
Pro Adventurer
It's also a pretty close match to the aesthetic of the Sealed Tower of the Cetra in Midgar Falls in Ever Crisis, for the game's Battle Tower feature in which you delve deeper and deeper fighting new enemies on each floor.


Harbinger O Great Justice
... Their fucking YouTube account is gone too.

You Thanos-snapped him.
It's always a bit disheartening when things like that happen and things get near-effectively erased aside from people's personal offline copies.

So... just some general thoughts about the history of things like this in the FFVII Fan space:

It's especially tough as a big part of TLS was a very focused & concentrated effort galvanized to prevent losing so many of the collective work efforts of the people involved with ACF back in the day around news, translation, & information essentially being stuck under the constraint of someone who vanished them because they technically had the authority to do so. Even ACF had most people with that mindset because we were tip-toeing around looking good enough to feel like the center for information, but not TOO close to official to get vanished with a Cease & Desist which was not uncommon in those days for fan sites before every company just had a generic set of official social media pages.

Especially as I started out doing news scanslations & then article writing on ACF, even when the forums got axed I retained separate account access to news post to the main site. When Crisis Core was coming up, and I made the hail mary "Anyone who sees this, come to FFOF and let's make a new version of this site" post when I knew it had the biggest possible audience of likely eyes on it, it was still tough to do because I knew that there was a non-zero possibility that not just THAT one post might get removed when my account inevitably got deleted (which it did within just a couple of days and luckily the other old articles remained until the site went down). It was still nerve-wracking because I didn't want to all of that historical information of the translations and others posts I'd made to get suddenly vanished from the Internet aside from my own personal copies of the various .PSD and other working files I still had on my local hard drive (which unfortunately died to hardware failure a couple years later).

Regardless of the tumultuous personal histories that any of us have had with any number of other heavily contributing members of the community who've come and gone, it's generally always been in a context of us prioritizing that the things we've done while a part of the community here are the sort of thing that exists for everyone, despite where various majority efforts came from on any particular project. They're probably important to people online we've never met before and might never even talk to.

I actually ran into that sort of thing two years ago as this one particular site that had an absolutely IMMENSE database of Japanese Buddhist bonji script that I'd been referencing and researching on for several months just went offline suddenly one day, and literally the only snapshots of parts of it on the Wayback Machine are from when I was accessing it in 2021. I can only assume that it was one of those things that someone had tossed together years ago and largely forgotten about it, and then suddenly getting server costs thanks to someone in Sweden pouring over tons of pages all the time was just an expense that they couldn't cover. I'll probably never know for sure, nor will I have any way of getting back to any of that data which, insofar as I can tell, doesn't have another resource for that is even REMOTELY equivalent to what that site was.

(EDIT: I hadn't checked for it recently as I haven't been back researching down that particular rabbit hole since it went offline, but it looks like they relocated the page over to a new location in March of 2022 as it had to be suddenly migrated without warning in mid-2021).

It's why I take so many exhaustive notes and also write articles in the first place, because half the time, they're weird niche interests that I know only a few people will want to know about, but those people have a deep & genuine interest in that topic... and I'm often one of those people, so I always have a hard time imagining intentionally removing something like this, but especially after stumbling across this quote about life just a couple hours ago.

X :neo:
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To be clear, the content is still available on the TLS YouTube. This was discussed prior to him leaving, IIRC all creators are required to agree that something published under TLS essentially belongs to the community. We may have complied with one or two requests to remove a specific video here or there as a gesture of goodwill, but the majority of stuff should still be up.

FWIW this exact topic is one of the reasons having a single person in total control of the YouTube made people feel insecure. We were all too aware at the time that a temper tantrum could just nuke it all out of existence.


Shall I look into getting a copy of all the videos (RIP my hard drive) and making a hard backup / archive somewhere?

edit: Looks like the easiest way to get a copy of everything is by using Google Takeout; I've just triggered one for the youtube videos.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, given that in Rebirth, Chadley's thematic role of gathering data on creatures throughout the world is already pretty on-the-nose for FFX-2's Shinra, so some musical theme overlap seems like a rather appropriate nod to that distant connection. The REAL question is whether or not we see other stylistically Al Bhed / Spiran relics as Easter Eggs in Bone Village, aside from possibly getting a glimpse at the Shera which we already know has the most overt FFX & FFVII link between both games.

I was actually curious if FFXVI was going to end up making any sort of similar nods with its ancient airships crashed all over the world, but they seemed to remain fairly self-contained in terms of design reference.

X :neo:


Double Growth
Well, given that in Rebirth, Chadley's thematic role of gathering data on creatures throughout the world is already pretty on-the-nose for FFX-2's Shinra, so some musical theme overlap seems like a rather appropriate nod to that distant connection. The REAL question is whether or not we see other stylistically Al Bhed / Spiran relics as Easter Eggs in Bone Village, aside from possibly getting a glimpse at the Shera which we already know has the most overt FFX & FFVII link between both games.

I was actually curious if FFXVI was going to end up making any sort of similar nods with its ancient airships crashed all over the world, but they seemed to remain fairly self-contained in terms of design reference.

X :neo:
I have no objections to such things being easter eggs, but I wouldn't want them to lean into this super hard. But finding relics that reference X or other FFs is fine. Like the Errands in FF Tactics :)


Pro Adventurer
Me saying Chadley is Shinra was meant as a joke. It's a headcanon I have based on Hojo being able to do transfer his consciousness or whatever. Chadley is a robot after all.


I'm probably gonna go on media blackout but maybe I'll let you people taste test the trailer for me (should there be one at TGA tonight)
Someone ping me and tell me how spoilery it is in terms of new mystery Zack bullshit versus remade from original stuff and what stuff from the OG is in there (Vincent, Cid etc), please and thank you :flipmonster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's fucking happening. Holy shit.

We're covering some of the best parts of FFVII. I'm so fucking READY.

God, this needs to be the promotional poster and cover for the game. This.

This right fucking here.

This is fucking incredible. I'm feeling this artwork down to my bones.
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