Final Fantasy VII PC Re-Release Thread


Alex T
I don't know why everyone is so down about the port, some people (myself included) are really going to benefit from this.

Anyway, this may sound trivial but does anyone know of a mod that gets rid of the character's mouth on their field models. Haha, I know it's a small detail but it's actually really bothering me, Sephiroth just isn't as cool with his jaw hanging open... Any help would be great!

I also want to report that I'm also having an issue with a track looping in that mod. While Opening/Bombing Mission loops perfectly during the opening FMV, it fails to loop when it's played during the first boss battle. I believe the files that are being used here are "oa" and "ob." The issue might be caused by the fact that these two files are exactly the same in the mod pack with no difference between them. It seems that "oa" should be larger because it includes the Opening part of the song. I "fixed" it by replacing the "ob" file with the MIDI version, so I guess things are cool.
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AI Researcher
Is that a little Dissidia Sephiroth portrait in the top right corner of the window?

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
I'm confused. Is it Aeris or Aerith? :monster: It says Aerith on the achievements profile and I've seen somebody else's achievement profile where it's the same but a poster at GameFAQs said it was Aeris and in a livestream of the game I was watching, the player was in Kalm and she was still called Aeris (unless the player just renamed her back and I missed it) So yeah :monster:

They ... made it Aerith for the achievements but it's still Aeris in the game? :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Well thanks for the actual music, but one silly question. Why did the beginning music against the first boss suddenly died out. It was silent for the countdown run for about five minutes..

@Maidenofwar That is because this is the original game that came out on the PC years back and back then there was a mistranslation of placing Aerith's name as Aeris. And they didn't replace any of in-game stuff.
Checking the new version more via Makou Reactor, I can tell that they fixed Vincent's messed up field model in the field after Aeris dies.
For those who don't remember:

So Cloud gets no kick to the groin in PC2012.

Vincent also has a messed up field model in the Shinra Mansion Basement, which can be seen when the party members split from Cloud right before finding Sephiroth there (when he throws the Destruct Materia at you). They did NOT fix this for PC2012.


Pro Adventurer
Regarding the Aeris/Aerith matter.

-On the English versions of the website they wrote "Aerith".
-In the 2012 PC re-release it is "Aeris".
-In the achievements listed on the website it is "Aerith".
-In the achievements listed in-game it is "Aeris".

So it's still Aeris in the game.


Also does anyone know anyway I can view the FMVs? They are AVI files but my Windows Media Player won't load them. Is the file's fault or the player's fault?

It's most likely due to a missing codec or something; AVI is a container format, meaning that there's a number of files in there, i.e. audio and video files. You could try downloading / installing packages like, then open it with either WMP or the given player. Alternatively, there's VLC player, which also supports a wide range of formats and codecs.


Anyone having trouble playing the FMV's, I personally like the K-Lite codec pack and Media Player Classic, but that's just my opinion.

Is that a little Dissidia Sephiroth portrait in the top right corner of the window?

Yeah, I'm not 100% sure why it's there tbh. Pretty sure it's the same for everyone. A curious choice from SE.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I'm not 100% sure why it's there tbh. Pretty sure it's the same for everyone. A curious choice from SE.
I assumed it was a default user icon that could probably be changed on the website.

Edit: Although I can't seem to change it. I imagine that's what it was meant to be.


I'm not sure about that because I have a different user icon, and it appears like that even if you use Facebook to log in.


Save your valediction (she/her)
What the hell, the 1998 PC release was the first ever appearance of Aerith (and it made us all :nah: )

And I have both the original and the Eidos Platinum FFVII PC version, and "Aeris" is goddamn nowhere.


The PC version has always said "Aeris", so what are you talking about? "Aerith" didn't really happen in official canon until Kingdom Hearts I think. They've made it clear now that it's the canon name, but it definitely wasn't in the original PC release, and it isn't in this one.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Well, there is one important difference - AFAIR, in original PC release and also in Ultima Edition all timers were about two times slower than they should be. Now, at least the reactor timer, works fine ;).


Pro Adventurer
Oh man,still getting goosebumps at Iphalna´s death,Barrets mourning about Biggs,Wedge and Jessie and the destruction of sector 7 while Pres.Shinra listens to classical´s just too awesome!
I just tried the Character Booster.

All it does is max your HP and MP, plus give you 50 million (minus 1) gil. No other stats are affected. NO OTHER STATS ARE AFFECTED. Your Levels are still the same, even.

There is NO POINT to maxing your HP and MP alone. With high values in your HP, all it means is that some battles are even more impossible to lose but it will still take a long time to defeat the bosses because you are still just as weak. The point of maxing stats is to make the game go by faster and easier. just tedious and pointless. Also ugly.

They couldn't even copy gameshark functions properly when designing this thing.

My reaction (replace Bat Credit Card with Character Booster and my reaction to the mechanics of said function)

EDIT: BrutalAl just pointed out another design flaw with this character booster. By having your HP be so high, building up your limit bar will take an extremely long time. This means that acquiring the 2nd limit breaks of Level 1, 2 & 3 will be immensely tedious, as these require that you use a limit break a set number of times. You will barely have a chance to accomplish this easily unless you make use of the few enemies who employ Demi attacks.
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Pro Adventurer
I used the character booster. Shortly later I used a save-editor to reduce my character's HP back down. The slow Limit build-up was what put me off.

The character booster also only applied to Cloud and Barret, and Tifa and all future characters were uneffected. So I am unsure whether it applies to all those in your active party or all those currently earned/PHS available at the time.


Pro Adventurer
I was expecting the Character Booster to have a more measured effect, and to only last for a limited time, such as until the next boss battle. For example, a 25% boost to all stats. That would have made so much more sense.


AI Researcher
i was expecting the opposite and for it to make you basically all powerful so you can blast through the game in no time

that it doesn't do that seems rather odd/pointless

and i guess you can't turn it off?
This re-release seems to have trouble with loading the proper music at times. Before entering the Sector 6 playground, I had just exited a battle. This meant that instead of Aerith's theme playing when in the playground for the first time, the theme Underneath the Rotting Pizza (from the previous field) was playing instead.

Also, but I don't know if these are due to innate differences between PC and PSX, but when the church scene switched to the one where Reno steps on the flowers there was no music. Turk's Theme simply stopped playing.

In Shinra HQ, when you see Jenova, the music switches to "Who Are You". Normally it keeps playing even when the scene switches back to Cloud, but here "Who Are You" stops playing and is replaced by "Infiltrating Shinra".

This (slightly updated) MIDI music is so far not that terrible. The opposites in term of sound quality here would be Aerith's theme and the Honey Bee Inn theme. The former actually sounds quite soothing in this MIDI rendition and it has a different, but still proper, enjoyment compared to the PSX rendition. The HBI theme has been completely butchered. It hurts the ears and it just sounds like NOISE.

*EDIT: Another faulty music cue. In the Nibelheim flashback, right when Sephiroth has burned down the village and Cloud is running up Mt. Nibel, the tune "Those Chosen By The Planet" stops prematurely. When we see Cloud, alone, running up the stairs to the reactor entrance, the theme "Under the Rotting Pizza" (which is the mountain theme here) plays briefly. It is odd and hurts the atmosphere of the scene.
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No kidding; it's lame and not very funny either. It would be something if they actually did include a cow level (where all enemies are cows, yes), but at the same time, a bit unoriginal since D2 already did it, :monster:. Pretty sure they hacked that in there while the porters were playing D3. Which, for the record, does not have a cow level.

Speaking of, who did this 'new' port / update thing?
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