Final Fantasy XIII-2


Ok, caving and downloading the demo, though I'm really not sure when I'm going to get the chance to check it out - - - maybe tomorrow afternoon, if I'm a good girl and finish my chores I can get myself to look past all the other things I should probably do first...

Celes Chere

ohh for a minute I thought you meant you played the whole game three times, LOL. I was like dats a short game.

When are you planning to get it, Sami?


Double Growth
And your internet continues to suck :(

I just finished it. From the moment this game was announced I have been entirely nonplussed about it, but I saw good signs in that demo. The whole pokemon thing could actually wind up giving you some freedom and customization. Or it won't add anything more than having a third character with all the paradigm roles unlocked would add, tough to say, but it was promising.

There's also definitely more variety, I liked the little teaser puzzle, those could be fun. I saw plenty of mini-games in the end-of-demo montage, but considering I haven't REALLY had a fun with a minigame since FF7, I withhold judgement.

The ability to visit the same area in a variety different time periods sounds cool - or maybe that's just cause I'm currently playing Sonic CD :) But it does give them an opportunity to actually SHOW some history of the world rather than stuff it in the datalog. And as I've said before, XIII's story execution was lacking, but I still think it's a really cool world.

Anyway, yeah, again, color me intrigued. With all my other games I still don't know if this is a day one purchase, but I'm thinking I'll pick it up.


Higher Further Faster
And your internet continues to suck :(

Yeah, well I guess I should count myself lucky that I even have the option of something other than dial up. There are people not that far away from me who can't have anything better. :P

At one point it jumped to 265, but now it's at 188, so... I don't know maybe it won't take that long.

I just want to see Lightning be a badass. :(


When I turned my system off last night, I was only at 27% downloaded, so I'll probably turn it on before I go to work today, if I'd like any chance to play it this afternoon :P I really wish things would download when you're playing PS3 games, but as it was, I was playing AC2 last night, which halted the download for awhile. I'm eager to compare notes on the demo with those of you who have played it :)


Pro Adventurer
The demo was fun, I went through it pretty quickly and may play it again.
I enjoyed bantering with all the NPCs and the Moogle is adorable. Of course the environment is more engaging but I guess these are improvements that have already been discussed before. Serah and Noel seem make a good team and again and it seems like she's really trying to come into her own. There is much fun to be had collecting the monsters as well.
Admittedly I took 3 attempts to defeat Altas, I mean lol at people declaring that the game is too easy. I guess it depends on gamer experience and skill level and I'm not really all that. I found XIII very hard in comparison to previous installments as well.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
My first complaint about the demo: It's so dark!!!

Seriously! Why do they have to make it soooooooo dark?!

Either that or my eyes are that bad! :doh:>_>

But the game looks fun! I too like being able to talk to people.

And overhear others discussions. :awesome:


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
76% downloaded, almost there!

Can't wait to try it out :monster:


wangxian married
....the demo downloaded in like 10 minutes for me .....@_@

although i saw the streams i didn't really pay close attention to the battle mechanics, but the fact that you can customize the paradigms to different battle tactics now is pretty awesome

alyssa is annoying as fuck jesus every five seconds she has something random to say

also i like that i can jump whenever i want now i jump more than i walk

Celes Chere

I'm downloading it tonight. Can't wait to have Noel on the big screen hnnnng just thinking about it gets me - okay im stopping now


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
So I literally JUST finished the demo.

I thought it was great overall. The world is much more dinamic and it feels so alive, I love how you can actually talk to random people down the road and how you can hear conversations when you walk next to a group of people. The social system is always a big part of every RPG, so I'm glad it's back.

I also like the fact that you can accept secondary quests from people instead of just l'Cie, and not all of them are about killing a certain monster. My only complain about the demo is that it's too dark, I would have liked a more colourful environment like Sunleth Waterscape, but whatever.

The battle system hasn't changed that much, but it's changed enough to make it WAY better than XIII's. I LOVE that you can finally change leaders during battle in case the character you're playing as dies. The monster system seems nice too, but I haven't been experimenting much with it.

The voice acting is flawless and Serah is forever my bias.

So... Yeah. I'm probably going to play it a lot until the game comes out, although now I just wish I had the whole game even more ;w;


wangxian married
i also like the nice touch that the NPCs will react to some of the weird shit you do. case in point: when i used mog to screw with time so i could get an item, i turned around and a crowd had gathered just generally freaking the fuck out about what just happened.

also i like that the monsters have their own crystarium system - it makes the monster aspect feel less tacked on.


Just finished the demo - it took me two times to defeat Atlas. The first time I tried, I had no freaking clue what was going on with my HP, then something clicked - ahhh, wounds! So I had a much easier bout with him the next time.
I like the battle system, especially the immediacy of the paradigm shifts. Very handy. However, I'm still not sold on this whole monster thing. What I'm afraid of, for myself, is that I'm going to get overwhelmed by how freaking many there are and not figure out who would be the best to focus on leveling up and such. I feel like I'll need the guide to best utilize them, and for something that is such a huge part of game play, I feel it should be a little more intuitive than that. I know that leveling up the weapons in XIII is probably a comparable experience, but I admit that I used the guide for that, and the options weren't so plentiful, really.
The crystarium... :huh: Let's just say I'm a little confused. I'm sure I'll figure it out once I'm able to play around with it from the beginning, but tbh I just kind of randomly picked things to upgrade :P I must say, though, I do kind of like the monster crystarium. It seems like there was actually thought put into it, such as the way different components work for different monsters. Still, I will need to really figure it out before I'm able to utilize it very well.
I'm afraid that I might get annoyed with Mog...sorry for all of you who might be squeeing about how kawaii Mog is or whatever, I really mean no offense :P
Also - LOVE that the party leader switches when your current leader dies.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I have a feeling that with the monster system, everyone will probably have like 5 favorites that they use almost all the time, and barely use the others. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but I just could see myself doing that.

I downloaded the demo yesterday (which only took 10-15 mins btw), but I didn't get a chance to play. :c So Imma play when I get home :3


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
My only complain about the demo is that it's too dark, I would have liked a more colourful environment like Sunleth Waterscape, but whatever.

Alone. I am so alone. I said this. :sigh:

True though, it is way too dark in some areas.
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