Final Fantasy XIII-2


wangxian married
i love this game, i love time traveling

i am the pokemon master time lord it's me

the time gate system is cool and loads of fun, i'm loving the locations, the voice acting is fucking stellar, the story is better than what i expected, the gameplay is solid, noel and serah are both really great lead characters.

for once the sequel actually feels more fleshed out than the original -- this feels more like what they were trying to accomplish with xiii and it's a shame they cut so many corners because seeing all these things fully realized gives me all the happy feelings.

i can already tell i'm going to clock a ridiculous amount of hours on this game, it's hard to put down. r.i.p my life :sadpanda:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
so i was kinda excited about this game but never super pumped for it

and then it arrived today

and i opened it and was suddenly filled with feelings of ALADJADJFIAJDFIJAEFD

i won't be able to play it til tonight though and it makes me happy to see all the positive reviews it's getting and so exciiiiiiiiiite


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
and i really do love the "last time" thing when you start up, too. especially since i tend to forget easily, so it's a nice feature.

Considering I have a bad, bad habit of leaving a game alone for a long period of time sometimes, depending on how hellish life gets, I find this feature extremely useful. :monster:


AI Researcher
FFXIII-2's is more like the 'Previously on ...' thing you get on TV shows, rather than FFXIII's. Little clips from the game rather than text summaries.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
I mostly skip the "Last Time" thing, since loading takes forever, but it can certainly be a handy feature for anyone who stops gameplay midway and take it up again months later.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Remind me to neve rlook up reviews for FF games again. I swear nobody actually payed attention to this game when they played it.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
All those reviewers bashing the story actually made me worried about it. I mean, I don't usually listen to critics, but if so many people say the same stuff, it must be for a reason.

But I think it's actually pretty decent and easy to follow. And the gameplay is simply glorious.

Best FF game since X, imo tbh.


I just started playing tonight, finally. Only got about an hour in, but I am also really enjoying it so far. I don't know why I didn't really notice this in the demo, but I really like that getting a preemptive strike castes haste on your party for a bit. Very handy. I also like that the battle system opens up so early in the game, unlike XIII's.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
All those reviewers bashing the story actually made me worried about it. I mean, I don't usually listen to critics, but if so many people say the same stuff, it must be for a reason.

But I think it's actually pretty decent and easy to follow. And the gameplay is simply glorious.

Best FF game since X, imo tbh.

What gets me is all the reviewers claiming the sotry is "Incomprehensible". Really? Cause I know for a fact I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and I had no trouble following and comprehending the story.

Anyway, whats the best place to go grind if you're just wanting to get a huge amount of CP in a hurry?


Great Old One
Ok, so: Feral links. Anybody found them really useful yet? I mainly use my monster as RAV or MED, so that might be why I don't see any use to it (they don't do much damage in those roles? I haven't been really paying attention). But I just recruited a Behemoth (YAY!) so I might set up my paradigms different, and use the Behemoth as COM and Noel more as RAV.

I'm now about to enter Oerba <3


unsavory tart
Ok, so: Feral links. Anybody found them really useful yet? I mainly use my monster as RAV or MED, so that might be why I don't see any use to it (they don't do much damage in those roles? I haven't been really paying attention). But I just recruited a Behemoth (YAY!) so I might set up my paradigms different, and use the Behemoth as COM and Noel more as RAV.

I'm now about to enter Oerba <3
Kinda. I spent most of my game being OP'd so I never really needed it, but it's not bad. I got my achievement for 99,999 in a single attack thanks to my Pichuu so his feral ability (meteorite) so his is pretty strong. You probably need a feral link to get that achievement because both Serah's and Noel's ultimate moves are multi hits. And my Rav's giant drop actually does pretty good chain bonus along with its meh AoE damage.

I wanted to use Behemoth as my COM for awhile because his feral link gives you bravery and faith- Noel was my only syn for awhile and he only has protect buffs. Then I switched out my med for a purple chocobo and didn't really need it. Although the purple chocobo's feral link seems pretty much useless, imo.

