Final Fantasy XIII-2

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Ezio FTW

Also sheesh. I wonder what she'll do when Lightning dies. Will she kill herself too?

Noel: Everything is permitted. Even time travel.


Lightning can never die. I know its thinking outloud but I'm too much a fan of the farron sisters to let them pass on to hell. Snow however, can be killed in and out of sequence.


AI Researcher
Isamu Kamikokuryo interview (including a couple of new-to-me images but they're all tiny):

Kamikokuryo was in charge of Lightning's outfit design in FFXIII-2.


Compared with FFXIII, which used white as its primary colour to go with its advanced futuristic cities at the height of prosperity, FFXIII-2 goes for darker, withered image to contrast it.


For Valhalla, in order to give it a new feel, he found an image of a city in Cuba (possibly Habana) in a magazine. The way the city was collapsing/damaged was very close to the image Kamikokuryo had in mind, and used that as a reference to solidify the concept.


From FFVI to XIII, there have been three art directors include Kamikokuryo. Normally Tetsuya Nomura takes care of the core character designs, but with FFXIII-2 they decided to slipt the work between the three to give it more variation. So Kamikokuryo took over for Lightning's outfit design.

This was the first time he's been in charge of designs for a character. He started out looking at Nomura's past work, and designed it at first how he liked and thought up several ideas (futuristic, tight-fitting suit, cheongsam-like design, etc.). But none of these were approved, and he ended up looking at designs he'd done in the past for his own amusement.

While working like this he talked it over with Nomura, who suggested ideas like trying something with a Western-feel, like a valkyrie, and adding feathers or such at the hip, until eventually after 1-2 months it was complete.


Put in one word, Lightning's image is "feathers". Something delicate and light, which represents Lightning. They also show up in the graphical effects when she appears.


Kamikokuryo also fine-tuned the in-game model (giving direction, not working on the actual model data.) He was also involved in the direction for the movie parts. Compared to the previous game he took part when they were at a more complete stage, and touched up the finer points like the camera work and lighting.


Kamikokuryo used to be a painter before entering the game industry, doing representational oil paintings (like having a lone woman in the scenery, portraying some kind of scene).


In order to put some realism into his work he would use photographs he'd taken himself as reference, which is something he uses in his current work.

But compared to painting, design work is vastly different and requires one to take in external factors such as what is popular now, if this have the FF spirit, is this what the players are looking for. And it has to fit with the theme of the game itself. He originally struggled with that difference when he first started, but over the years has come to enjoy it.


Some of his favourite recent games have been Red Dead Redemption and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. For RDR, it's the quality of the graphics, as well as the game itself (played up to 99% completion, although he just can't get that final 1%).

Oblivion is a wonderful RPG, and he was preaching about it to people he knew. He's looking forward to Skyrim.

For Square-Enix games, he loves DQIII and FFVII. FFVII in particular, for the people of Kamikokuryo's age in the industry, it's a game that's had a big impact on them.


Regarding the graphical capabilities of modern game consoles: Kamikokuryo joined the industry in about 1999, at which time there seemed to be a push towards trying to take the hardware to its limits.

But now, when the power of the hardware has reached such a high level, simply trying to push everything to its limits doesn't seem like the best answer. You can accomplish what you want to portray by working with what you've got, and if you can't then you probably need to learn a bit more.


With their games, they aim to create an original world that's never been seen before, that exists no where else in the world. He hopes that the images he's created lets people take the unrealistic as real, and portrays a sense of presence well.


Message to players:
"In 'Final Fantasy XIII-2', the characters from the first game will be starting a new adventure with a new outlook on the world. We have taken our time working out what happened to the world of FFXIII after the ending of the first game, and what happened to its characters. I hope you'll look forward to it!"


Something delicate and light, which represents Lightning

I'd be interested in what the earlier designs for her were, before Nomura came up with the assfeathers. He really likes those, he gave them to Sephiroth too. I dunno who shoved feathers up Nomura's ass, but he must have really liked it.


unsavory tart
I kind of like how every character always has a story behind their designs in FF, even if those designs are ridiculous. Although I would never associate feathers with Lightning, that just makes no sense.

Also I'm more fascinated than I should be by this. Rachel Robinson/Fang's voice actor's deviantart. The idea of Fang actually being a good artist is now my headcanon.


AI Researcher
Someone, I forget which guy it was, mentioned feathers representing the realm of gods which Lightning's closer to now.

I guess this is 'represents Light in FFXIII-2', because I wouldn't describe the woman who punches people like a dozen times in just the first couple of hours of FFXIII while firing off bazookas and jumping off shit at death-defying heights on her way to kill some god-like being as a soft and delicate feather.

Also I'm more fascinated than I should be by this. Rachel Robinson/Fang's voice actor's deviantart. The idea of Fang actually being a good artist is now my headcanon.
I'm not even sure what English Fang sounds like, but she has just now become more awesome than she already was from association with Fang.

Also, those Diva accessories you got for buying Mai Fukui's Yakusoku no Basho do these kind of things:

Diva Mic: Item drop rate up
Diva Headphones: More gil
Used together: Chain ability - Rare item drop rate up

Which actually sounds pretty awesome.

Celes Chere


Aww yeah :awesome:

Am I the only one that thinks Noel is not worthy of wearing the outfit? D; Imposter!


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I feel both ways about it. Like... it's so beyond awesome to see two of my fav series crossover. But then it's like... BLASPHEMY!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Which makes your opinion valuable. :monster:

But, yeah, the red one is way sexier. I was looking forward to that and Ezio being my party.

Guess I'll have to find something else if it doesn't come along. I'd happily settle for Serah's original outfit, honestly.


AI Researcher
Goddammit. Any chance of the good one coming later?
Nothing seems to suggest that.

Team Red lost by over 6000 votes, it wasn't even that close (16927 to 10678). I'm disappointed in you all for not voting on all those days I forgot about it.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Voting is done, Serah's DLC outfit is decided.


The spoiler is empty.

I voted for the blue outfit.

I'm glad to read it won.

Though if you guys so want the red one, I hope it comes out for you.

I may get it just because I may want to get all the DLC.



Great Old One
I would rather see the red one. The blue one is a Lightning outfit, IMO. And the shoulder pad thingys are so misplaced. I can easily imagine Serah in a marching band, but still... no. The red one was skanky but still prettier :)


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I voted for blue, and I regret nothing.
Also, it was probably mentioned, IDK but... I didn't knew Noel's VA also voiced Kovu from the Lion King. LKJASLDJFLKJE NO WONDER I loved his voice.


btw, I just got around to listening to Caius' theme and I must say I really like it.
It's probably the only thing I really like about this entire freakin game.
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