Final Fantasy XIII-2


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
Yes, FFX's save points were really well distributed. They were always there exactly when you needed them.

But then again you can manually save anywhere in this game right? I'm okay with that, even though the thought of an RPG with automatic saves is still weird.


AI Researcher
Yeah, in the full game you can save wherever (for the most part). Either that or return to the Historia Crux, which saves where you were in the level for when you return. Or you can manually save from the pause menu or Historia Crux.

Celes Chere

Because I didn't mean with just Final Fantasies, but with most recent games lately. Automatic saves have been a big thing lately.

God Force why do you have to tear down everything I say >:C roodface

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
What gets me is this saying espoused in the game that if you change the future, the past will change. I just don't see the logic in that statement. Now, if you changed the past, that would affect the future, yes. The other way around? I don't see it.

It makes sense when you think about it like this: if the existing past is dependent on events that are going to happen in the future, then changing the future before those events can determine the existing past will change that existing past.

Of course, that gets us into all kinds of paradoxical nonsense that's really unscientific.


Higher Further Faster
I suppose...

I mean...I do get kind of excited when I play FFXIII and come across a save point sometimes...

I'm all like...they use Macs on Cocoon... :awesome:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
XIII's save points just felt friggin' weird. Looked out of place, and didn't really make a whole hell of a lot of sense in the world presentation. I'll grant you, VII and VIII's didn't either when you really stop to think about it, but after IX and X's clever integration, they needed to at least feel like they belonged there.

XII's were still kind of weird, but at least they kind of fit the aesthetic of the random crystals in that world; and Crisis Core could have gotten away with damn near anything since it was a PSP game, but they at least put the SOLDIER logo on it (North American version anyway), so we could maybe think of it as Zack reporting in or something.

XIII's are just ugly, as random as Dirge of Cerberus's jukeboxes, and honestly scared the shit out of me the first time I saw one unfold. My reception to them wasn't helped by the realization that they were supposed to pass for shops in what was ostensibly the first "next gen" FF.


unsavory tart
They worked in Cocoon but not necessarily Grand Pulse. I heard that if you look up the script when you look at a save point, it is suppose to hint that Dysley is the one that set them all up, as a way of aiding and making sure the l'cie make it to wherever they need to go.

Can't find the source of it anywhere, but if that's true... that's kinda cool seeing as much as XIII was about trying to find their own freedom, Dysley still planned their move every step of the way.


Double Growth
Elena Fisher said:
Because they just...weren't the same...

FFX's were pretty, and sparkly...

FFXIII's looked like I was staring at my laptops screen.

You're really weird. It's a freakin save point. I mean if you were willing to accept whatever the hell
is, are you really gonna give another save point shit?


Great Old One
I always saw it as a twirling question mark, which made no sense and just confused the hell out of me... (that doesn't take much though)


Higher Further Faster
You're really weird. It's a freakin save point. I mean if you were willing to accept whatever the hell
is, are you really gonna give another save point shit?


A lot of things were weird in that game

I mean

The people were all made of Legos

And Legos are awesome, so...
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