So I guess it depends on the monster.
Last edited:


AI Researcher
Anyway, whats the best place to go grind if you're just wanting to get a huge amount of CP in a hurry?
Collecting fragments. Between that and what you'd get battling normally while getting them, there really isn't that much of a need to grind IMO. Once you get a lot of fragments (like 100+) you can unlock a skill to get more from battles, but when I got it I was already in the 90s for all my role levels. They really ought to have made that unlock sooner so it was more useful.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
Do the chocobos have a higher rate of capture or something? I have so much trouble capturing all other monsters but them. I'm telling you, that claim in the datalog files that Feral Link kills help increase capture rate is a complete lie.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku

best part of the game so far


AI Researcher
that woman in the house who just talks about stuff cats do

and i just found myself going


cat feelings

and then i forgot what the game was supposed to be about


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
lmao All of New Bodhum is just cat crazy central. And all I could think was "I don't want to leave this place, I've found my true home."


I know a couple of you have mentioned this already, but I'm also kind of digging the "The story so far" bits when you come back. It's a nice touch.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I know a couple of you have mentioned this already, but I'm also kind of digging the "The story so far" bits when you come back. It's a nice touch.

Whenever I hear Serah saying it, I fangirl. Whenever Noel says it.... I think something dies inside me. Such a wonderful and hot voice. I wonder if Troy's says it too. So far its only Caius, Noel, Serah and Yeul saying it.

it scares me how casual I take it whenever Yuul dies.

So far the only thing I hate so much is that clock thingy. When there are distortions you have to solve, they transport you to this thing where you have to erase all the numbers of the clock. UGH. MY HEAD BURNS SO MUCH.

Today I took such a detour. Took me a lot to get back on the main story. Still I loved it. I love how everything is optional and random. I can't get enough of this game. While people finish the game in four or five days IDGAF and just detour myself. I plan on enjoy every moment of this game.


Pro Adventurer
Okay, Okay just finished the main storyline component of the game.
Is Toriyama a misogynist?
I was at least mentally prepared for an open ending given the response among fans following the Japanese release.
I think it was made apparent that Serah wouldn't make it but I was in denial until she dropped dead. Lightning...
I mean, I hope the story is resolved properly is all.
I will slowly make my way through collecting the remaining fragments, only have 51 right now.


Pro Adventurer
Okay, Okay just finished the main storyline component of the game.
Is Toriyama a misogynist?
I was at least mentally prepared for an open ending given the response among fans following the Japanese release.
I think it was made apparent that Serah wouldn't make it but I was in denial until she dropped dead. Lightning...
I mean, I hope the story is resolved properly is all.
I will slowly make my way through collecting the remaining fragments, only have 51 right now.
Major spoilers for the ending and secret ending, Kupo!
he'll resolve it through DLC, Kupo!
Spoilers from the Guide Book, kupo:

What is the moment in Final Fantasy XIII-2 that the team is most proud of from a visual perspective?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "I believe the continuous battle sequences between Lightning and Caius in the opening sequence is one of the most spectacular scenes in the game. This sequence is a fusion of cutscene, combat and cinematic action. In a sense, this offers a sample of all the battles to come in the game."

What gave you the idea of time travel as a main concept in Final Fantasy XIII-2?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "With Final Fantasy XIII-2, we wanted to design a story where the main characters travel through time to fix the course of a long history, and rebuild the world as they knew it following the events of Final Fantasy XIII. The players has to interact with various people from multiple time periods, and eventually determine whether the events -- as they are described by Lightning following the end of Final Fantasy XIII -- are real or not."

Why is Serah the only character who remembers the original events as seen at the end of FFXIII?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "Final Fantasy XIII-2 reveals that the goddess Etro saved Serah during the final scenes of FF XIII, releasing her from her crystal stasis. Through her interactions with Etro, Serah acquired certain powers normally non-accessible to humans. This is why she can time-travel when passing through the Gates (like Noel or Snow). This is also how she received the gift of the "Eyes of Etro", enabling her to see changes in the timeline, as does Yeul. It is also for this reason that she has a special bond with monster, allowing her to tame them in their crystal form and use them as allies."

Are Atlas and the Royal Ripeness the largest enemies you have ever created?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "In Final Fantasy XIII, we were unable to implement a fight against the giant fal'Cie, Titan, in the Archylte Steppe -- he was simply too big. This was an issue we wanted to address in FFXIII-2. As a result the player is often confronted in the game by very large monsters, such as Atlas, or the Royal Ripeness. As a rule, all of these bosses are just as tough as they are big."

