Final Fantasy XIII-2


why don't you go see when versus is being relea--AHAHAHHAHAHA SRY I CAN'T


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
By the way, thanks to the high-res trailer I could catch a glimpse of her buckler. It resembles Odin's on its style.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
In case anyone couldn't be arsed reading 20+ pages of discussion, I've distilled the bare essentials into a short bulleted list:
  • Hope and Snow annoy most people on this board
  • What the fuck is taking so long with Versus
  • This game better have lesbians
Let me know if I missed anything vital.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I don't think so, because
according to the FNC lore, Lindzei was a fal'Cie, remember? Unless he uses the same trick as Barthandelus. I really hope not :(

Well, it's possible, especially if
Barthandelus is not Lindzei
in any way, shape or form.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Purple Haired Guy (PHG?) looks kind of Pulsian in the way he dresses.

Though since Lightning's wardrobe went through such a change how PHG dresses could mean nothing at all.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Purple Haired Guy (PHG?) looks kind of Pulsian in the way he dresses.

Though since Lightning's wardrobe went through such a change how PHG dresses could mean nothing at all.

I like the Amano-ish style of PHG, with the beads, feathers and earrings.

I wonder how the rest of characters will look like.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
If that's a dood why does he look like he has tits in the artwork?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Looks like there's some more information out:

Dengeki PlayStation has a two page spread on final Fantasy XIII-2 this week, complete with a one page interview with producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Motomu Toriyama. Here's a bit of what they say:

XIII-2's story begins in Gran Pulse after the ending of XIII.
The story will feel like it expands out from the after story that was included in the booklet with Xbox 360's Final Fantasy XIII International.
Outside of Lightning, other characters will appear in the game in unexpected forms. Some will see major changes.
XIII-2 is a full sequel. You'll learn some of the things that took place in the background scenes of XIII.
The story will be more dark and mysterious than XIII's.
The story will focus on the goddess Etro.
The game will not have the pop feel of Final Fantasy X-2 (I think this means no dancing Lightning booooo)
The battle system will be an evolved form of XIII's ATB system.
They're listening to opinions both inside and outside of Square Enix and from outside of Japan regarding characters, story and interface.
There may be a difficulty setting.

And I learned about this from:



Pro Adventurer
CL, Prompto
Square's actually listening to people outside of Japan and not going "LALALA"?
Took 'em long enough.


...which goes to show you exactly why SE should just pretend this pile of doo doo never happened.

IMO Lightning is the shittiest main character FF has pooped out.


Higher Further Faster
Hey, as long as Snow doesn't have a melodramatic epiphany while Hope is straddling his back it's all good to me. :monster:

Also, make Serah not look like a tween. :/

IMO Lightning is the shittiest main character FF has pooped out.

I can think of much worse. :P
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
In all fairness I pretty much hated FFXIII, only game I have never bothered my arse to complete (yes that includes FFX-2)
I really can't see FFXIII-2 doing any better that XIV did, the fanbase for SE games has been hit hard due to their massive fuckups with what they "think" the fanbase want.

They tried too hard trying to make a female version of Cloud that she just came out a pretencious cock instead of a psychotic loon. Snow was meant to be the "cool" second in command but just came off looking like a guy who liked to cradle snatch.
The only redeeming characters in the entire game were fang and vanille and they weren't even from the same time period as the main cast!


Well, I like this news. Just because the writing sucked, doesn't mean you take one good thing and cut of the rest of the game. Relieved they aren't doing that after all. (Though I still feel that's what they were gonna do based on that episode, Lightning going all "Hope you go to school, Sazh you go be with you son, Snow and Serah you guys be happy together, I'll save Vanille and Fang by myself." *disappears*)


Double Growth
The only redeeming characters in the entire game were fang and vanille and they weren't even from the same time period as the main cast!

Pretty much the opposite for me. Vanille's annoying and Fang wasn't really all that memorable. Lightning and Sazh are what made that game for me. Apart from very basic design, she has nothing in common with Cloud. I think its pretty obvious what part of Cloud Square likes - the mopey version, so if they were trying to make her like him, that's what she would have been like. Instead they made the first no-nonsense, full-on leader in the series.
Sazh has one of the more tragic stories in the series (up there with Cyan) and successfully offers the perspective of a totally normal person wrapped up in this without being...well, Hope.

The rest of the cast didn't catch my interest at all.

Alex Strife said:

Nuff' said.

Oh wait, you said main character

Zing. :monster:


AI Researcher
There looks like there's some stuff missing from that:

- Bunibelzei is searching for the gate to the Invisible World
- The Visible World is the realistic world, and the Invisible World is a chaotic world that normal humans cannot reach. In FFXIII there was a scene when lights gathered in the sky above Eden and a gate appears. This wasn't explained in the game, but beyond that gate is the Invisible World. So the gap between the atmosphere of FFXIII and the images released for FFXIII-2 so far... you can imagine what it might mean from this for now
- The feathers around Lightning is a symbol that she's approaching the domain of an even more sacred god, compared with the red rose petals when summoning Odin in FFXIII
- Some characters will have a very different feel about them
- It won't be a linear progression

Not sure on the English spelling of 'Bunibelzei'. Has that mythos video they showed at the event on the 18th been released in English yet?
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