Final Fantasy XIII-2


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
When I saw people writing about Sazh I expected something more than a 2 second roll with what I think was a scene taken from Final Fantasy XIII. I was so wrong on feeling hopeful.


AI Researcher
I was already getting rather fond of the stuff that plays on the official sites, but now.

I must own it :sadpanda:

Also because I don't see a track listing:

Bold for samples available:


Final Fantasy XIII-2 オーバーチュア = Final Fantasy XIII-2 Overture
麗しき軍神 = Beautiful God of War
Final Fantasy XIII-2 ~願い~ = Final Fantasy XIII-2 ~Wish~
女神の騎士 = The Goddess' Knight

永劫の闘争 = The Eternal Conflict
戦神 = Ares
時を超える矢 = An Arrow Crossing Time
パラドクス = Paradox
ジャイアントインパクト = Giant Impact
コクーンのない世界 = A World Without Cocoon
疾走 = Running Like The Wind
ノエルのテーマ = Noel's Theme
ネオ・ボーダム = Neo Bodhum
ネオ・ボーダム -Aggressive Mix- = Neo Bodhum -Aggressive Mix-
パラダイムシフト = Paradigm Shift
名誉のファンファーレ = Honour's Fanfare
グルービーチョコボ = Groovy Chocobo

Final Fantasy XIII-2 ~未来~ = Final Fantasy XIII-2 ~Future~
ヒストリアクロス = Historia Crux
衝突する世界 = Worlds Collide

('Ares' is a bit of a liberty, but it uses two different words that are basically 'god of war/battle' so I just picked another. They're already using Valhalla, I don't think they'll mind me stealing some other mythology's name :sadpanda: )
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AI Researcher
As others have said, there's a lot of pre-order bonuses and different editions out there, so it's almost a chore picking which pre-order to go with or even which region's copy of the game; though I think the PAL Crystal Edition and pre-order sound best. But, then, I have doubts the PAL downloadables would be usable over here in the States.

Anyone know for sure?
But if you're buying the 360 one then there's a good chance you won't be able to use the PAL version of the game, in which case I guess you won't be able to use the PAL version's DLC codes either.

I forgot about that :awesome: I've never tried it personally though, so this is all speculation.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Just placed my preorder - went with Amazon, bonus boss fights > extra costumes/weapons any day.


AI Researcher
Don't suppose anyone knows what you have to do for the Japanese version to get the Omega stuff? :sadpanda: Considering the weapons aren't meant to be game-breakingly great or anything, I'd rather have Omega. And costumes, I'm not too bothered about either way.

so cute want but can't justify a 4th xbox in my 3 years of owning one.

I'm sure I could go back in the thread but for lazy purposes, who do I preorder with to get the most stuff in terms of extra areas/bosses/weapons? Outfits are cool but actual extra content sounds more fun plus they'll probably release the outfits for a couple bucks DLC if I really want them.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
awwww cuuuuute!

what, four?? What do you do to your xboxes? lol

And I agree that Omega is such a better choice than costumes or weapons. But I actually went with the Best Buy one cause I wanted the book ;.;


unsavory tart
I think in Japan the preodering gets you an extra weapon for Noel, and another gets you an extra weapon for Serah.

... Maybe


AI Researcher
I remember now, yeah. (I should remember, I think I said it.)

Now if I can just find out where Omega is, I'll be happy :sadpanda:
Best Buy is an actual novel? I might have to look into that.

As for my xboxes, it's mainly been upgrading. My first one started acting funny, so I took it to my work (where we fixed them) and traded it up (since they could fix it and sell it cause it was in good condition) for a larger HDD. Turned out it followed the classic 'threaten to replace me and I'll start working perfectly again' but by then I was set on a 250GB HDD. Then the new style came out so I sold my old one to a friend and bought that. Buying another one would be a 4th. :P