To what extent did you re-design locations that already existed in Final Fantasy XIII?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "All regions across the time periods were redesigned with different gameplay concepts and objectives in Final Fantasy XIII-2. The locations as they existed in Final Fantasy XIII have gone through an entirely new level design process in order to offer a new experience to the player. This ensures that those who played Final Fantasy XIII still have a lot to rediscover in this game, both through exploring locale variations in the future and by enjoying the new featured in terms of playability."

Why are there no inhabitants in any time period in Oerba? Is this supposed to be a ghost town?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "Fang and Vanille, who were both born in Oerba, attacked Cocoon in the War of Transgression, which you will remember occurred hundreds of years before the events of Final Fantasy XIII. When the war ended, the environment on Pulse was in ruins and consequently all human survivors had no alternative but to leave. This is how Oerba became deserted -- a ghost town. Centuries later, the Academy established a protected zone in and around Oerba, forbidding anyone to enter. This is the reason Oerba was never repopulated, across all time periods.

From a design perspective, Oerba holds a strong symbolic value in Final Fantasy XIII as it signifies the end of the main protagonists' journey. We therefore felt uncomfortable in repopulating Oerba or making it busy, We chose to leave it desolate."

How difficult was it to design a "grown-up" Hope, starting with his younger persona from Final Fantasy XIII?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "At the beginning of Final Fantasy XIII, Hope is an inexperienced and naive youth, but as we all know, he matures throughout the storyline, which essentially depicts his development from a child to a young man. As a consequence, it was quite natural for us to show how Hope matured from a young man to an adult in Final Fantasy XIII-2."

Why are the events of the Sunleth Waterscape location largely focused on Flan creatures?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "We are aware that most episodes in the game are very serious. So we thought that the Sunleth Waterscape location offered an opportunity to introduce a humorous note and the Flan creatures are perfect for this purpose."

How can Snow travel through time? Is this related to his new l'Cie mark?What is the story behind this?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "After the events of Final Fantasy XIII and the disappearance of Lightning, Snow firmly believed in Serah's memory. As a consequence, he set out to save Lightning, Fang and Vanille and intentionally approached a l'Cie, anticipating this would enable him to travel through time. He then found a Gate and set forth on his long journey.

Snow's story up to when he met a fal'Cie will be revealed in an official novel to be published soon in Japan. The later part of his journey is detailed in the game in the form of texts made available as the player retrieves fragments."

The Archylte Steppe is once again the ultimate hunting ground in this game, and features some very tough monsters. Was this intended as a bonus for Final Fantasy XIII players?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "The idea behind the Steppe is certainly to offer a large area with many missions and we believe that this will please many Final Fantasy fans. In XIII-2, we introduced an additional factor through the weather, which we believe adds a new layer in terms of hunting and exploration."

Did you intend for Serendipity to evoke the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy VII?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "Yes, it is fair to say that we designed Serendipity as an homage to the richness of earlier Final Fantasy installments. With its wealth of minigames, especially the Chocobo races, Serendipity is intentionally reminiscent of the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy VII. You might have noticed that we set the camera distance back from the level itself to recreate the atmosphere of the Gold Saucer."

How do Sazh and Dajh travel through time and appear in the final scenes?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "At some point, Sazh and his son Dajh got caught in Serendipity, but they came out alive having won a gamble of fate. The full details of this story will be revealed in a planned DLC release."

The Academia map is completely new and certainly looks very impressive. Is there a version (400 AF or 4XX AF) that you focused on first, or were both designed in parallel?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "The large Cocoon as it appears in Final Fantasy XIII was built on fal'Cie technology. In Final Fantasy XIII-2, however, the power of the fal'Cie is no more, and Academia is a futuristic city based entirely on human technology. We have experimented here with some visionary architecture, suggesting perhaps how city planning may appear on earth in the future.

When you first visit Academia, many battles occur under very dramatic conditions. These are designed to take place in the evening and in the rain in order to enhance the sense of tragedy. We consider this setting a visual reference, a symbol of Final Fantasy XIII-2."

