hatch (free time in the game gets you between 1-8 days between each mission, each day being 12 hours, each optional event costing 2 hours, leaving the academy costs 6) but honestly toward the end you end up with a shit load more free time than you need even if you do absolutely everything. It's early on that free time is a resource. To be clear, breeding doesn't actually cost any time at all, you just have to make 6 in game hours pass (by doing events or leaving) so that the eggs hatch, and they hatch at least 5-7 per breed even with shitty greens.
Any kind of optional trophies can be done at the last free time, which is after the first mission in chapter 7. So as long as you make a save there it's fine, and the only reason you need to save there is because
Anything else that might be considered grindy (harvest X phantoma) is gotten through natural play by like chapter 4 or 5.
So yeah, super easy plat, and fun too.
It's officially the easiest FF plat IMO. It doesn't even require you to do anything difficult, like the "ultimate dungeon" (Tower of Agito). You barely have to set foot in any optional content at all to do it, and anything you have to do outside the main (like solo-ing a mission with just one, two, or three characters) can be done in mission select on the very first mission on the easiest difficulty. It's a total breeze. The only one you need to watch out for is the chocobo one, because the eggs they lay take 6 hours to hatch (free time in the game gets you between 1-8 days between each mission, each day being 12 hours, each optional event costing 2 hours, leaving the academy costs 6) but honestly toward the end you end up with a shit load more free time than you need even if you do absolutely everything. It's early on that free time is a resource. To be clear, breeding doesn't actually cost any time at all, you just have to make 6 in game hours pass (by doing events or leaving) so that the eggs hatch, and they hatch at least 5-7 per breed even with shitty greens.
Any kind of optional trophies can be done at the last free time, which is after the first mission in chapter 7. So as long as you make a save there it's fine, and the only reason you need to save there is because
getting the airship is optional and requires the completion of an "Expert Mission". Expert missions are kind of meant either as a challenge or as part of the second playthrough, but the one in question is around your level range at that point anyway so it's silly not to do it
Anything else that might be considered grindy (harvest X phantoma) is gotten through natural play by like chapter 4 or 5.
So yeah, super easy plat, and fun too.