Final Fantasy XIII-2


unsavory tart
Really, we only got Barthandelus'/Orphan's opinions of humans. In this, I don't understand XIII-2's 'false gods' bit, in which I do agree with the above comment on this.

We did not get the other fal'Cie's opinions - which very well could have been different. There's a difference between doing one's duty and agreeing with it.
Well, a lot of this is just my theory but...

The false gods comes from the part that Cocoon is 'technically' a theocracy and many viewed fal'cie as godlike. At least, that's what the official sources say, I never got that vibe playing the game with the exception of Dysley's clothes. Personally I think it is much more meaningful if they were just straight up representing government in general.

amy theory in the game is that the other fal'cie knew about Dysley's plan but just didn't give a shit. This seems to be the thinking in Pulse anyway, where fal'cie live next to the people and not rule over them. Still it doesn't mean they won't fuck humans over if they think they should. It's just that there are no hard feelings.

The fal'cie come from a long system of slavery imo. B-man begets Hallowed Pulse and Lindzei with a focus > Lindzei and Pulse beget other fal'cie, who also don't have a say in what they are allowed to do.

Humans are different, they come from Etros which had a focus and power taken away from her for being to much like Muin. So when humans are created, they aren't given a focus. Only fal'cie can force one onto them, but humans were given "chaos" by Etros and therefore have the power to overcome their focus.

Plus I think humans probably would need to find an alternate source of energy outside of the falc'ie. Cocoon all but had their ass wiped by their fal'cie, too much dependency has always been a bad thing in Final Fantasy and it was definitely a problem they needed to get away from.

I can't find the source but iirc, all fal'cie want to summon the maker. Dysley wanted to do it by destroy a large amount of human lives and therefore throw open to door to the invisible world where Muin was.

The pulse l'cie do it by trying to wipe out specific monsters and giving humans the focus to destroy them (ironically creating more because failed l'cie turn into cieth). But they do it regardless of how people are doing. Pulse had the War of Transgression because Cocoon was stealing their resources, and since they lost the war and Cocoon continued to steal all their shit, there weren't enough resources to go around.

So one of the dialects points out that shortly thereafter Cocoon gets embroiled in a civil war that greatly reduces the population. But despite this the fal'cie are still using what's left of the population (which isn't much) and turning them into l'cie to continue their monster hunting duties. This is what effectively destroys all of pulse civilization and why anything that remotely resembles a town is covered with cieth.

tl;dr: Not all fal'cie want to screw humans directly, but they want to summon to maker- even if it does screw humans in the long run.


unsavory tart
Is it just me or does Caius look kinda midget-y in that render. Can't take him seriously- I think it's the awkward proportions of the clothes.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Let me understand one thing, if we can time travel, and we change shit around and go back and change it again once more. Will we have a different ending than the one we originally intended to have?


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I can't watch it right now so I haven't heard the voice, but are you guys really going to raise shit about his last freakin name? One that you will NEVER hear once in the game?

Oh, I didn't say it was bad, only that it suprised me. I dunno, but the word "ballad" always comes across, at least to me, as something "romantic", not something you would find on a villain... Unless, of course, he's just trying to woo a certain war goddess :monster:

Let me understand one thing, if we can time travel, and we change shit around and go back and change it again once more. Will we have a different ending than the one we originally intended to have?

I think we will. They said we would have multiple nedings, depending on what we did in the game.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Excellent. If I can lead the Persona 4 team to the best ending back in '09, then I can lead these chumps to a better life without the fal'Cie or whatever's in the future.

Thrusters at full. Game time started.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Lightning, Fang and Vanille in a band.

thanks for the nightmares

i read a fic like this once

except it was fang, sazh, and hope in a band and lightning was a concert violinist and i think yaag was the conductor of eden's orchestra and jihl was an evil music producer or something?? who wanted to recruit fang but not hope and sazh and DRAMAZ

yes i read several chapters okay i was just really desperate for fangxlightning fic :sadpanda:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Well, a lot of this is just my theory but...

The false gods comes from the part that Cocoon is 'technically' a theocracy and many viewed fal'cie as godlike. At least, that's what the official sources say, I never got that vibe playing the game with the exception of Dysley's clothes. Personally I think it is much more meaningful if they were just straight up representing government in general.

amy theory in the game is that the other fal'cie knew about Dysley's plan but just didn't give a shit. This seems to be the thinking in Pulse anyway, where fal'cie live next to the people and not rule over them. Still it doesn't mean they won't fuck humans over if they think they should. It's just that there are no hard feelings.

The fal'cie come from a long system of slavery imo. B-man begets Hallowed Pulse and Lindzei with a focus > Lindzei and Pulse beget other fal'cie, who also don't have a say in what they are allowed to do.

Humans are different, they come from Etros which had a focus and power taken away from her for being to much like Muin. So when humans are created, they aren't given a focus. Only fal'cie can force one onto them, but humans were given "chaos" by Etros and therefore have the power to overcome their focus.