Youji Iio, Environment Technical Artist: "Initially, we started on the day version of the map, called 4XX AF, as this is where you have access to all city areas. We soon realized that a large metropolis with glittering lights and skyscrapers can be very visually impressive in the evening so we moved on to the 400 AF version in order to work on the lightning. From a production standpoint I think we just continued on this and implemented the rain and all of the finer details and features. So in the end. the 400 AF version was in fact finished first."

Final Fantasy XIII-2 features a tower with multiple floor levels, just like Taejin's Tower in Final Fantasy XIII, and the Pharos in Final Fantasy XII. Do you see this as a staple of a Final Fantasy game?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "We believe it is an important process to go through a complex dungeon in the middle of the storyline as this acts both as a trial and a story turning point before the player reaches the climax at the end of the adventure. This takes the form of Augusta Tower in Final Fantasy XIII-2, a futuristic dungeon peppered with puzzles. The player has to search the whole Historia Crux in order to access the heart of the tower. This makes it a difficult challenge, one which cannot be completed by just visiting the area itself."

Is there one particular monster in FFXIII-2 that the team has a special affinity towards?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "You can recruit in excess of 150 monsters in the game, each with its unique battle style. Naturally each member of the development team has their own, personal favorite. That said, I think the most popular monster amongst the team -- and the one most frequently found in Paradigm Packs -- is probably the Flanitor, a Medic."

Why did Alyssa betray her friends and accept Caius's offer by booby-trapping the Gate in Academia 4XX AF?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "Alyssa actually died during the Purge that occurs at the beginning of Final Fantasy XIII. Her "survival" is due to the course of history having been altered when Etro decided to save those who fought to defend Cocoon. She can only exist in this warped timeline, her very existence being a paradox of sorts. As Serah and Noel solve all the inconsistencies that alter the true course of events, Alyssa feels increasingly threatened. She is aware the the restoration of the timeline will lead to her demise. She eventually chooses to favor her own survival, by accepting Caius's offer even when this means betraying her friends."

The "dream" events that occur in the Void Beyond in Episode 5 offer an interesting change of pace. What were the reasons behind this?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "The 'dream' events offered an opportunity to both tell the story via cutscenes and to actually present it, thus enabling players to experience this for themselves. We therefore designed Episode 5 in such a way that the character can experience "dreams" or "pasts" together with the player. We also wanted to give a sense of the true strength of Caius, which Noel is aware of from the start."

The Oracle Drives seem to have been created by the Farseers. If their civilization was indeed so advanced, could they still exist somewhere on Pulse?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "The Farseers do in fact still exist in the days of Final Fantasy XIII-2, and even in the time period that Noel comes from. They live hidden, far away from all other human beings. They are aware of the prophecy that warns of potential conflicts between humans; they therefore avoid contact with modern civilization and choose never again to use technology like the Oracle Drives."

Is there a meaning to the throne of Etro that is seen at various moments in The Void Beyond?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "The throne of Etro that appears in The Void Beyond is empty for most of the game. This symbolizes the ever diminishing power of Etro. However, in the ending, Lightning sits on the throne. This symbolizes that the world's very existence relies on her to embody the divine will. AS Lightning wants to maintain Hope, she enters the crystal stasis in order to protect the will of her sacrificed sister, Serah. We are planning a DLC release to reveal the background to this."

When you decided that party members could jump in Final Fantasy XIII-2, did you already have the Academia 500 AF "Labyrinth of Chaos" in mind?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "Once we decided to allow the main character to jump, we knew that we wanted a game location where the level design would offer a unique platform challenge. We believed we could increase this effect by having this occur in Academia 500 AF as this is the final dungeon in the game."

Why doesn't time flow in Valhalla?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "Valhalla exists on a different reality plane, one that lies between the real world and nothingness. Time doesn't flow in Valhalla because it is a timeless, lifeless place. With Etro fading from the real world, Valhalla is her only refuge: it is a "middle world" where she waits until she dissolves completely."

Is Caius less objectionable than classic "bad guys" in order to unsettle the player?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "This is a very interesting question. Caius is a unique villain throughout the game in that his goal is not to destroy the world, but to save Yeul, and nothing will deter him from that objective. He has unshakable will power. This means that he doesn't necessarily appear as a "bad" person. This wasn't so much to confuse player, but rather to put them in front of a bewildering enemy.

