Final Fantasy XIII-2


Raspatil on the Ashensand in Oerba (appears in a distortion) drops 100,000 gil every time you beat it.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
if you retry, it doesn't give you a screen where you're in the menu as per usual for that fight? if anything can't you just hop back into the historia crux?

Actually, don't wait once you're back in the game. Press triangle (or xBox's equivalent) immediately. You will get into the menu as long as the battle hasn't started.


Stupid clock puzzles in the temporal rift :rage: I know if I actually tried I could figure this one out, but I'm so tired and impatient and just want to get on with the game and aaaaaa my brains! :P


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
I can kill Yomi much quicker than I can kill Raspatil for farming. Sticking to Yomi, personally.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
Where can I find Yomi? I need gil so bad right now. I have to get lots of stuff (new weapons and the wild artifact at Serendipity) and I only have like 1k :sadpanda:


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
Where can I find Yomi? I need gil so bad right now. I have to get lots of stuff (new weapons and the wild artifact at Serendipity) and I only have like 1k :sadpanda:

Just in case:
You have to do the quests to kill the huge Ochu thing (I forget it's name now) and the Immortal from the Archylte Steppe before you can get the quest to take down Yomi. I think you have to take down Long Gui before you can attempt the other two first but I don't personally know. I just know I killed Long Gui first as part of my on-going revenge against the Oretoise.

Once you get the quest, switch the weather to stormy and take the chocobo and follow the marker given to you on the map and jump onto the one place you can't reach without a chocobo. The battle should initiate automatically.

With the quest completed, all you have to do to reset Yomi is to change the weather to something else, exit the area and re-enter. Change the weather back to stormy and fight it again for easy money. :3

Alex Strife

I actually killed Yomi a few minutes ago! :D

And thanks to the great lot of CP I got, now I maxed both Serah and Noel. Yay. 156 fragments, and moving on to Mr.157

EDIT: Right! 157 done, surprisingly enough. Now I just need a huge bag of gil, and... ho ho ho!
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dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
I beat Immortal, Ochu and Long Gui, but I'm taking forever to beat Yomi :rage:

One more role to max out for Noel and Serah!

Does anyone know how to get the casino coin fragment in Serendipity, btw? I tried putting something heavy on the L1 button and went to do something else, but it ended up draining all my coins...

153 fragments...nearly there! :monster:


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Where can I find Yomi? I need gil so bad right now. I have to get lots of stuff (new weapons and the wild artifact at Serendipity) and I only have like 1k :sadpanda:
How I did it was getting the Survivalist Catalog (Well my baby knows Spanish so its called Buena Elección :P) from the Chocobo races. I went on to Oerba 300 a.f. and well. I was trying to find a white chocobo but... it gave me twice the gil. That's mostly what I did :P. Or you can go somewhere else where you can get tons of battles. IDK which way is easier for you bb.


I beat Immortal, Ochu and Long Gui, but I'm taking forever to beat Yomi :rage:

One more role to max out for Noel and Serah!

Does anyone know how to get the casino coin fragment in Serendipity, btw? I tried putting something heavy on the L1 button and went to do something else, but it ended up draining all my coins...

153 fragments...nearly there! :monster:

Make sure the woman in front says "It's like a hot summers day", that way you'll win more often. If she says anything else, go to Historia Crux and come back until she says it. Have about 10,000+ coins, and then have L1 held down. It's best to sit near it because you're more likely to win on manual mode, so manually control it when it goes into victory mode.

Leaving it on L1 is going to drain all your coins no matter how many you have. I had 16,000 and I accidentally fell asleep. I had the fragment in the morning.

Also, make sure you don't already have the fragment, because the game just keeps playing after the tiny cutscene anyway. 7,777 coins won. If it wasn't for that fragment, I wouldn't even have bothered with the slot machines!


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
So my plan was to play the storyline and do any side quest stuff after I beat the game. I was doing just fine until I got to the Last Episode and got my butt whooped by one of the ending bosses. Poot. So I've decided to do some fragment collecting/other junk for CP. baww, I just wanted to beat the game and see the ending.


Great Old One
So my plan was to play the storyline and do any side quest stuff after I beat the game. I was doing just fine until I got to the Last Episode and got my butt whooped by one of the ending bosses. Poot. So I've decided to do some fragment collecting/other junk for CP. baww, I just wanted to beat the game and see the ending.
You're doing exactly what I did. I got my ass handed to me so bad in 500 AF I almost had to crawl back, but I did manage somehow. It's like - I thought I was overleveled for so long, and then I was almost underleveled.

