Final Fantasy XIII-2


Pro Adventurer
Thought about buying the game today.... but over here it's like.... $150 for a copy...


Not made of money ya ' know.

I was hoping to fangirl over some Caius ;_____;

Though I'm glad that everybody is enjoying the game so far c: Haven't heard a bad compliant yet ! Well... one xD But still, it's mostly been good reviews and thoughts than negatives. c:



Ok, wow, I've seen like five 13-2 commercials on TV in the past 3 hrs.
WTF? This never happens to me. Reminds me of X-2, which was the only other FF I kept seeing commercials for all over TV.


Pro Adventurer
Just got the game through the post!! Just about to play it now :D Can't wait!!!!


Great Old One
O EMM GEE, the music playing during the "Downloadable Content" section.

I came.

There I came again.



I am going to drive home and do nothing but play this game tonight. Ok, well, that's the dream, I'll be glad if the reality is that I get to play for even just an hour or so.

Alex Strife

The game's actually pretty good, so far. I'm impressed. I thought it wouldn't FEEL like a Final Fantasy game. But either they actually did a good job or my taste has gone to hell.

What matters to me is that I'm enjoying it so far, so...


Pro Adventurer
Just started chapter 5.
Well I have been playing this game nonstop since I picked it up Tuesday.
I'm afraid my roommate may be ~judging~ me because every time she comes home I'm plopped in front of the TV with a controller in my hand.
But she's going away for the weekend so at rate this rate I hope to be done with the main storyline by Monday. Then I can focus on collecting all the fragments and obtaining the paradox endings.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I got the crystal edition early today. Been playing it all day and I would still be playing if it wasn't so late.

This game is flawless.


Pro Adventurer
I got the crystal edition early today. Been playing it all day and I would still be playing if it wasn't so late.

This game is flawless.

Yes, actually I think this game is for me as much fun as FF XII.
And surprise surprise; I'm enjoying the story


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I regret everything I said about this game... everything

This game is so flawless. The fights, catching monsters, putting them names (I would love it if I could put Caius to a chocobo xD), and everything. My shipper heart is very pleased. I can't keep up. I can play this game for hours and not get bored. And most of all, I don't find the story boring at all. I can't stop jumping Serah around heheh.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I am just finished Chapter 2; about the head off the Chapter 3 Part 1. I got the moogle throw ability already from (did a little treasure hunting/bit of the storyline in) Chapter 3 Part 2. I like the game play as well. :)

About Sunleth, though, and I said this in the Spoiler thread: You've got to hand it to the fal'Cie, they were/are great gardeners.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I may be a bit overly optimistic on this, but I think Square might be on its way back up.

The story in this game is surprisingly good. The time travel element works quite well and allows for a lot of diversity in the settings, though I hate the anomaly mini-games. Luckily they don't take long and you can quickly get back to the fun stuff.

Noel and Serah have a great dynamic, and both are very interesting and possess depth. The villian also seems fairly interesting, and is looking to be one of my fav FF bads.

I also love that I can customize my party with monsters. I have a chocobo named Buttercup, and a cait sith named Ned. Both kick resounding ass in their own ways.

All the things I disliked about XIII have been fixed, the linearity, the lack of proper town shops and side-quests.

Soundtrack is awesome so far as well.

I've clocked around 7 hours so far, and I'm enjoying this game more than any FF in years. I won't say its one of the best in the series, not until I've finished anyway, but its a step in the right direction.

So that said, I'm feeling very optimistic about the future of Final Fantasy.

EDIT:Totally forgot to mention the voice acting. Simply put, its excellent. Noel's voice bugged me for the longest time because I recognized it, but could not place it. Finally I looked the VA up, and lo and behold its the same guy who voiced Rosh Penin. I couldn't believe it. Rosh is so annoying and Noel isn't.

Then Caius, who basicly sounds like an evil Ukitake. Not that big a surprise, they have the same VA.
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I'm in the UK, the motherfucker delivery guy didn't bother bringing the package yesterday and was planning to just post a red card through the door. I just went and collected my Crystal Edition and:--


I haven't started playing yet, but I'm super excited to rip it open ^_^.
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Great Old One
When I open that link you put in there, it says "Server error - Sorry, you've reached a login page for a domain that isn't using Google Apps. Please check the web address and try again. "

I love love love love the "what has happened so far" you get when you go back to continue your game after having the PS3 switched off. A lot of people might find this annoying, but for people like me who have short term memory from hell cba do go around remembering things I can just as easily look up, it's super useful :D


Great Old One
Yeah as long as you can skip it - and you can :D
I'm halfway in chp 3 now, but now I have to go to work. Boo.