Although Caius dies in the final battle, we see him alive in the secret ending,. This does not mean that there are multiple version of Caius that have been manipulating events from a different timeline. Quite the opposite: the Caius that 'dies' in Valhalla (a timeless place) is the same one that we see in the secret ending. His is a paradoxical existence that already knows how the battle ends and will still not stop until he reaches that end. His 'death' only strengthens his resolve, as even this did not alter the course of events. The goddess died nonetheless, which is what he fought for all along."


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Oh god the Flanitors



dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Started the final chapter last night. I have about 49 fragments so far.

The quick story recap you get when you reload a save file is kinda cool. A lot of the stages are gorgeous, particularly Academia and Oerba. ^_^

and i think i'm starting to ship noerah now :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Major spoilers for the ending and secret ending, Kupo!
he'll resolve it through DLC, Kupo!
Spoilers from the Guide Book, kupo:

What is the moment in Final Fantasy XIII-2 that the team is most proud of from a visual perspective?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "I believe the continuous battle sequences between Lightning and Caius in the opening sequence is one of the most spectacular scenes in the game. This sequence is a fusion of cutscene, combat and cinematic action. In a sense, this offers a sample of all the battles to come in the game."

What gave you the idea of time travel as a main concept in Final Fantasy XIII-2?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "With Final Fantasy XIII-2, we wanted to design a story where the main characters travel through time to fix the course of a long history, and rebuild the world as they knew it following the events of Final Fantasy XIII. The players has to interact with various people from multiple time periods, and eventually determine whether the events -- as they are described by Lightning following the end of Final Fantasy XIII -- are real or not."

Why is Serah the only character who remembers the original events as seen at the end of FFXIII?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "Final Fantasy XIII-2 reveals that the goddess Etro saved Serah during the final scenes of FF XIII, releasing her from her crystal stasis. Through her interactions with Etro, Serah acquired certain powers normally non-accessible to humans. This is why she can time-travel when passing through the Gates (like Noel or Snow). This is also how she received the gift of the "Eyes of Etro", enabling her to see changes in the timeline, as does Yeul. It is also for this reason that she has a special bond with monster, allowing her to tame them in their crystal form and use them as allies."

Are Atlas and the Royal Ripeness the largest enemies you have ever created?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "In Final Fantasy XIII, we were unable to implement a fight against the giant fal'Cie, Titan, in the Archylte Steppe -- he was simply too big. This was an issue we wanted to address in FFXIII-2. As a result the player is often confronted in the game by very large monsters, such as Atlas, or the Royal Ripeness. As a rule, all of these bosses are just as tough as they are big."

To what extent did you re-design locations that already existed in Final Fantasy XIII?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "All regions across the time periods were redesigned with different gameplay concepts and objectives in Final Fantasy XIII-2. The locations as they existed in Final Fantasy XIII have gone through an entirely new level design process in order to offer a new experience to the player. This ensures that those who played Final Fantasy XIII still have a lot to rediscover in this game, both through exploring locale variations in the future and by enjoying the new featured in terms of playability."

Why are there no inhabitants in any time period in Oerba? Is this supposed to be a ghost town?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "Fang and Vanille, who were both born in Oerba, attacked Cocoon in the War of Transgression, which you will remember occurred hundreds of years before the events of Final Fantasy XIII. When the war ended, the environment on Pulse was in ruins and consequently all human survivors had no alternative but to leave. This is how Oerba became deserted -- a ghost town. Centuries later, the Academy established a protected zone in and around Oerba, forbidding anyone to enter. This is the reason Oerba was never repopulated, across all time periods.

From a design perspective, Oerba holds a strong symbolic value in Final Fantasy XIII as it signifies the end of the main protagonists' journey. We therefore felt uncomfortable in repopulating Oerba or making it busy, We chose to leave it desolate."

How difficult was it to design a "grown-up" Hope, starting with his younger persona from Final Fantasy XIII?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "At the beginning of Final Fantasy XIII, Hope is an inexperienced and naive youth, but as we all know, he matures throughout the storyline, which essentially depicts his development from a child to a young man. As a consequence, it was quite natural for us to show how Hope matured from a young man to an adult in Final Fantasy XIII-2."

