Final Fantasy XIII-2

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
XIII-2's story begins in Gran Pulse after the ending of XIII.
Excellent. I really hope a significant part of the game takes place in the Visible World of Gran Pulse.

Outside of Lightning, other characters will appear in the game in unexpected forms. Some will see major changes.
- Some characters will have a very different feel about them
While I'm ecstatic that other characters will appear, it will depend on the 'major changes' they make. Nothing annoys me more than a totally retconned character, even if he was an annoying shit like Snow.

Improvement, awesome. Total change, dnw.

XIII-2 is a full sequel. You'll learn some of the things that took place in the background scenes of XIII.

But jfc it better not be through the datalog or I will srsly punch a bitch.

The battle system will be an evolved form of XIII's ATB system.
FUCCK YEEESSSSSS. This is possibly the best thing I've heard yet. Friggin' love that battle system.

They're listening to opinions both inside and outside of Square Enix and from outside of Japan regarding characters, story and interface.
There may be a difficulty setting.

But they must be listening at least a little bit:

- It won't be a linear progression
They're listening to opinions both inside and outside of Square Enix and from outside of Japan regarding characters, story and interface. opinions...outside Square...and Japan?

I can't believe this. Honestly, I can't. I can not believe that Square would improve in this sense. Now the question is just WHO are they listening to, if in fact they are? They are probably not browsing this forum. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Pretty much the opposite for me. Vanille's annoying and Fang wasn't really all that memorable. Lightning and Sazh are what made that game for me.

DITTO! I loved Sazh. He's one of the better characters of the series, imo. His voice actor was great, and his personality and story just made you love him. And Lightning, for everything people say bad about her, I actually like her. She was a kick-ass, no-nonsense beotch. With a cute outfit. :awesome: opinions...outside Square...and Japan?

Listening. But that doesn't mean they'll do what they suggest :monster:

Alex Strife

I know I'm being a pessimist here, but "It won't be a linear progression" sounds to me as though they went crazy and it might be a mess. I mean, I want the game to be somewhat linear. It's fine if it's like FFVII or FFVIII, for example, they tell you where you have to go, but you have a bunch of stuff to do before going straight-away, such as exploring, getting items, small sub-quests, etc. But I am fearing here they might set up a big goal and give you enough small stuff so you can spend 10 hours before continuing, and... well, that's not exactly what I like! It's fine not to be linear, but I don't want that to "kill" the feeling of the story.


Pretty much the opposite for me. Vanille's annoying and Fang wasn't really all that memorable. Lightning and Sazh are what made that game for me. Apart from very basic design, she has nothing in common with Cloud. I think its pretty obvious what part of Cloud Square likes - the mopey version, so if they were trying to make her like him, that's what she would have been like. Instead they made the first no-nonsense, full-on leader in the series.
Sazh has one of the more tragic stories in the series (up there with Cyan) and successfully offers the perspective of a totally normal person wrapped up in this without being...well, Hope.

The rest of the cast didn't catch my interest at all.

Zing. :monster:
Funny, when Nomura replied to an interviewer asking about Cloud and Lightning he said he felt that they were different because Lightning has a sensitive side that Cloud lacks.


Double Growth
Funny, when Nomura replied to an interviewer asking about Cloud and Lightning he said he felt that they were different because Lightning has a sensitive side that Cloud lacks.

lol, well that seems the complete opposite of what is actually the case. But keep in mind Nomura doesn't write these games, it makes all his interviews a little less mind-boggling.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Actually, as I'm replaying XIII right now, I'd forgotten how affectionate Lightning acts towards Hope (in a teacher/student sort of way) even towards the beginning of the game (Gapra Whitewood to be more precise). And now that you guys got me thinking about it there are plenty of moments where Lightning shows off a sensitive side.

She just doesn't mope about it, a la Cloud. And she quickly reverts back to her no-nonsense awesomeness.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
More information!

And the PHG??? He's an enemy!!!

At the Premier event, the XIII-2 unveil was preceded by an animated account of the Fabula Nova Crystalls mythology. This mythology serves as the foundation for all the games in the series, including XIII, Versus XIII, XIII-2 and Type-0 (formerly known as Agito XIII).

The purpose for showing this footage, explained Kitase to Dengeki, was to show that FFXIII only dealt with a portion of the mythology, covering such concepts as the fal'Cie and l'Cie. FFXIII did not explain the full breadth of the mythology, however. To better know the whole of the mythology, players will have access to the upcoming Fabula series titles.

