Final Fantasy XIII-2


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
the time gate only gets unlocked once you fight all three giant cactuars (they're the green ones that trigger it)

there's two in the clearwater marshes, one near the little stone when you first hop over and the other is slightly further down the map. you need moogle hunt for both.

Also, two can be found in any weather (or sunny), but one needs rainy weather.


Double Growth
This isn't solely XIII-2's problem, I think it's been ever since moogles have been voice-acted. But the "kupo" verbal tick is just that, a tick, not a freaking period on the end of everything they say.

Minor quibble, but anytime Mog has more than two lines of dialogue at once I wanna slap him.


wangxian married
oh oh i got the giant's fist achievement totally by mistake??

this is how i got it: i fought the adamantoise, then when it fell i made sure deprotect was on it and then when it staggered i waited til bar was at 999.99%, then i had noel use meteor javelin. equip him with an accessory that boosts strength if you have to -- although i wasn't even maxed out in levels when i got it oddly enough, but any little bit probably helps!! g'luck~


This isn't solely XIII-2's problem, I think it's been ever since moogles have been voice-acted. But the "kupo" verbal tick is just that, a tick, not a freaking period on the end of everything they say.

Minor quibble, but anytime Mog has more than two lines of dialogue at once I wanna slap him.

I couldn't possibly agree with you more about that.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
oh oh i got the giant's fist achievement totally by mistake??

this is how i got it: i fought the adamantoise, then when it fell i made sure deprotect was on it and then when it staggered i waited til bar was at 999.99%, then i had noel use meteor javelin. equip him with an accessory that boosts strength if you have to -- although i wasn't even maxed out in levels when i got it oddly enough, but any little bit probably helps!! g'luck~
Exactly how I got the achievement. Long Gui + Deprotect + 999% + Meteor Javelin should get you the achievement.

Long Gui is surprisingly so much easier in this game I'm kinda disappointed :C

I still need like 3 trophies myself. One for capturing Don Tonberry (10 kills so far and nothing ;~;), platinum and...something else IDK. I need to find out which one.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I need to fight Yomi and I'll be done with Archylte Steppe. He's freaking impossible though.
I am also still working on the chocobo trophy... So annoying.


wangxian married
thats what i did!! but ... it always does like 96,000 or so :c the most i can get his str is 1,100+... and it doesn't seem to be enough.

really?! dang, cause noel's strength on my file was less than that (somewhere like 800-900 str)

the only thing i can think is just make sure the stagger bar is at 999% (usually i get lightning to do army of one when he staggers and that does it!!) other than that idk :CCC g'luck

I need to fight Yomi and I'll be done with Archylte Steppe. He's freaking impossible though.

Yomi was irritating the first time for me too ugh

I recommend starting out with sab/sab/sen (poison is a lifesaver in this fight) and when he goes into that invincible mode go to a syn/syn/med set up

just make sure you have a sen in your attack paradigms if you don't already, it should take some of the heat off your team and make the fight more manageable


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
Chocobo trophy was surprisingly easy for me! I'd wait till you get all fragments, then turn on the speed up fragment skill and just run around for 30 minutes and hop off and you'll get it. I got it in less than 20 XD

I don't have that fragment though omg ;_; where do I get it?

Yomi was irritating the first time for me too ugh

I recommend starting out with sab/sab/sen (poison is a lifesaver in this fight) and when he goes into that invincible mode go to a syn/syn/med set up

just make sure you have a sen in your attack paradigms if you don't already, it should take some of the heat off your team and make the fight more manageable

Oh believe me, I tried poisoning him all the time. It didn't work. Not even ONCE. D: I'm gonna try again tomorrow though anyay.

Thanks for the advice though! I'm snatching that weave tomorrow. Whatever it takes.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
Sometimes poison is a real pain to stick on sometimes. I suggest putting as many magic boosting accessories as you can to give you the best chance you can get. For some reason, Noel has a better chance at landing poison on Yomi than Serah does though, and he has about 250 less magic than her o_o

If you want, I can post my Yomi killing method here. IDK If there's a faster or more efficient way, but it gets me to take him down in about 5:30 .


unsavory tart
Exactly how I got the achievement. Long Gui + Deprotect + 999% + Meteor Javelin should get you the achievement.

