Final Fantasy XIII-2


Great Old One
...this is really embarrassing, but when I went to Serendipity, I had no idea where I was supposed to go to buy coins, so after poking around for about 15 minutes trying to figure it out, I just kinda left...

I ended up looking it up :P

I did like 4 races, lost all of them (did earn a little on one of them though) and then went someplace else. Slot machines: Giant waste of time. Overall I'm disappointed in Serendipity (they should have put in card games alla Red Dead Redemption in there, games where you actually participate), but the Paradox Rift anomalies are great.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I just found out about Fragment Skills today... My life.

I've been using the improved jump way too much for my own good.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Square Enix made a deal with Ubisoft to add an Assassin’s Creed costume to Final Fantasy XIII-2 for the time-traveling hero Noel Kriess. Players will be able to dress Noel up in a costume based on Ezio Auditore in the future.

Mass Effect will have a similar collaboration, a source tells Siliconera, with a specially designed Mass Effect costume made for Final Fantasy XIII-2. Square and Electronic Arts working together? Don’t look so surprised, remember Square Electronic Arts LLC?

We’ll add this to the growing Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC wardrobe, which also includes an AKB-48 designed outfit, Beachwear for Serah, and Spacetime Guardian armor for Noel.


Never played ME but I am okay with this.

OMIGODOMIGODOMIGOD YES!!!! Life is now complete!


unsavory tart
I'd love to run around killing things in n7 armor in XIII-2.

Hm. How would this work? Serah as Tali. Noel as Garrus. Hope as Thane. Lightning as Samara/Liara. Fang as Miranda. Sazh as Anderson. Aaaa I don't know...

Snow as Grunt. Yes.
Lightning in Liara's just to confuse Ali Hillis.
I'm not even a Liara fan but I am okay with this on so many levels.

EDIT: Oh god my post made me think of Tali/Grunt Noooo did not want that mental image.


wangxian married
So FF13-2 worth getting? I keep getting conflicting reports...

It is imo. I'm a big unapologetic XIII fangirl but I'm fully aware of all the things it lacked -- but XIII-2 is just a flat out good game. I've clocked 50 hours -- which is actually slightly more than my main Skyrim character -- so that's saying a lot. The time travel mechanic is fun, the gameplay is tight, the locations are really vast and stunning, and the main characters are solid. Also can I just say I'm happy about all the DLC, even if a lot is frivolous costume stuff since we got jack shit for XIII.

The biggest complaint you'll hear is about the ending, but if you go into it with the knowledge that this is only the second half of a three parter, I think it softens the blow. Or maybe not. Personally I feel like you get well worth your money for upwards of 50 hours of fun game time (I've still not even completed everything, holy crap).


unsavory tart
So FF13-2 worth getting? I keep getting conflicting reports...
I'm a XIII fan so take my words with a grain of salt but... I liked it.

This game is tons of fun imo. I mean, I liked XIII but there were times it dragged. This game can get a little stupid, but it's stupid fun- I enjoyed it every minute. Even my brother who I had to bug to finish XIII and he "mehhhh'd" throughout the entire game- really liked playing XIII-2.

If you had issues with the actual combat then you'd have issues with XIII-2. But it's still a good experience, so I'd at least wait for a price drop then a buy. The biggest issue is of course, the issue of dlc and how XIII-2 is pushing it- a lot of people are simple morally opposed to the concept (I'm weird, I kind of see it as an inevitability in gaming and never felt offended by it). Then again, if that bothers you, I advise you to wait awhile, let the price of the actual game drop, and maybe grab a bundled XIII-2 if it ever comes out (like how Gamestop sells Borderlands+dlc in their game). Because I think it would be a shame to completely pass over the game.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
Square Enix made a deal with Ubisoft to add an Assassin’s Creed costume to Final Fantasy XIII-2 for the time-traveling hero Noel Kriess. Players will be able to dress Noel up in a costume based on Ezio Auditore in the future.

Mass Effect will have a similar collaboration, a source tells Siliconera, with a specially designed Mass Effect costume made for Final Fantasy XIII-2. Square and Electronic Arts working together? Don’t look so surprised, remember Square Electronic Arts LLC?