Also, everyone is getting so much pretty stuff and fighting cool beasts and I'm stubbornly insisting on not googling stuff, which means Caius is constantly whooping my ass and I get tired and can't bother with it anymore. I do my gaming the wrong way. I game like a crazy person. I repeat stuff over and over again and expect different results :P


I also have the suspicion that I might be overleveled, but reading ^^ makes me nervous...but also excited because I do enjoy challenging fights :D


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
YIt's like - I thought I was overleveled for so long, and then I was almost underleveled.

Yes omg. This so much. It's like I was fine all along, very few (if any) problems. SUDDENLY INCAPABLE. The only other time I had trouble was with
Caius the first time, because this fucker keeps healing himself. fuuu

I repeat stuff over and over again and expect different results

Wait. You mean that's not how you game? gurl, I've been doing that for 27 years. HASN'T FAILED ME YET.


Yes omg. This so much. It's like I was fine all along, very few (if any) problems. SUDDENLY INCAPABLE. The only other time I had trouble was with
Caius the first time, because this fucker keeps healing himself. fuuu

Wait. You mean that's not how you game? gurl, I've been doing that for 27 years. HASN'T FAILED ME YET.

Uh oh...
I didn't really have any issues with Caius the first time (I've only fought him once so far) maybe I really am overleveled. Which actually makes me sad. I don't like battles to be so easy that I don't even have to think about them. Crap. Honestly, it almost makes me want to start over. Almost. We'll see. In your opinion, what is something that should honestly give me trouble when I go up against it? That way, if I come to it and it's a cake walk...I'll know, and can then make my decision.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Uh oh...
I didn't really have any issues with Caius the first time (I've only fought him once so far) maybe I really am overleveled. Which actually makes me sad. I don't like battles to be so easy that I don't even have to think about them. Crap. Honestly, it almost makes me want to start over. Almost. We'll see. In your opinion, what is something that should honestly give me trouble when I go up against it? That way, if I come to it and it's a cake walk...I'll know, and can then make my decision.

erm, well. It's attacks took a lot of health. Although that wasn't even the problem, since I healed and used my paradigms effectively enough. It's just that I had to heal too often and it took away from my ability to cause enough damage/create a stagger.
I'd cause a bunch of damage and then self-healing would undo all the work I did. Plus it has a lot of buffs on it, so it takes a bit of time to remove them in order to actually cause significant damage.
I didn't have all that much trouble with the boss that came before it, though. Just enough that it was a fun challenge.

I didn't think I was overleveled, I thought I was right where I was supposed to be. As it turns out, I might not be prepared enough. I could just be doing it wrong, but I did try a couple different strategies. Honestly, I probably could beat it if I could find a strategy that works with my style of play. But I'll just run around for a bit, then go back.

On another note, why do the children in this game always fall down? XD


erm, well. It's attacks took a lot of health. Although that wasn't even the problem, since I healed and used my paradigms effectively enough. It's just that I had to heal too often and it took away from my ability to cause enough damage/create a stagger.
I'd cause a bunch of damage and then self-healing would undo all the work I did. Plus it has a lot of buffs on it, so it takes a bit of time to remove them in order to actually cause significant damage.
I didn't have all that much trouble with the boss that came before it, though. Just enough that it was a fun challenge.

I didn't think I was overleveled, I thought I was right where I was supposed to be. As it turns out, I might not be prepared enough. I could just be doing it wrong, but I did try a couple different strategies. Honestly, I probably could beat it if I could find a strategy that works with my style of play. But I'll just run around for a bit, then go back.

On another note, why do the children in this game always fall down? XD

I'm a little confused...which boss are you talking about? Did you say and I'm just missing it? :huh:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I did not specify, no. One of the ones at the end.

I was talking about Caius.


wangxian married
caius why you gotta be a dick brah

i knocked his ass out flat no problem one on one with noel but the fight with serah he was just


having a sentinel made a huge difference jeez he has no mercy when it comes to her

i just need to get one last paradox ending then i can work on the bestiary and those side bosses/distortions

everyone is almost maxed out whew

Alex Strife

I'm going to buy LOTS of coins, and put it on automatic playing. I don't care how likely you are to win, because the other day, on a "hot summer day", I spent 200 coins and didn't win a thing. I'm sure automatic is more likely to win than this :awesome:

But I'll get it, eventually! I'm probably going to finish the monster thing first; that way I'll get a lot of gil because of the lots of fighting I'll do, and I'll be able to spend it in coins :D


...this is really embarrassing, but when I went to Serendipity, I had no idea where I was supposed to go to buy coins, so after poking around for about 15 minutes trying to figure it out, I just kinda left...
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