Final Fantasy XIII-2


I always used Grimore Hat in this game. Not only because it made libra'ing easier for the bestiary fragment but I actually used a lot of potions in this game. Durable grimore hat made it so I used potions more than I used a healer.

You do know you don't need to use Libra on them, right? They just have to appear in your bestiary. You don't need them to be ticked ^_^

the fight with Noel is much MUCH easier. He went down in a very short time for me. You don't actually get to set the paradigms before it, so you don't have much choice but to build the chain and hack away.

Using the Grimoire Hat and potions is much easier and more efficient than having a medic though.

This discussion brings me to a point that really pisses me off about this game. Why can't I fucking use haste? None of the synergists in the game have it and the characters can't learn it.

The only way to get it is a pre-emptive strike >_>


Great Old One
You do know you don't need to use Libra on them, right? They just have to appear in your bestiary. You don't need them to be ticked ^_^
Thanks for that info. I imagined having to buy Librascopes for 3000 cold goins each. No thanks.

the fight with Noel is much MUCH easier. He went down in a very short time for me. You don't actually get to set the paradigms before it, so you don't have much choice but to build the chain and hack away.
It was SO much easier this time around. It was almost stupid how much easier it was. Chop chop chop he dead.

This discussion brings me to a point that really pisses me off about this game. Why can't I fucking use haste? None of the synergists in the game have it and the characters can't learn it.

The only way to get it is a pre-emptive strike >_>
Haste is an old classic and I was constantly looking for it. I do believe you can get it from infusing beasts, or at least you can get passive abilities or something that is even better than haste.


I don't know that you can get the actual ability though. I think the best you can get from infusion is Critical: Haste and I believe you can get that from accessories aswell.

Auto haste in an accessory is a tiny bit redundant since you can start most battles in auto haste by getting "GREAT" with Mog Clock.

I just miss my haste. Mainly Hastega. I want it back!


Woah woah woah, I didn't realize that none of the synergists have haste (I only just unlocked the synergist role for Noel, I was really hoping that would be an ability he'd learn since Serah didn't have it...). This is kind of disappointing. I hope Fangu is right, at least. I think I'll be looking that up in a guide or something later. Hmm.


unsavory tart
You do know you don't need to use Libra on them, right? They just have to appear in your bestiary. You don't need them to be ticked ^_^

This discussion brings me to a point that really pisses me off about this game. Why can't I fucking use haste? None of the synergists in the game have it and the characters can't learn it.
Oh man I hated this. And in general, I felt like I never needed the synergist role. I guess they wanted you to rely on the preemtive strike more, but still.

You can get autohaste for some of your monsters, but other than that, the only way to get it is an accessory. I think with the durable hermes shoes, can't recall at the top of my head. That and some of the ATB weapons are fast as hell.



Noel is a far better Synergist early on than Serah, but no, neither of them have Haste unfortunately :(


Huh, now that I think of it I messed that up. It should have been the other way around: I just unlocked the synergist role for Serah. Doesn't change the outcome, just wanted to point out my error now that I've realized it.

There have only been a couple of battles that I've fought so far where I have used the synergist/sabatour roles. Also, in most cases, I've been able to easily get preemptive strikes. In fact, it's super annoying now when I don't because I'm so used to having haste that starting out without it seems mindnumbingly slow.


Hahaha no I meant X and XII.

I really think it should have been included in XIII though. In the end Fang was the most awesome synergist - Bravera, Faithra, Shellra, Protectga and Haste.

Now I need a Yakshini AND Noel to do those things. Minus haste. Not a happy bunny.


It's available in the shops once you have the normal Grimoire Hat. Can't remember what components you need.

Also, is it right that you're only supposed to be able to get one collector catalogue from the chocobo races? Because I have like 7 from spamming the Dahaka Stakes race for casino coins.


unsavory tart
Where do you get that one? Is it in the shops? Cause I don't think I've seen it yet ;_; and I really want it. I've had the other one equipped on Serah the entire game lol
I think with all the durable/delicate accessories, you've got to buy/synthesize them at the shops. I don't know if selection is different between locations though.

In the end Fang was the most awesome synergist - Bravera, Faithra, Shellra, Protectga and Haste.
Fang is pretty much one of the best at everything. IMO, she's the most useful character in XIII, sans Vanille's death trick.


