Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]


The pre-order bonus is you get the limited edition for no extra charge.

Also remastered battle theme:

That remix is 60% awesome and 40% bad :(

Some sounds just don't mix well with the rest and my ears even feel uncomfortable listening to this remix. Am I the only one?

*sorry to be a downer*


I think the mistake they've made is showing the original without the sound effects then the re-release with the sound effects, so it's kind of hard to properly hear the difference between the tracks.

I've listened to it 3 times now and I can honestly say I think the second one is better. I was never a fan of this particular track to begin with, I just like that they've diminished the horrible horn sound quite a bit, so it's less mnyak mnyak MNYAK MNYAK MNYAK NYAK NYAK! And a bit more orchestral. God I fucking hate that instrument.

Try listening to it really loud with headphones, then it's a bit easier to make a decision. There are certain tracks I just really don't want them to fuck with, like "Silence Before the Storm".


The beginning of the new version sounds terrible. O_O

It gets better afterwards but good lord, change the intro.


AI Researcher
i still can't get over the font being different

also the 'paint brush stroke' effect used in the menus seems less prominent if it is still here at all and i miss that

i still suddenly want the hell out of it anyway :awesome:


The font looks very very fan-made. It's literally identical to the font used in the FFVII fan retexture:


Only somehow the FFVII version looks more professional, I'm really confused about that tbh.


Double Growth
The little bouncing damage numbers are kinda nice :P I still wanna see what, if anything, they did to the sphere grid.

Also a freaking release date!


Double Growth
I imagine it will be like that remaster of FF7's OST someone did. Some tracks sound better, others sound worse. In FF7's case, it's from a lack of oomph (weaker drums in Cosmo Canyon, less "shred" in the guitar opening of the boss theme, etc. etc.), not sure why that is, but I'll see if this is the same.
The new battle sounds fine, you're right that the opening is iffy.

Things look great though, things that particularly caught my eye was the sky during Valefor's summon animation, and the little travel tent right before the battle.


I think if they were just less heavy on the guitar sounds in the intro it wouldn't sound so "noisy", because I think that's what my main problem with the intro is. It's not quite the level of baseless that FinalFantim's Remastered OST is though, I seriously had problems listening to that when I transplanted it into my PC version. It just completely lost all the bass. Fair play to the dude, he added a lot to the instruments and stuff but the whole thing sounds like it's playing out of my phone (UTILISE THE SUBWOOFER).

Diminished MNYAK MNYAK ftw though, I prefer the new battle theme overall.


Double Growth
Agreed on the Fantim remaster.

I'm only vaguely aware of what you mean by "MNYAK," but I dunno, I always liked this song. It was good to whistle along with while playing.


It's the predominant horn noise in the song, it sounds... almost 80's porny/ cheesy. The battle tune is catchy, I just hated the OTT sound of that damn horn. I think my dislike of it comes from areas in the game like Gagazet where you can't breathe without being MNYAK'd in the face every microsecond. In certain areas it pissed me off because the music was so beautiful then my screen would shatter for MNYAK MNY MNYAK MNY MNYAK MNYAK MNAAAAAAAAAAK and it kind of drove me nuts. It just sounds a bit lame so prominent in the music.

Monster hunting, you understand :monster:

EDIT: Predominant super-pronounced horn noise may also be why I was never a huge fan of VI's battle theme either, but I think I forgive VI a little more because it's still very impressive/catchy music for a 16-bit console.


*gets popcorn*

EDIT: I've come to the conclusion they made the original FMV's in Widescreen, there's no other explanation for them looking so awesome 0_0

EDIT: They're actually cropped/ zoomed in, Tets compared. There's a VERTICAL LOSS. ;-;
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Higher Further Faster

Aww no sound. :sadpands:

But did it drive anyone else nuts how they kept using potions when fighting Sinspawn Ammes? I was like, "IT CAN'T KILL YOU WITH DEMI. THIS FIGHT WOULD BE OVER BY NOW. JUST STOP." lol :P

The pre-order bonus is you get the limited edition for no extra charge.

Also remastered battle theme:

It's like...

clusterfuck, then...

the melody can't seem to keep up with the tempo...

idk :/

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I feel like I should feel ashamed for not having seen anything out of the HD Remaster that has impressed me so far. I do want the new audio tale and the bonuses from X-2 International+Last Mission, but that's about it.


Double Growth
What were you looking for/did you have in mind?

I think they're putting a lot more effort into this than most companies releasing HD re-releases *cough*capcom*cough*


Higher Further Faster
SE is putting way more effort into this than I ever thought that they would, so I'm game.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm not sure what I was expecting. They've definitely put an unexpected and notable degree of effort into all this. I guess I'm still put off by things like the brighter, cleaner aesthetic and the changes to Auron and Yuna's models. I still don't get why "now in HD" is supposed to mean "now brighter and with less grit -- even though dark and dreary is characteristic of the original setting!" It just doesn't feel so much like FFX to me when I look at it, I guess.

Kudos on Lulu's new boobs, though.


^I understand what you mean. I preferred Tidus's original hair colour, and now his face really creeps me out :D.

The rest of it is fine though. I'm excited by what I've seen (and heard) at this point. I am seriously expecting certain songs to be ruined though. The likes of "Silence Before the Storm" I actually listen to regularly, so I might explode when I hear the new version (if they re-do that one).


Apparently, people at PAX are being told by S-E representatives that the remaster is unlikely to release this year.
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