AI Researcher
It's amazing.

And I love that there's the old tracks from FFXIII in the game too. Ahh memories ;_;

Summoner's Garb is adorable on her. I really hope her XIII outfit will be DLC eventually.
why wasn't her ffxiii outfit just unlockable in the time itself, the data is already there, it could have just been unlocked as you played/finished the game

damn you square, at least release that as free DLC if you are going to


unsavory tart
It's weird but a lot of the stuff that I complained about heavily, Noel, monsters instead of party members, lack of Lightning, mog clock.

They actually work really well in the game. Even the the things that I felt were well intentioned but was a little superficial in the game like jumping/live triggers/quick time events... I began to appreciate their addition in the game.

Oh yeah, soundtrack is good. It's not like... Nobou good but it's not weak either. It's an interesting mix of sounds. And having the metal chocobo song to the background in one of the silliest fights in the game, I now love it. T__T The only songs I don't like are the Historia Crux menu song and the weird metal song that sometimes plays during boss fights. But other than that, yeah, if anything you'll never be bored by it imo.


When I open that link you put in there, it says "Server error - Sorry, you've reached a login page for a domain that isn't using Google Apps. Please check the web address and try again. "

I love love love love the "what has happened so far" you get when you go back to continue your game after having the PS3 switched off. A lot of people might find this annoying, but for people like me who have short term memory from hell cba do go around remembering things I can just as easily look up, it's super useful :D



EDIT: Loving the game so far btw, just about to start "Episode 3 Part 1". You're right Splintered, they really do feel like part of the game, and not just something tacked on to pander to fans who want extra.

It all feels quite organic so far.
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Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I am so surprised at how much I'm liking this game. Considering my initial thoughts were: oh fuck really SE?

I haven't gotten through a lot of it but it's only because I'm such a perfectionist, I need to get everything and do everything as soon as I can so....:D

Anywho. I was never a big fan of FF13 and I really couldn't bring myself to connect to any character in the game either. Serah and Snow were probably the two characters who I disliked the most.

So, trust me when I say this: get the game.

Serah is greatly improved. She isn't annoying or any of that. She's actually cute, funny and very human. You can see how conflicted she is with everything but I like how she's still determined to save her sister. I find it very endearing and I like how she isn't so obsessed with her love life/Snow which, tbh, I thought she would be. Because Snow wouldn't shut up about her in FF13 :awesomonster:

Noel is flawless. He is such a typical FF main male hero, you won't be able to help it but get attached to him. He's all about saving humanity but not being all gung ho about it and still a do gooder. He's also got some secrets he's hiding. Typical FF fashion. Which, to me, is actually such a good thing because SE had been moving away from it and I missed that a lot. Not to mention, I adore his VA. I was expecting it to be shitty but...hey, they did good this time.

The gameplay is super fun and super addictive. I love how open everything is and how many options are available to you. The monster stuff is a lot of fun and using them in different strategies in any battle is challenging but FUN. Especially if you're aiming for five stars.

I'm also one of those people who loved the grinding aspects in FF and I'm so glad they brought it back in this game. Leveling up Noel, Serah and the monsters has me spending ages on this game and I like it?

I can't say a lot about the story right now because I think for that, I'd need to complete the game to really judge. So far though, it's definitely interesting and has me curious. Considering it's all time loop crap, I thought I'd hate it's actually executed quite well.

I guess I don't have much to complain about in this game, really. except maybe Snow's awful hair

I recommend getting the game. If not brand new, at least a used copy or something. I don't think it's a waste of money. But then again, wtf do I know? I enjoyed Crisis Core and thought that was wonderful, too. :awesomonster:


AI Researcher
Excluding story stuff (and even then mainly just execution related points), the only real complain I could think of was the quality of the animations for the real time cutscenes, which sometimes look a little stiff and not very fluid. I guess maybe that could be down to having costumes you could change (thus not doing through the trouble of making higher quality models for each one), but I don't know what I'm talking about. It just didn't seem to retain the quality of FFXIII's (which also were kind of stiff at times).

I was kind of iffy on the monsters and them having a crystarium grid of their own, what with the massive number of them and not all of them going to be great, but the fact you can feed those to other monsters to augment them helps give them more of a purpose and not just having tens of monsters that are dead weight.
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