Final Fantasy XIII-2

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
dont let the aussie voice fool u idiots, vanille is quite cute also!

infact all the ffxiii girls are hot someho


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
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I LOL @ u all. It's a good thing you guys are a minority :monster:
I'm pretty sure she's like the worst FF character ever created. I dunno. I can't remember anyone as annoying.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Well... she wasn't a bad character. Definitely not the worst :/ But she was annoying, imo.


The fact that you have to play whol sections with her with no option of swapping her out pribably foregrounds her shitty character more. I wouldn't mind if she was was just a minor character.

See, I quite liked the whole split up the party thing 13 did. But that shit only works if you got decent characters that you'd want to follow.


Double Growth
I like Sazh and Lightning. And...not really anyone else. Fang's fine, she has her moments (and gets bonus points for being...nominally, a dragoon). The other three were just annoying.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Vanille came out as annoying thanks to the voice direction. Having a voice such as Georgia's, who thought it was a good idea to force it into a high-pitched squeal? I think it would have sounded better if they had left her speak normally.


Double Growth
Her "narration voice" was lower and closer to speaking normally. I guess the direction was all part of that she's-pretending-to-be-chipper-because-


wangxian married
Her "narration voice" was lower and closer to speaking normally. I guess the direction was all part of that she's-pretending-to-be-chipper-because-

That's what I figured, too. Her narration voice was perfectly fine.


The thing that annoyed me about Vanille is the constant internal guilt and angst rant. "If only they knew!" over and over again.

Her character concept is good enough, so she might just be a victim of poor writing.


Her narration voice was equally shitty. If it had been normal, it would have been a far more subtle hint to to her "darker" nature. They could have just done that instead of trying to hammer home in every single scene, in such a ridiculously heavy handed manner, that this girl runs and hides from her problems. FFS.
Instead they went over the top with everything.

Her character concept is good enough
That's the problem, though. Vanille is the character with the big sobstory that never translates on screen. I don't give a shit about her history if the effect and how its shaped her as a character never makes it on screen. Or if it's done so badly I want to kill myself every time she speaks. You can fill wikipedia pages with mere information but it will never be a subtitute for characterization. FF13 writers seem to think they're synonymous.

Celes Chere

The only character I actually had a real problem with, was Lightning. OAO /is shot
Maybe it's because Force and I are always meant to disagree about everything. :awesome:

I liked Vanille and the things that annoyed me about her weren't valid reasons to hate her character. As mentioned, I hated her voice. I also hated the way they made her run like she's frolicking through a field of flowers or something... I can't really even describe it, but it was worse than Yuna's running in X-2 which is pretty bad.


Double Growth
I remember I bitched about Vanille's running in an early demo of that game and Mako told me that was a stupid thing to complain about. lol, those were the days.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Vanille is the character with the big sobstory that never translates on screen. I don't give a shit about her history if the effect and how its shaped her as a character never makes it on screen.

I don't think seeing a strange fal'Cie destroy your entire home - which not only includes the people and the city/town that 'home' incorporated, but also the entire land area around it, as well as all other lives - plants, animals, and the like - is a sob-story. I think it's unfair to label someone's hard times in any negative way.

Still, I can agree with you that it would have been nice to have been introduced (at the very least) to the horrors that she and Fang had witnessed. Why did Pulse hate Cocoon so much, and vice versa? Episodes 0 and 1 are interesting additions to the what is mentioned in the game; but, some of the information from Episode 0 would have been helpful to know in the progress of the game.


don't think seeing a strange fal'Cie destroy your entire home - which not only includes the people and the city/town that 'home' incorporated, but also the entire land area around it, as well as all other lives - plants, animals, and the like - is a sob-story. I think it's unfair to label someone's hard times in any negative way.
Too bad SE trivialize her backstory with their presentation of the character itself.

Vanille is a fictional character. Her hardships are not real. They have to be made real to me, and Vanille utterly fails at doing so.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Vanille is not one of my favoirte characters, not because of how SE presented her, but because she's the only person who actually knows what's going on and she doesn't tell anyone even when the opportunity presents itself. If she had told Fang what had happened right after they had gotten out of crystal stasis...

Celes Chere

I remember I bitched about Vanille's running in an early demo of that game and Mako told me that was a stupid thing to complain about. lol, those were the days.

Lol, I think it's a perfectly valid complaint. What kind of female wants to be portrayed that way? Because I know they were going for ditzy and cute, but she's running more like she's drunk and confused. :loopy:
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