Final Fantasy VII PC Re-Release Thread


They're in OGG format, so all you have to do is convert any file you want to OGG with it's loop timestamps and replace the files that are there.

Due to the current PC version having a mod that works the same way, I've already got the original PSX soundtrack as well as orchestral/ OC Remix collections converted to looping OGG so all you have to do with those is swap the files.

You can find a few collections like this on Qhimm.

EDIT: @Shademp, try hitting whatever [CANCEL] is on your keyboard?


Are you trying to set it on a controller or on the keyboard? It should work in the same way as the original PC version, and when setting the controller buttons I always had to use the keyboard to get away from the screen.


Rookie Adventurer
Prince, could you possible upload or find me a download of the music files.
I dunno how to covert the soundfiles... :(


I'll see if I can make them available for everyone to download here but I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while. My own download isn't finished, I've got 2 newsposts to write and I'm currently eating dinner :monster:


Rookie Adventurer
I see, hopefully youre able to do it today and also where am i suppose to put the files?
Im only seeing:ff7input.cfg, ff7video.cfg, user_(numbers) and update-temp.
Ok now I am able to leave the Config menu. The menu remembers what the old CANCEL button was, no matter how you change it. I don't see how I could have missed pressing the correct keyboard button the first time around though...

The word that floats around my head is "Re-Release". True, this game was never promised to be a "PC Remake". Should I still feel betrayed? Well, kind of. They bothered upscaling the FMVs, but they did not bother adding mp3s (or similar) as a music option? If anything they should have had a MIDI setting for the nostalgic players. Is it just me or does this MIDI sound worse than the one from 1998?

It's so silly that they'd go with this "bare minimum" policy. I also find it odd that they released the game before any official announcement about its release date. Is there some logic behind this, such as the servers being too busy if everybody knows when the game will be released? =/

EDIT: "Achievement Unlocked: Won Your First Battle".

Kill me now.
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Pro Adventurer
What is currently getting on my nerves is how long this download process is going on the download keeps on pausing itself on the 2 of 3...
On my top-list of things that should have been included:
Auto-Battle. No running around. Just battles one after another for as long as you like.

(So no, I don't mean "Auto-Battle" as in the game playing itself)


Front page news post written.

Flint, I've quoted you. Hope you don't mind. What you said sums it up nicely I think.

EDIT: I'm installing it now, so I'll be able to confirm if mods work very soon.
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Pro Adventurer
Fine by me. I probably wouldn't have said "pile of crap" if I knew it was going on the front page, but :monster: I think it's a good idea to use quotes from the forum on front page posts. If you go back to my write-up of our FFVII race, you should be able to find the quotation mark image I used for that purpose. You're free to use it.


I'm thinking it's both an attempt at making money - like re-releasing FF1 for every conceivable platform a dozen times over - and a poor attempt at fanservice. If they tried the latter, they should just do represses of the original FFVII game, I'm thinking. Nobody will actually enjoy a real remake, if it's ever to be made, I'm sure.

Still, quite sure this version will be downloaded plentifully.


I've installed it and activated it, but my launcher isn't working. It's stuck at 10%. This would be funny if it wasn't so sad :(


You had to relog? What do you mean by that? Did you restart your computer? I restarted the application but that didn't do anything.


Pro Adventurer
My german version runs fluently now.I had the 10 % problem and tried to click on the log in button a few times and after I logged in,I could start the game.Only played the german PSOne version before and I already see many text changes they made in contrast to the original localization.I kinda like the sound of the music,I don´t know,reminds me of poor fan remixes ^^ Only the fanfare annoys me because it sounds broken.If someone can figure out how to change the music,I´d be thankful.The Distant Worlds Version of Opening Bombing Mission for example is ´´slightly´´ better than this OGG version ;)


I got it working.

It has controller support in the launcher. For some reason it was greyed out but once I started it again I was able to set buttons on my PS3 controller.

It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be. The models look very smooth, the game itself runs perfectly and if it weren't for the awful MIDI it'd honestly be the best version available.

Here's a music pack by Qhimm forum member BloodShot. Just put it in the folder at "drive/Program Files/Square Enix/FINAL FANTASY VII/data/music_ogg. Apparently there are some issues with it not looping properly so keep a back up of the MIDI (or as I like to call it, my computer is farting at me) in a different folder.

Mods work aswell. Curiously, my other PC Saves don't, I'm assuming this is due to the Cloud function.

EDIT: I've just tested this and can confirm it works perfectly, the tracks looped as they should etc. It's the OST so the tracks are the same/ slightly better quality than the original PSX.

I'm still fucking gobsmacked they released it with midi. I know everyone's probably like why are you surprised but I am genuinely shocked, I can't believe they've got the gall to do that. At least it's easily fixable.
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1 hour? What are you talking about? Are you saying it's going to take an hour to download the 240mb music pack I just posted?
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