Bold for samples available:
Final Fantasy XIII-2 オーバーチュア = Final Fantasy XIII-2 Overture
麗しき軍神 = Beautiful God of War
Final Fantasy XIII-2 ~願い~ = Final Fantasy XIII-2 ~Wish~
女神の騎士 = The Goddess' Knight
永劫の闘争 = The Eternal Conflict
戦神 = Ares
時を超える矢 = An Arrow Crossing Time
パラドクス = Paradox
ジャイアントインパクト = Giant Impact
コクーンのない世界 = A World Without Cocoon
疾走 = Running Like The Wind
ノエルのテーマ = Noel's Theme
ネオ・ボーダム = Neo Bodhum
ネオ・ボーダム -Aggressive Mix- = Neo Bodhum -Aggressive Mix-
パラダイムシフト = Paradigm Shift
名誉のファンファーレ = Honour's Fanfare
グルービーチョコボ = Groovy Chocobo
Final Fantasy XIII-2 ~未来~ = Final Fantasy XIII-2 ~Future~
ヒストリアクロス = Historia Crux
衝突する世界 = Worlds Collide
('Ares' is a bit of a liberty, but it uses two different words that are basically 'god of war/battle' so I just picked another. They're already using Valhalla, I don't think they'll mind me stealing some other mythology's name