Why are the events of the Sunleth Waterscape location largely focused on Flan creatures?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "We are aware that most episodes in the game are very serious. So we thought that the Sunleth Waterscape location offered an opportunity to introduce a humorous note and the Flan creatures are perfect for this purpose."

How can Snow travel through time? Is this related to his new l'Cie mark?What is the story behind this?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "After the events of Final Fantasy XIII and the disappearance of Lightning, Snow firmly believed in Serah's memory. As a consequence, he set out to save Lightning, Fang and Vanille and intentionally approached a l'Cie, anticipating this would enable him to travel through time. He then found a Gate and set forth on his long journey.

Snow's story up to when he met a fal'Cie will be revealed in an official novel to be published soon in Japan. The later part of his journey is detailed in the game in the form of texts made available as the player retrieves fragments."

The Archylte Steppe is once again the ultimate hunting ground in this game, and features some very tough monsters. Was this intended as a bonus for Final Fantasy XIII players?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "The idea behind the Steppe is certainly to offer a large area with many missions and we believe that this will please many Final Fantasy fans. In XIII-2, we introduced an additional factor through the weather, which we believe adds a new layer in terms of hunting and exploration."

Did you intend for Serendipity to evoke the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy VII?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "Yes, it is fair to say that we designed Serendipity as an homage to the richness of earlier Final Fantasy installments. With its wealth of minigames, especially the Chocobo races, Serendipity is intentionally reminiscent of the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy VII. You might have noticed that we set the camera distance back from the level itself to recreate the atmosphere of the Gold Saucer."

How do Sazh and Dajh travel through time and appear in the final scenes?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "At some point, Sazh and his son Dajh got caught in Serendipity, but they came out alive having won a gamble of fate. The full details of this story will be revealed in a planned DLC release."

The Academia map is completely new and certainly looks very impressive. Is there a version (400 AF or 4XX AF) that you focused on first, or were both designed in parallel?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "The large Cocoon as it appears in Final Fantasy XIII was built on fal'Cie technology. In Final Fantasy XIII-2, however, the power of the fal'Cie is no more, and Academia is a futuristic city based entirely on human technology. We have experimented here with some visionary architecture, suggesting perhaps how city planning may appear on earth in the future.

When you first visit Academia, many battles occur under very dramatic conditions. These are designed to take place in the evening and in the rain in order to enhance the sense of tragedy. We consider this setting a visual reference, a symbol of Final Fantasy XIII-2."

Youji Iio, Environment Technical Artist: "Initially, we started on the day version of the map, called 4XX AF, as this is where you have access to all city areas. We soon realized that a large metropolis with glittering lights and skyscrapers can be very visually impressive in the evening so we moved on to the 400 AF version in order to work on the lightning. From a production standpoint I think we just continued on this and implemented the rain and all of the finer details and features. So in the end. the 400 AF version was in fact finished first."

Final Fantasy XIII-2 features a tower with multiple floor levels, just like Taejin's Tower in Final Fantasy XIII, and the Pharos in Final Fantasy XII. Do you see this as a staple of a Final Fantasy game?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "We believe it is an important process to go through a complex dungeon in the middle of the storyline as this acts both as a trial and a story turning point before the player reaches the climax at the end of the adventure. This takes the form of Augusta Tower in Final Fantasy XIII-2, a futuristic dungeon peppered with puzzles. The player has to search the whole Historia Crux in order to access the heart of the tower. This makes it a difficult challenge, one which cannot be completed by just visiting the area itself."

Is there one particular monster in FFXIII-2 that the team has a special affinity towards?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "You can recruit in excess of 150 monsters in the game, each with its unique battle style. Naturally each member of the development team has their own, personal favorite. That said, I think the most popular monster amongst the team -- and the one most frequently found in Paradigm Packs -- is probably the Flanitor, a Medic."

Why did Alyssa betray her friends and accept Caius's offer by booby-trapping the Gate in Academia 4XX AF?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "Alyssa actually died during the Purge that occurs at the beginning of Final Fantasy XIII. Her "survival" is due to the course of history having been altered when Etro decided to save those who fought to defend Cocoon. She can only exist in this warped timeline, her very existence being a paradox of sorts. As Serah and Noel solve all the inconsistencies that alter the true course of events, Alyssa feels increasingly threatened. She is aware the the restoration of the timeline will lead to her demise. She eventually chooses to favor her own survival, by accepting Caius's offer even when this means betraying her friends."