XIII-2 covers a different area of the Fabula mythology from XIII. While the original focused on the relation betwen the Pulse and Lindzei deities, the focus for XIII-2 will be on the Etro deity. Toriyama said the game will delve deeper into the Fabula mythology this time.


According to Toriyama, the XIII-2 story will be like taking the afterstory that was written in the bonus booklet that was included with Xbox 360's Final Fantasy XIII and expanding from there. The story kicks of after XIII, in the Gran Pulse world.

The story is a true sequel to XIII and will answer some of the mysteries of what happened in the background in the build up to FFXIII's ending. The world will expand further in XIII-2 (I'm not sure if Toriyama is speaking literally or figuratively here). The story's taste will be darker and more mysterious than the original.

Similar to XIII, Lightning will be a principal character. Other characters will also appear in the game in "unexpected forms," according to Toriyama. Some of the returning characters will see major changes to their atmosphere. The game will also have a number of new characters, in addition to the mysterious male character from the trailer.

That mystery character is the character next to Lightning in the game's logo, Kitase confirmed. He's meant to be a character in conflict with Lightning, a character of equal strength.


The early trailer and single official screenshot show a major change for Lightning: she wears armor. While this is a big change, the character's image will not have a Final Fantasy X-2-style change, said Kitase. For those who haven't played it, FFX-2 had a poppy, comedic feel compared to FFX, with Yuna and the other leads dancing around and changing clothes during battle. XIII-2 will have the serious feel of a true numbered entry in the series, said Kitase.

Lightning appeared in the trailer surrounded by feathers at some points. These features are used in a number of areas, including parts of Lightning's armor. Remember how roses appeared on the screen when Lightning summoned Odin in FFXIII? This time, the feathers are meant to represent something holier -- a closer approach to the realm of gods.


The two only briefly discussed gameplay. The game's battle system will be a further evolution of FFXIII's ATB (active time battle) system. Because it's a sequel, explained Toriyama, they want to actively use the the experience they gained in making the original to address issues that need to be addressed, and to make areas that are already considered good even better. For XIII-2's development, they've been running tests and listening to opinions from inside and outside the company and even from overseas.

Toriyama wants to add some sort of system for controlling difficulty. This could take the form of the inclusion of an easy mode, which is something they're currently looking into. Toriyama also assured that they're working to make it so that those who didn't play the original will be able to enjoy themselves with XIII-2.

Famitsu will be having its own look at XIII-2 later this week, so it's possible that we'll get even more details.

... Again! for the heads up.
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Bumping thread for two reasons.

  1. I want to see the chocobo chick!!! :joy: I seriously cannot believe it took me this long to say this.
  2. I am very, very, very green when it comes to Photoshop and all the goodies one can make from it. I've seen it, have a while to master it. Still, I spent a good bit of time making a simple avatar to comemmorate the announcement of XIII-2. The text says "Sleep in peace... Divine Etro". If you use, please just credit me, but it's free. :)


  • Etro110Avatar.jpg
    26.2 KB · Views: 3

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Serah better be in this sequel or else Roman heads will roll /Spartacus mode

I could care less for Snow and Hope, but I expect Serah to make a return.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
No Pop style, thank goodness!!! :joy:

also her armor is starting to grow on me, i actually really like it now

If only they made her wear pants under it. Don't get me wrong, the armor is nice and very pretty, but I think that someone like Lightning, who wore shorts under her miniskirt, wouldn't be willing to be showing so blatantly what she would have shown anyway without those shorts.



Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
What I'm not happy about with the new outfit is that it's very similar to Yuna's in Final Fantasy X-2. (No, I've not played that game, but I've seen the pictures.) I don't feel that was really great creativity there; but, I can't talk, at times. ;P


Pro Adventurer
CL, Prompto
Some people compared the feather part to Cloud's half skirt( or whatever the heck it is) in his AC look.


Double Growth
No, Nomura just really likes half-skirts. It has no more in common with Cloud's than it does with Jecht's or Gunner/Songstress Yuna's.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Her outfit doesn't really bother me except the weird feathery skirt. Although if this is an AU...maybe it won't seem as weird. idk.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Maybe they wanted to give her armor an "angelic" feeling to it. The same way that someone in another forum pointed out the similarities between PHG's outfit and Bahamut's normal form. I didn't notice before but now that they mentioned it...

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku

Interestingly, Bahamut's skirt thing has feather designs on it as well.

Edit: also, in the trailer it looks like Light's in some ruins of some sort. Mayhaps they are of Pulsian nature?
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Fang was planned first as a male, remember? What if PHG is what Fang should have been at those early stages of development?
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