Plus I think humans probably would need to find an alternate source of energy outside of the falc'ie. Cocoon all but had their ass wiped by their fal'cie, too much dependency has always been a bad thing in Final Fantasy and it was definitely a problem they needed to get away from.

I can't find the source but iirc, all fal'cie want to summon the maker. Dysley wanted to do it by destroy a large amount of human lives and therefore throw open to door to the invisible world where Muin was.

The pulse l'cie do it by trying to wipe out specific monsters and giving humans the focus to destroy them (ironically creating more because failed l'cie turn into cieth). But they do it regardless of how people are doing. Pulse had the War of Transgression because Cocoon was stealing their resources, and since they lost the war and Cocoon continued to steal all their shit, there weren't enough resources to go around.

So one of the dialects points out that shortly thereafter Cocoon gets embroiled in a civil war that greatly reduces the population. But despite this the fal'cie are still using what's left of the population (which isn't much) and turning them into l'cie to continue their monster hunting duties. This is what effectively destroys all of pulse civilization and why anything that remotely resembles a town is covered with cieth.

tl;dr: Not all fal'cie want to screw humans directly, but they want to summon to maker- even if it does screw humans in the long run.

Excellent insight, and I agree with all of that.

What I find interesting about what we've learned of the mythos thus far is that the fal'Cie with which we are familiar from FFXIII are actually pretty small fry in the big scheme of things. Etro, Lindzei and Pulse are the only ones that really seem to matter, and they're still presumably less omnipotent than Buniberzei.

The Chaos concept intrigues me, and I can't help but wonder if it's related to Dissidia's concept of an ethereal discord that is both primordial and a byproduct of sentient beings' existence. It's intriguing in that the mythos dictates that the balance between the Visible World and the Invisible World (where Etro came to reside after killing herself in the Visible World) is maintained by the presence of humans in the Visible World, for they all carry some of this Chaos within them.

The similarity to Dissidia seems all the more stark in light of everything falling into disarray in that story if a balance isn't maintained between order and discord. The fal'Cie of the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos were created to fulfill specific functions and lacked the human heart that comes from being imbued with Chaos. Essentially, they represent complete order, and represent it in the Visible World.

Etro is the only exception to this, as she was not given a focus at the time of her creation, and is, thus, more like the humans who arose from her blood.

So, it may well be that the balance between the Visible and Invisible Worlds will only be maintained if both fal'Cie and humans continue to exist. Killing all the fal'Cie might throw open the doors between the worlds as effectively as killing all the humans -- just like permanently losing Chaos or Cosmos in Dissidia threw things into disarray.

Also, remember how Barthandelus's plan was to kill all the humans on Cocoon and open a rift between worlds with a massive flood of them crossing over into the Invisible World? The gate seemingly opened anyway during the ending, with Orphan's death and the passing of all the fal'Cie on Cocoon.

So, I'm thinking we'll learn in XIII-2 that fal'Cie and human co-existence is necessary in the Visible World for a balance to be maintained.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Let me understand one thing, if we can time travel, and we change shit around and go back and change it again once more. Will we have a different ending than the one we originally intended to have?
I think we will. They said we would have multiple nedings, depending on what we did in the game.

But - unless they changed it - you can't go before the fall of Cocoon. The paradoxes do not start until the fall of Cocoon.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Who would want to change the events of cocoon? that old man and orphan would be in power and the chumps would be pretty much screwed. Unless you're kratos or ezio of course.

I gave this fan fic a read and I must say it is ... absolutely engaging.


unsavory tart
Also, remember how Barthandelus's plan was to kill all the humans on Cocoon and open a rift between worlds with a massive flood of them crossing over into the Invisible World? The gate seemingly opened anyway during the ending, with Orphan's death and the passing of all the fal'Cie on Cocoon.
IF BART ONLY KNEW, perhaps asking Etros nicely would work. Although I'm not sure why the fal'cie's death would open the door to the invisible world. At least, the game hints that the only reason why a massacre would open the invisible world is because humans have a part of chaos/Etros that allows them to move to the invisible world after death. But if balance was the key it would be the only thing that made sense.

It might also explain why things would get worse after awhile. I mean, if Hope's Academy is trying to find a way to live without fal'cie then they might be messing with things they shouldn't be, or even eliminating fal'cie so that people would not turn into l'cie in the future.

It would be interesting. I mean, the paradox Atlas in the demo is pretty much the Titan fal'cie with a new colorskin. My first thought was "you bitches be lazy" but it would make sense if it was caused by them actually taking down Titan later down the road, since Titan is always cultivating stronger variants of monsters.
So, I'm thinking we'll learn in XIII-2 that fal'Cie and human co-existence is necessary in the Visible World for a balance to be maintained.
On one hand this seems almost cruel. I dunno but a part of me saw the fal'cie system as unjust as the forcing of l'cie. I mean, most fal'cie don't seem to give two shits, but fal'cie like Dysley hate it.