The "dream" events that occur in the Void Beyond in Episode 5 offer an interesting change of pace. What were the reasons behind this?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "The 'dream' events offered an opportunity to both tell the story via cutscenes and to actually present it, thus enabling players to experience this for themselves. We therefore designed Episode 5 in such a way that the character can experience "dreams" or "pasts" together with the player. We also wanted to give a sense of the true strength of Caius, which Noel is aware of from the start."

The Oracle Drives seem to have been created by the Farseers. If their civilization was indeed so advanced, could they still exist somewhere on Pulse?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "The Farseers do in fact still exist in the days of Final Fantasy XIII-2, and even in the time period that Noel comes from. They live hidden, far away from all other human beings. They are aware of the prophecy that warns of potential conflicts between humans; they therefore avoid contact with modern civilization and choose never again to use technology like the Oracle Drives."

Is there a meaning to the throne of Etro that is seen at various moments in The Void Beyond?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "The throne of Etro that appears in The Void Beyond is empty for most of the game. This symbolizes the ever diminishing power of Etro. However, in the ending, Lightning sits on the throne. This symbolizes that the world's very existence relies on her to embody the divine will. AS Lightning wants to maintain Hope, she enters the crystal stasis in order to protect the will of her sacrificed sister, Serah. We are planning a DLC release to reveal the background to this."

When you decided that party members could jump in Final Fantasy XIII-2, did you already have the Academia 500 AF "Labyrinth of Chaos" in mind?

Motomu Toriyama, Director: "Once we decided to allow the main character to jump, we knew that we wanted a game location where the level design would offer a unique platform challenge. We believed we could increase this effect by having this occur in Academia 500 AF as this is the final dungeon in the game."

Why doesn't time flow in Valhalla?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "Valhalla exists on a different reality plane, one that lies between the real world and nothingness. Time doesn't flow in Valhalla because it is a timeless, lifeless place. With Etro fading from the real world, Valhalla is her only refuge: it is a "middle world" where she waits until she dissolves completely."

Is Caius less objectionable than classic "bad guys" in order to unsettle the player?

Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "This is a very interesting question. Caius is a unique villain throughout the game in that his goal is not to destroy the world, but to save Yeul, and nothing will deter him from that objective. He has unshakable will power. This means that he doesn't necessarily appear as a "bad" person. This wasn't so much to confuse player, but rather to put them in front of a bewildering enemy.

Although Caius dies in the final battle, we see him alive in the secret ending,. This does not mean that there are multiple version of Caius that have been manipulating events from a different timeline. Quite the opposite: the Caius that 'dies' in Valhalla (a timeless place) is the same one that we see in the secret ending. His is a paradoxical existence that already knows how the battle ends and will still not stop until he reaches that end. His 'death' only strengthens his resolve, as even this did not alter the course of events. The goddess died nonetheless, which is what he fought for all along."

Very informative, thanks for posting the interview. I think they could have found some way to include details about Alyssa's betrayal in the game (aside from requiring players to collect fragments to read about it) because I didn't quite understand it. I guess she really did see her name on that tombstone.
I'm a little bit worried about to what extent they can resolve the game through DLC; there is just so much unresolved between the fate of Fang and Vanille, Snow, Lightning, the entire world among other things. I can understand using DLC to expand upon character side stories. Explaining, for instance, the events leading up to Lightning turning to crystal or Sazh's visit to Serendipity. But as for ending the game like that and expecting to answer all questions over time with DLC, I don't know. I guess I just want a full sequel. I never experienced DLC so maybe its a common practice to "finish" games in this manner?
I think they could have left FFXIII as it was; the ending presented full resolution of the main storyline. If they took it upon themselves to make FFXIII-2 when it really wasn't needed, how can they not be considering a full trilogy given the nonending ending of this installment. It just seems like XIII-2 is a bridge to the true conclusion to be revealed in XIII-3. I actually really loved XIII-2 over all, including the ending, just want closure not tack on DLC.
With that said, I look forward to seeing how things turn out.
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