I'll do you one better... and give you this crappy picture from my cell phone!
It's in Rithil's Protectives in Bhujerba. Obviously we have a suit of Vossler's armor right there, but what interested me more were the seemingly feminine suits right beside it. Whenever you get time, no rush, but a couple of screenshots of those suits from a few different angles would be super awesome!
So I finally got this done. Sorry it's taken ages.
Link to folder
I took a few shots from around the shop. As with stuff in other shops, the same things show up in several places. Like the armour hanging on the wall to the right on your pic is the same standing a bit down beneath it (on of the last images iirc.) I don't think the smaller armour is female - although it could be, of course - it could be worth revisiting the first scenes with Reks et co, I have a feeling we might see the same armour worn. If not in that scene, then maybe in some other flashback.
Worth noting about the 'female' armour though, is that it shows up in two different sizes in one of the cabinets with glass doors. Never saw that before. I assume one is for a Hume and the other is for a Seeq. Pretty cool. (There's a
painting in one of the Ultimanias showing a Seeq, a Viera and a Hume wearing the same armour, so that's why I have a strong hunch about this.)
(I might edit this post with smaller caps later, I just need to finish up all 9 pictures then do the rest of the editing on my laptop because sofa = proper arm restage and I'm having some elbow issues at the moment.)