FFXIII felt like it was trying to give two different images of fal'cie, one of old- religious like gods, but it also contrasted with the idea of being orphaned that there seems to be a lot of. Towards the end, just as much as he was a magnificent bastard type- it felt like they attempted (not necessarily succeeded) in creating a lost child image. Dysley's last words before form 2 was rejoicing that he was dying and being released. So a part of me thinks that as much fal'cie are douches that would fuck over humanity because it's their job, they're also victims and almost childlike in their reasoning.

I doubt we'll see that characterization in later games but I hope they do explore it. It would be interesting to see it.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
IF BART ONLY KNEW, perhaps asking Etros nicely would work. Although I'm not sure why the fal'cie's death would open the door to the invisible world. At least, the game hints that the only reason why a massacre would open the invisible world is because humans have a part of chaos/Etros that allows them to move to the invisible world after death. But if balance was the key it would be the only thing that made sense.

Well, I'm glad the idea at least sounds plausible to someone else. It made sense in my head, but I wasn't sure how it was going to come out on "paper."

I do think that everyone -- human and fal'Cie, and genuine gods alike -- cross over. Muin did after Buniberzei killed her, and Etro did after she committed suicide. One was a genuine god and the other a fal'Cie, so we have at least one documented case for each of the three.

Splintered said:
It might also explain why things would get worse after awhile. I mean, if Hope's Academy is trying to find a way to live without fal'cie then they might be messing with things they shouldn't be, or even eliminating fal'cie so that people would not turn into l'cie in the future.

It would be interesting. I mean, the paradox Atlas in the demo is pretty much the Titan fal'cie with a new colorskin. My first thought was "you bitches be lazy" but it would make sense if it was caused by them actually taking down Titan later down the road, since Titan is always cultivating stronger variants of monsters.

Great thoughts! I hadn't thought of any of that, but it would all make sense.

Splintered said:
On one hand this seems almost cruel. I dunno but a part of me saw the fal'cie system as unjust as the forcing of l'cie. I mean, most fal'cie don't seem to give two shits, but fal'cie like Dysley hate it.

FFXIII felt like it was trying to give two different images of fal'cie, one of old- religious like gods, but it also contrasted with the idea of being orphaned that there seems to be a lot of. Towards the end, just as much as he was a magnificent bastard type- it felt like they attempted (not necessarily succeeded) in creating a lost child image. Dysley's last words before form 2 was rejoicing that he was dying and being released. So a part of me thinks that as much fal'cie are douches that would fuck over humanity because it's their job, they're also victims and almost childlike in their reasoning.

I agree. Their role in all this has been tragic as well.

Maybe they'll be freed of their "programming" when all is said and done.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Caius makes for an intimidating sight as he bears down upon his enemies, brandishing his massive blade with ease.

I think it's the purple hair and feathers, tbqh.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
Love Caius' render. I also hope they release some more Noel renders...I'd be surprised if he only has one.


Spent a fortune at shops.

Clock Stopper
Responded swiftly to the appearance of enemies.

Staggered a significant number of enemies.

Quick Draw
Performed a significant number of preemptive strikes.

Wild Thing
Successfully used Feral Link abilities a significant number of times.

No Retreat
Fought a significant number of battles without using the “Retry” option.

Performed a multitude of paradigm shifts.

Budding Hunter
Defeated an army’s worth of enemies.

There are 23 secret ones and of course PS3 users will have access to the Platinum Trophy. As such, we’ve decided to keep the story related ones untranslated.

Early Riser
Story Related.

Time Traveler
Story Related.

Future Espier
Story Related.

Past Gazer
Story Related.

Threat Facer
Story Related.

Sooth Seeker
Story Related.

Promise Keeper
Story Related.

Trigger Finger
Receive 5 QTE bonus awards.

Witness every Paradox ending.

Epic Finisher
Get the true ending.

Saddle Sore
Ride a chocobo for a significant amount of time.

Earn a significant number of casino coins.

Collect one category of fragments.

Collect all fragments.

Scarlet Medal
Defeat powerful enemies with grace.

Cerulean Medal
Defeat powerful enemies with valor.

Obsidian Medal
Defeat powerful enemies with perfect performance.

Supreme Being
Learned all abilities.

Big Game Hunter
Defeated all notable enemies.

Giant’s Fist
Cause 99999 damage to an enemy in a single strike.

Beast Tamer
Become allies with the most hostile monster.

Fair Fighter
Defeat a powerful enemy in fair conditions.

Get a 5 star rating in the final battle that determines the planet’s fate.

Thanks to Shadow780 for the translation.


It was leaked from a Chinese site, here's the link if anyone wants it:

Hito might need that :awesome:
I want the limited edition soundtrack bawww

Aaaaa some of the descriptions for the trophies are intriguingly vague...I want to see what actually earns them in game :-)


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
Crying so much rn.
Two of my favourite videogame series collide.

What is life.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Well at least Noel won't look like a total faggot all the time.


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
If I pretend XIII and XIII-2 are the same game, just a Disk1/Disk2 combination, will I be able to think of the game as actually good and XIII as a non disappointment?


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Serah looks so funny on that last screenshot.
And... Noel! I do like his outfit. All Ezio Auditor-ish.
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