Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]


That's what I'm guessing. :P

In the end, the PS3 version still has four times the resolution so it should be a noticeable difference unless they only upscaled the textures from the PS2 version (which we know they didn't, dem beautiful KH and FFX remasters <3)


The Pixie King
It really shocks me how bad some of the voice acting is. Who signed off on Yuna's line delivery in this clip?


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
What did you find off about it? I'm more concerned with Yuna's soulless eyes in that video. Remind me of this plush toy I got of Happy Feet from Build-A-Bear.



There have always been awkward voice acting moments in X. X's voice acting is as smooth as VII's 3 dimensional movement, and for exactly the same reason: firt attempt.

Anyway this dude has the first 2 hours or so of the Vita version - its obviously exactly the same but I watched all the videos from that other playthrough linked above as they were being released so it's good to have someone elses vids for a change :monster:



So from this video Tets shared in the other "sketches" thread:

I gave in and finally listened to this:

Video Description said:
What happens when you take a PS3 with custom firmware, backup FFX|X2 HD Remaster onto the internal HDD, and move a few files from one folder to another? You get the English version! Or at least as close to the official English version as possible!!

This "hack" method basically changes the text, menus, and subtitles into English. It also changes the button layout to that of an English console (the X button becomes confirm; whereas it was cancel in the Japanese version). What this all means is Square Enix already has the English version on the disc...

Why delay it until March then? Unsure. But the English audio dub is not on the disc. So basically this is like a perfect undub ;D



Pro Adventurer
So from this video Tets shared in the other "sketches" thread:


Perfect undub, you say? Well that removes one reason to get the US release for me.

I feel with the storage capacity, and DLC frequency, a secondary audio track should be common place these days...


The Pixie King
You probably could actually do an audio file swapout. Though I think the changed some of the timing. Ive had to add pauses within alot of the clips to get some of the lipsyncing. Im not sure if they bothered in the western release.


Didn't they say a while ago that dual audio would be available via DLC? Or am I remembering that for Lightning Returns? I do not recall.

Anyway there was something else I wanted to post yesterday but I didn't want to triple post, and now I can't remember what it was :(

EDIT: Ah yes, from this article, the vita swipe menu that you can open up on the field gives you options to heal your party (the first option is using magic, the second option is healing items):


And also in battle, here it lets you change between long or short summon animations :


Also, they've optimised the text in the vita version in battles so it's not super tiny.


Pro Adventurer
EDIT: Ah yes, from this article, the vita swipe menu that you can open up on the field gives you options to heal your party (the first option is using magic, the second option is healing items)
If that works in a sensible way (e.g. item-efficient or MP-efficient), that's a great addition. Of course, I'd still be opening the menu a lot to access the Sphere Grid, but maybe not quite as much as before. More games should have such a feature!


Again, from the article:
1. Healing magic: The game attempts to heal everyone whilst trying to keep from wasting MP.

2. Items: the game prioritises using low quality healing items (potions over hi-potions for example).

After you tap the icon you get a text box in the middle of the screen saying who did the healing (and the MP cost to them) or the items used.


Did you really think SE did it themselves? I don't think a single company has ever handled their own HD remaster, that'd be a waste of manpower. With a HD remaster the content is already there, it simply just needs to be upscaled or some textures re-outlined at a higher resolution then it all needs to be made to function the exact same way it did.

If SE had put their own people on this, it would have been a waste of their time to create/ code new stuff.

Silly Flint.
FFX is the only game I have heard of where the HD remaster was outsourced. With other games, I simply haven't heard a word about who did or didn't do what with HD versions. =/


The Pixie King
You can notice every so often when a character walks into frame, its a bit weird. Because they switched from 4:3 to 16:9, they had to move characters further out of frame before they walk in.
Watch Lulu at around 14.50


It's very uncommon for a company to handle its own ports. In fact, the only port I know of that was handled by the company who originally developed it is the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMix collection.


FFVII PC : Eidos
Mass Effect for PS3: Edge of Reality
Dragon Age for PS3: Edge of Reality
The Sims 3 (PS3): Edge of Reality

etc etc.

It's not like upscaling a game to HD is a particularly taxing task, its just time consuming. It's all repetitive sutff: extract file, decompress texture, increase size (probably using fractals), blah. In all likelihood, they had a batch process set up to carry this out on every texture in the game at the click of a button, then just had a person go through it and see what ones needed to be redrawn afterward.

The only input needed from SE would have been if something had to be redesigned: i.e. the menus or Tidus. Remember how his hair lacked colour before? SE probably looked at it and went "that's not right, fix it, make it closer to the original" and so they shuffled off and did it. That's pretty much how porting works, except we know in this case SE actually had an involvement, whereas normally what happens is the publisher (which is not always the original developer, see Bioware (published by EA, decisions like this are not theirs)) just throws money at a random developer who's known for doing ports and tells them to get it done, throwing them a copy of the game and if they're lucky, some development stuff.


It's not like upscaling a game to HD is a particularly taxing task, its just time consuming. It's all repetitive sutff: extract file, decompress texture, increase size (probably using fractals), blah. In all likelihood, they had a batch process set up to carry this out on every texture in the game at the click of a button, then just had a person go through it and see what ones needed to be redrawn afterward.

Porting's actually not that easy when you port to completely different engines/hardware etc.

Zone of the Enders 2 is a beautiful example of how simply porting a game from PS2 to PS3 without giving it much thought makes the game run *worse*.

Ultimately, Konami outsourced ZOE2 a second time for a patch and Hexadrive managed to make this game as fast and smooth as it should be *and* increased the overall resolution on top of that.


Yeah well obviously there's some difficult coding involved in porting to another system, but that's not usually something that the parent company has to handle. The companies that do the actual porting often have experience in doing it, which is part of the reason they get outsourced I'd imagine.

Yuri Lowell

Pro Adventurer
FFX was the game of my childhood and I think the remastered battle theme isn't as half assed as people are calling it. If the whole soundtrack is getting this treatment I'm going to be happy.

I'll enjoy Hamauzu's personal rearrangement of my favourite song in the meantime! You should too.

great, now i'm tempted to start zoe hd in addition to this one

Bahram battleship, only the best.
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