
Sharp Shinra Shill
Anybody remember that one guy who thought it'd be seven parts and part 2 would end on the cargo ship? I still think about that a lot.
I'm RIGHT HEEEERE :wacky::arr::lol::(


And I stand by that initial prediction based on the info we had at that time. I didn't expect them to have the intent (or, frankly, the ability) to expand out the entire world map in one go. I also expected the same level of padding they had added to Midgar into Junon, the Incident, and Eastern Continent generally. Happy to be proven wrong by SE in this regard, pending actually playing the game of course.
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Pro Adventurer
"Meanwhile, Zack—beaten and battered from his fight against an army of troopers—hobbles across the wastelands into Midgar with a mako-poisoned Cloud on his shoulder. Though he has managed to escape death for now, the ominous rift in the sky gives him little reason to rejoice. That is hardly the only threat facing the world, however. The Shinra Resistance Committee, backed by Wutai’s interim government, declares war on the company; figures shrouded in black robes carry with them the corpse of Jenova, a veritable calamity from another world; and the Weapons—fierce and monstrous guardians of the planet—have recently awakened."

I actually hadn't seen this. Where did you find it?

I disagree on where they could've left off though. Ending Rebirth feeling like Cloud is no longer apart of our team, meteor summoned, Weapons awakened, and the start of the execution would've been a much better choice. Aerith's death was definitely my 2nd though
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Golden Ear

Pro Adventurer
M. Prod
Will the Reunion still be in Rebirth though somehow? Even though it's ending in the Forgotten Capitol?

Hojo (to Cloud) - "So you heeded the call too did you?"

Cloud: "What are you talking about?"

Hojo: "As you can see down there, your brothers are having a little get together."

So where is "down there"? are we talking Whirlwind Maze? Or is the Reunion happening somewhere different this time?


Will the Reunion still be in Rebirth though somehow? Even though it's ending in the Forgotten Capitol?

Hojo (to Cloud) - "So you heeded the call too did you?"

Cloud: "What are you talking about?"

Hojo: "As you can see down there, your brothers are having a little get together."

So where is "down there"? are we talking Whirlwind Maze? Or is the Reunion happening somewhere different this time?

I think that dialogue happens at Costa del Sol


Save your valediction (she/her)
I'm not the one who made that lol. Me and @TurquoiseHammer have just been modifying it for our purposes of retranslating the game's script. I think it was made by the people behinf the Beacause translation? I dunno how useful text box dimensions would be since I have to resize them all for the new text anyway.

It’s tricky because some of the text boxes are “linked” so changing one can cause you to muck up text boxes you previously edited/want to leave alone. Having a record of the originals is my approach.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I just add more text boxes to circumvent the issue lol.
We’re getting off topic here… but… how are you doing such a thing..? Is your translation mod changing more than the text, but also field triggers and sequencers? That’s… won’t that cause a lot of other issues?

Anyway, if you want the resource, I’ve gone one for ya. Good luck out there.
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Ninja Potato
We’re getting off topic here… but… how are you doing such a thing..? Is your translation mod changing more than the text, but also field triggers and sequencers? That’s… won’t that cause a lot of other issues?

Anyway, if you want the resource, I’ve gone one for ya. Good luck out there.
I've been modding this game for a decade, doing that sort of thing isn't hard anymore.

The mod is two-pronged: One part is retranslation, the other is adding in unused content. See here:

There will also be a version without that stuff


Pro Adventurer
The image is also on a metal file being sold on SE website. So is the one of Cloud, Sephiroth and Zack


Pro Adventurer
As are the statements still alluding to the trilogy being a remake
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Harbinger O Great Justice
I actually hadn't seen this. Where did you find it?

I disagree on where they could've left off though. Ending Rebirth feeling like Cloud is no longer apart of our team, meteor summoned, Weapons awakened, and the start of the execution would've been a much better choice. Aerith's death was definitely my 2nd though
It's in the PDF file from the official Press Kit information FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH PUB Doc ENG 1. It doesn't look like that section of text has been published on their official pages, but it was on places like Gematsu about a week ago. This is why you can see things like Odin & Alexander being the only two summons to get spoken about officially, even thought Kujata is shown in the trailer for essentially the same amount of time.

X :neo:
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