AI Researcher
I always used Grimore Hat in this game. Not only because it made libra'ing easier for the bestiary fragment but I actually used a lot of potions in this game. Durable grimore hat made it so I used potions more than I used a healer.
This all the way. After not using them much in FFXIII, I was using them all the time here.


I always used Grimore Hat in this game. Not only because it made libra'ing easier for the bestiary fragment but I actually used a lot of potions in this game. Durable grimore hat made it so I used potions more than I used a healer.

So far there has only been one boss fight that I used the Grimore Hat/potions for healing (in addition to a medic), and it really saved my ass. I haven't done any accessory upgrading/buying whatever through Chocolina, as I didn't really "get" that I had to do it through her/cba to take the time to go through everything, especially when I need to find X/Y/Z component...

Think I'm gonna pick up the strategy guide today. I'm a little stuck at the moment. Again.

Also, Chocobo races? Yeah, I tried that a couple of times, failed miserably, and decided I didn't like it so much...also wasted a bunch of coins at the slot machines to no end. Personally, I could have done without Serendipity in this game...nobody hit me! :P


The chocobo races can be a pain, but as long as you
have a maxed out silver chocobo and infuse it with a cactuar for critical:haste, a level 1 pulse gladiator for faster blue streak and a level 24 microchu for the health abilities (never falls below "good" condition)
you can never lose a race!

Especially the 600m ones ^_^


unsavory tart
Some of the battles in the final level you can only get again if you rewind time in the Historia Crux. Like the proto-behmoth or those... turtle-plant guys (smaller versions of the one you ride on Sunleth Waterscape). And at least one of them won't appear if you fought a different version of the same monster (which one you get is randomly generated).

So if you need to get the monsters there chances are you've got to start from the beginning.


unsavory tart
Noooo why ;_;
Thanks for telling me though, I wouldn't have known otherwise.
The weird thing is when I took the red teleport to the beginning and started working my way around, I could get into battles with the other monsters. Just not these guys D:
I understand the feeling, I wasted like, and hour or two running around trying to get the battles I need before I figured it out. It's a weird design choice because half of the enemies you can fight normally and half you can only fight if you redo the story. Luckily the ones you need to redo the story are always in the same place.

The most frustrating enemy is the one that randomizes whether you get type A of the enemy or type B, because it's ALL the way towards the end of the level and you're never sure which one will pop up until you're there- and I'm pretty sure saving and reloading right before he materializes doesn't change anything. By the time I finished my list I could have probably navigated the level blindfolded >__>

Your sig makes me feel like I'm being zerg rushed by Serah's boobs.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
That's the guy you're probably looking for. I spent about two hours in Academia before I thought to close the gate *sobs*

But once you enter the closed gate Academia and reach the point where he spawns, you just have to go to the platform where he's supposed to spawn. If the twosome show up instead, just jump back onto the stairs you arrived from, let them despawn and return again. Just keep following that method and he'll eventually pop up. Just don't kill the twosome. Or you get to do the trek again D:!


wangxian married
i killed all three giant cactuars in the steppe and still no one will talk to me so i killed the dumb turtle twice in a rage

deep sigh

back to BRAIN BLAST until i can figure this out

is odin even worth leveling as a com? my gold chocobo is really powerful and aside from the coolness factor of having fucking ODIN in your party is he worth leveling or should i just have the chocobo infuse him?


unsavory tart
Are you trying to unlock the chocobos and other marks?

Did you get all the red cactaurs? This took me awhile until I realized that I went to a video guide and found out I was missing a teleportation cactaur.

I heard Odin wasn't worth it, though I haven't tried him out myself. I put some points into him but his stats are still meh- if he gets good it's not until much much later. And no one even touches my pichuu- he's a freaking bamf com.

I'll eventually level him up because it's freaking Odin and having him and Lightning in my rotation would be good nostalgia.


Great Old One
I'm at my mums until Monday and I didn't bother to take the entire PS3 with me (though bf suggested to do it). I know miss the game terribly, lol. I have that song that plays in A Dying World on my head. It's so pretty. Oh, I just looked it up - it's actually Noel's Theme (Last Journey). Oh my, so pretty <3
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