Final Fantasy XIII-2


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I wonder if
Lightning was taken to the time where Etro killed herself, and so then spoke the line "sleep in peace" or whatever they have her saying now

The green glowing crystal structure is a clock of some sort


unsavory tart
I wonder if
Lightning was taken to the time where Etro killed herself, and so then spoke the line "sleep in peace" or whatever they have her saying now

The green glowing crystal structure is a clock of some sort
Did she kill herself though? I know the mythos is that she tore her body in anguish and that's how humans were conceived, but Etros has been intervening in human affairs up until the end of FFXIII.

She could have just gone into the invisible world to do whatever Muin told her to do. Or just sleep like Buniberzeidid.

Honestly, my favorite theory is that Muin is dead and this whole system of l'cie thing is all for nothing. But no one listens to Etros so nothing ever stops.


Higher Further Faster
I remember thinking that was cool back in the day before we learned who the people in the coats all were. :hohum:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I guess that video was cool and all (it's very pretty), but, not gonna lie, it's a little weird hearing Lightning speak so reverently of Etro after the contempt she's shown for gods in everything else she's been in. Does anyone else feel that way?


Great Old One
I haven't thought about it, but now that you mention it -- yes, it's a bit strange.

Still, she was first thrown into the situation against her will. Then she probably discovered what was at stake. Being a L'Cie must have affected her in some way, making her see that gods and mythology simply can't be ignored. And after all, she is a soldier at heart, fighting for what she believes is right. So it's still kinda okay by me.


AI Researcher
I assume there's some kind of gap between Lightning disappearing and that scene that would explain.

The summary site suggests that Etro might have been (or definitely was, it says two different things) the one who turned Lightning and the others from crystal back to normal, so if she knew that Etro was the one who saved her, Serah and everyone else then that might explain why she's viewing Etro so highly.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
....that opening seriously gave me second hand embarrassment. The KH battle was so much better

True. I expected more. Funal Fantasy X-2 had a better opening as in my tastes goes.

And oh no... Kitase's talking AGAIN. (scrolls past like a boss)


Also Caius has worst VA ever. Or maybe it's all the ridiculously cheesy shit he says: "embrace the terror", "lose yourself in battle and rejoice", "warrior goddess...". I imagine the VA wants to kill himself.

He sounds like the equivalent of a geocities site for villainy. As written by a 13-year old Stephanie Meyer.
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Great Old One
The opening looks to be cut - did anyone else see that? I think this is just part of it. I think there are other scenes cut into it. An example is at 1:47. Might just be the sound, but still... that could be a natural cutting place for parrallell running scenes.
Also Caius has worst VA ever.
That I can agree on.

From 1:14 - Caius in Japanese. He has like a low, raspy and very masculine voice as well, but it sounds more... inward. Mysterious. The English voice is more like... an action figure. It annoys me.

Edit: Also something I picked up on after watching this trailer too many times: Alyssa turns and makes a noise as Hope says "Raitu-san". A tad jealous of his heroine worship of Lightning or something? :lol:
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unsavory tart
I like Liam O'Brian (also does Kain) as Caius. Yeah he tends to be over the top, but he actually is extremely talented. And honestly, I think Caius himself is a bit over the top as well.
I guess that video was cool and all (it's very pretty), but, not gonna lie, it's a little weird hearing Lightning speak so reverently of Etro after the contempt she's shown for gods in everything else she's been in. Does anyone else feel that way?
I thought this too. Especially since the teaser trailer came out around Dissidia was released, and Lightning despises Cosmos. So her being nice to Etros felt odd to me.

But Etros is the only pro-humanity fal'cie/god so it kinda makes sense. I guess. I mean she spends the first part of the game telling people how she's not a slave and she makes her own destiny, serving somebody else seems odd.
I like Liam O'Brian (also does Kain) as Caius. Yeah he tends to be over the top, but he actually is extremely talented. And honestly, I think Caius himself is a bit over the top as well.

His lines is actually what I liked best about the trailer. It sounds so cheesy that now I'm a bit more curious about this title. That doesn't say much, though. Unless the reviews deem this a super-awesome title, I won't be looking into it.:hohum:


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
That sounds like a name taken out of Final Fantasy X-2. Yuna's Ballad... Caius Ballad...
Ok, don't mind me. I don't like it. If he is such a strong character the least I expect was his second name to be so cheesy.

Let me love you. I agree with everything you say.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I didn't expect that family name, truth said. One could almost expect him to turn his sword into an electric guitar and start singing Glam Metal at the top of his lungs Which could be a cool hidden scene. C'mon, SE! I saw what you did with Type-0. I know you can do it!

But that render, on the other hand...




Double Growth
I can't watch it right now so I haven't heard the voice, but are you guys really going to raise shit about his last freakin name? One that you will NEVER hear once in the game?


You're right, hito. It's not like there's a shortage of things to raise shit about :awesome:
But I thought the whole point of this damn game was to improve. And it's not exactly hard to be better than 13.

Let me love you. I agree with everything you say.




Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
But Etros is the only pro-humanity fal'cie/god so it kinda makes sense. I guess. I mean she spends the first part of the game telling people how she's not a slave and she makes her own destiny, serving somebody else seems odd.

Not exactly.
She's the only one who gave special concern to humanity, most likely because humanity sprang from her blood when she committed suicide

Pulse and Lindzei (
at least Lindzei, who in the mythology was credited with being the protector of the world
) did not show any creature any special favoritism, as far as we know.

Really, we only got Barthandelus'/Orphan's opinions of humans. In this, I don't understand XIII-2's 'false gods' bit, in which I do agree with the above comment on this.

We did not get the other fal'Cie's opinions - which very well could have been different. There's a difference between doing one's duty and agreeing with it.

I'm still hoping and holding out that Caius has something to do with Lindzei though. As I said, he seems to be the most likely to be at odds with Etro. Heck, maybe even the most at odds with his own purpose and loyalty to Buniberzei, etc.

I don't really see the big deal in the last name tbh. There's been worse, and I don't even think it's that bad. /shrug

For all the negative I've heard about X-2, the fact that they decided to put in the Diva headset and other accessory, which I cannot think of right now, as well as name Caius 'Ballad' - it doesn't seem they were totally going totally away from X-2's musical premise.
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