Long Gui is surprisingly so much easier in this game I'm kinda disappointed :C

I still need like 3 trophies myself. One for capturing Don Tonberry (10 kills so far and nothing ;~;), platinum and...something else IDK. I need to find out which one.
+1'ing, although I didn't get it because of meteor javelin, I got it with pichuu's feral link. Long Gui is your best bet because it's really easy to get him up to 999% and he's very susceptible to deprotect.

And yeah, long gui is really easy this game. In XIII-2, at max crystarium and good weapons, although no one was ever in danger of dying it still took at least minimum effort. I don't know if they thought his fight took too long, or the fact that you can easily manipulate your stats and monsters in your favor, but none of the super bosses here remain a challenge at full levels.

The only issue I repeatedly have is with Yomi, and he's the only guy you can farm traps from so if you want to get all the weapons and some of the accessories... lol?

If you aren't at a comfortable level with Yomi, then I also recommend sab/sab/sen. The more sabs you have the better the chance of landing poison. And even though Yomi does a ton of AOE attacks, a sen with fringeward and a wound potion or two will be useful.

The first time I killed him I needed to use poison, but I had issues with landing poison as well. Don't give up, just keep trying throwing it on him.

Now I'm at the stage where I just deprotect/imperil/stagger/attack. There are probably easier ways to kill him but this is the way I'm comfortable with.

One more achievement left, for some reason I just can't get the preemptive strike achievement. I don't know if one of my fragment skills are messing it up. Does anybody know if it counts while field killer is on?


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
How many do you need for Clockstopper anyway? I'm worried this is gonna be awhile and that's the last trophy I need now. I finally got Don Tonberry!)


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
OH DAMMIT XD I wish I hadn't turned off the PS3 and said "I'll work on it more tomorrow!"


AI Researcher
oh oh i got the giant's fist achievement totally by mistake??

this is how i got it: i fought the adamantoise, then when it fell i made sure deprotect was on it and then when it staggered i waited til bar was at 999.99%, then i had noel use meteor javelin. equip him with an accessory that boosts strength if you have to -- although i wasn't even maxed out in levels when i got it oddly enough, but any little bit probably helps!! g'luck~
this is how i did it

i was like what? why did i get this i wasn't even trying/fully levelled/using best weapons/didn't use meteor javelin even because i didn't have it, but okay i'm not complaining

One more achievement left, for some reason I just can't get the preemptive strike achievement. I don't know if one of my fragment skills are messing it up. Does anybody know if it counts while field killer is on?
Can't have that on, I think.

I went to the steppe so I could farm crystals/elements. Which isn't as easy because sometimes the enemies are too far away and start moving. But you can save during, so I saved after getting 10 more and when I made a mistake (luckily only once) you can just restart it. As long as it hasn't autosaved, it still carries on.


Ok, so...I'm in the final chapter, and you know how I was complaining about being overleveled for SO much of the game? Freakin' Proto Behemoths have been wiping the floor with my face. I ended up running away from the last one I almost ran into squealing like a little girl and it felt AWESOME :desu: I am so glad to be faced with challenges again, haha. Now I'm just taking a break for class...maybe I'll get back to it tonight, but probably not til tomorrow. Either way I am once again looking forward to playing.

And Sazh? Hell yes please.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
Got my platinum trophy today! Turned out I was only 5 minutes away from getting the one I was missing, Clockstopper.

Now to wait for PSN to update and finally get me some Sazh love! :desu:

Alex Strife

I was checking FFXIII-2's DLC content yesterday and I was surprised at the prize of the clothes. I expected 1.99€ for both, but it's 1.99€ for each of them :(

Looking forward to Sazh's DLC; I'll probably get it today, even if I probably won't get to play it until next week.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
I'm about halfway to getting Sazh?

I actually like the card table, it's an easy way to get casion coins. I've gone from 45k to 145k in coins in just a few rounds :D

Alex Strife



Yay, running Chocobo chicks!

Chocolina...!! :D
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