We’ll add this to the growing Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC wardrobe, which also includes an AKB-48 designed outfit, Beachwear for Serah, and Spacetime Guardian armor for Noel.


Never played ME but I am okay with this.
Never played ME either but yay. I love the futuristic theme of it so I shall definitely wear the costume in certain levels such as Augusta Tower just for the feel of it :awesome:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
So FF13-2 worth getting? I keep getting conflicting reports...

Keep in mind I didn't care ovelry much for XIII. Story and characters were fine, but all the other problems it had made it just a mediocre game.

That said, XIII-2 is worth every goddamn penny I spent on it. The two leads are both solid and well developed, the villian is equally fleshed out and comes across as a real threat.

The combat and music are both great, and being able to visit the same locations in different eras is very nteresting.

The only problem is the ending. Now I wa skinda spoiled on the ending before starting, so I wasn't really bothered by it. As long as you view this as the middle part of a trilogy, the ending shouldn't be a problem.

Its not perfect though. Things can get mildly confusing sometimes.

Overall its not one of FFs best. Its not like VII or IX. But its still a good game in its own right and deserves to be played.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
So this Historia Crux song. Apparently she's saying "Time and Space", but I really thought she was saying "Light and Sex".


Great Old One
I really like that song.

I beat Paradox Scope Caius in The Void Beyond. It was uuuggghhh. I used Prince Lex's method with wounding him to death. Took be about 20 minutes, so it was worth it. I felt kinda lame though.

One more battle to go.


I really like that song.

I beat Paradox Scope Caius in The Void Beyond. It was uuuggghhh. I used Prince Lex's method with wounding him to death. Took be about 20 minutes, so it was worth it. I felt kinda lame though.

One more battle to go.

Samerz, on both counts.

there must be a better method to killing him. I was maxed out with the Odin weapons and good accessories and he kicked my ass about 6 times in a row before I decided to have a sentinel present at all times.

The annoying thing is, he goes down really quickly if you can spend any amount of time in COM/RAV or RAV/COM, but he almost always kills you. It's horrific. There MUST BE A WAY TO GET 5 STARS IN THIS BATTLE.

The other annoying thing is that he heals himself really fast, and the first time you reduce his HP to 0 he then COMPLETELY heals himself. The wound thing takes care of this I suppose, but it still takes forever.

It took me that long too. It feels cheap but it's really the only way I could get rid of him for sure. Otherwise the time you spend debuffing his statuses and buffing yourself, and recovering from attacks just gives his health bar time to completely heal. And if you go on the offensive he'll just debuff you and kill you.

Horrible fight. Glad it's over.


Great Old One
Samerz, on both counts.

there must be a better method to killing him. I was maxed out with the Odin weapons and good accessories and he kicked my ass about 6 times in a row before I decided to have a sentinel present at all times.

The annoying thing is, he goes down really quickly if you can spend any amount of time in COM/RAV or RAV/COM, but he almost always kills you. It's horrific. There MUST BE A WAY TO GET 5 STARS IN THIS BATTLE.

The other annoying thing is that he heals himself really fast, and the first time you reduce his HP to 0 he then COMPLETELY heals himself. The wound thing takes care of this I suppose, but it still takes forever.

It took me that long too. It feels cheap but it's really the only way I could get rid of him for sure. Otherwise the time you spend debuffing his statuses and buffing yourself, and recovering from attacks just gives his health bar time to completely heal. And if you go on the offensive he'll just debuff you and kill you.

Horrible fight. Glad it's over.

I know. It was hate.

I think key points are:

- Fast weapons with ATB plus. Speed is of the essence
- Poison and Deshell.
- To keep attacking. It's like you don't even have time to get into SEN mode (which means you have to have shitloads of HP).
- A strong, magic based COM, since Serah is a better RAV anyway.
- Grimore Hat (sp?) and potions is probably better than fumbling with a medic or two.

I'm now about to face Caius for the last time with Noel solo and I hope it goes a bit better this time.


unsavory tart
- Grimore Hat
I always used Grimore Hat in this game. Not only because it made libra'ing easier for the bestiary fragment but I actually used a lot of potions in this game. Durable grimore hat made it so I used potions more than I used a healer.
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