But still... want! Which is how I felt about the Gears one too. :( I wish I had a pretty xbox and that they sold these kinds as arcades so I didn't have to sell a spare HDD if I wanted it.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I want a ps3 so bad I'd even go for that painfully fruity mog ps3


unsavory tart
As for my xboxes, it's mainly been upgrading. My first one started acting funny, so I took it to my work (where we fixed them) and traded it up (since they could fix it and sell it cause it was in good condition) for a larger HDD. Turned out it followed the classic 'threaten to replace me and I'll start working perfectly again' but by then I was set on a 250GB HDD. Then the new style came out so I sold my old one to a friend and bought that. Buying another one would be a 4th
My xbox has been wonky as of late. Sometimes it doesn't even read some games, I had to restart it five times in order for the game to recognize Gears of War III. But no munnies to by another one, I BELIEVE IN YOU XBOX, don't fail me now.
My xbox has been wonky as of late. Sometimes it doesn't even read some games, I had to restart it five times in order for the game to recognize Gears of War III. But no munnies to by another one, I BELIEVE IN YOU XBOX, don't fail me now.

Do you download your games to the HDD? That can help if you're having laser issues (which from what you've said that could be the issue).


If you have a save data file from the previous game, you’ll be awarded with some sort of in-game item, along with wallpaper image(s).

Some sort of in-game item/wallpapers? Ok, so now I don't feel quite as urgently that I have to re-beat XIII before XIII-2 comes out (hard drive died a month or so ago, lost all of my save data). I mean, the in game item could be neat, but then again, it might not be. It's not that I don't want to play XIII again anyway (I was in fact in the middle of my second play through when the hard drive crashed), but time...

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
XIII-2 looks to be somewhat shorter than its predecessor, clocking in around 30-40 hours on your first playthrough, although equal in volume to FINAL FANTASY XIII.

It took me about 25 hours to beat the story of XIII, so that this game is just as long or longer for the story makes me pleased indeed. And I imagine with the Historia Crux mechanic it'll be pretty easy to get well over 50 or 60 hours in.


unsavory tart
The game's DLC is being worked on by a separate team consisting of younger staff. This team is separate from the team that's working on the overseas version of the game.
Interesting, is this normal? For a separate team to do dlc? A part of me is interested in seeing what a younger, different crew can bring to FF. Although they say there is no story related dlc.

but the optional puzzles include some so difficult that Toriyama himself can't clear them.
This is going to destroy me.
If I get something cool for having all the achievements and doing literally everything in the game that would so many all that work a little bit closer to almost worth something. :P
I still have flashbacks of all the work. I did screw it up though. I did the mission that changes all the things in the area to the harder ones, without knowing that happened, just when I was good enough to beat the small ones. Would have had a much easier time but suddenly the things that I was grinding on were too hard again and I had to grind elsewhere for a while.

Vanille's death was never a good strategy for me. I think it worked once, but actually killing them was much more consistent.

Mind you I did use that for the thing that gives you the growth egg. Took like 20 tries but that was worth it because I only needed that once, rather than the hundreds of turtles I had to slaughter to get those upgrady things.


Vanille's death was never a good strategy for me. I think it worked once, but actually killing them was much more consistent.

Mind you I did use that for the thing that gives you the growth egg. Took like 20 tries but that was worth it because I only needed that once, rather than the hundreds of turtles I had to slaughter to get those upgrady things.

I also think I only used Death successfully once. I think it might have been during one of the times you have to fight the three tonberries...I can't even remember. But I don't think I ever ended up getting the growth egg, despite knowing where and how to get it. I'm not really a completionist, and my first playthrough of this game was no exception. I did, however, intend to do more during my second playthrough, but I've already said how that turned out :doh:
It was my second playthrough, since I sold some of the accessories that were needed to complete everything on my first one. For some reason I became compelled to just do everything because I looked at the achievements and said 'you know what, this is doable. it'll take time but none of these are impossible'. lol 50+ hrs later my boyfriend was asking me why I love torturing myself.

Actually, on second thought, it was my 3rd. The first playthrough I played with my boyfriend playing most of it and helping out on hard bosses (cause that's how we normally play FF games. he walks around exploring while I'm looking up stuff from the book/computer and then when there's a tough boss I've been studying everything so I beat it when he gives up). Anyways, we did this on my profile so I decided I wanted to get him the achievements for himself, so I played through and got him all the ones he got me (and maybe a couple extras). They were mainly the beat the games ones I didn't get any of the extras that take forever.

Then, I decided I liked the game and did my stupid 'herp I can do all of these why not'. Ya, that was it.

Fuck I'm glad I've gotten over my achievements addiction. Though who knows Mass Effect and this game may change all that. :monster:
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