Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread


AI Researcher
In other news, I want the soundtrack.

And still don't see the problem with getting healed after every battle. It saves me having to waste items doing it myself, and healing in a menu was never an enjoyable part of games to begin with.

Nor with being given the option to restart if you fail a battle. Operative word being 'option'. If you don't want to, you can select the 'Title' option and go back to the title screen and reload a save. Though with a save point around almost every corner, it's not going to be much different from restarting (unless you don't use every save point).

In more other news, I do wish you got more money and items (or money to buy them). The most I got was about 20,000 gil at about chapter 8.


fresh to death
Has anyone else got the baby Chocobo xbl avatar pet?
I got mine yesterday, it's tres cute. It flies around and rests on your arm and stuff. <3
Picture, though unclear =


AI Researcher
Map of Gran Pulse coming up.

Unconfirmed info: It apparently takes 15 minutes to get across. Or so I heard.

Spoiler'd because the image is fucking huge and a massive spoiler :monster:

I don't know about 15 minutes, but it does take a bit of walking. And that's not even all of it. Gran Pulse is pretty good so far. Difficult, since half the things walking around there can kill you in one hit, but good.

I kind of want to time how long it takes now, iicba :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
In other news, I want the soundtrack.

And still don't see the problem with getting healed after every battle. It saves me having to waste items doing it myself, and healing in a menu was never an enjoyable part of games to begin with.

Nor with being given the option to restart if you fail a battle. Operative word being 'option'. If you don't want to, you can select the 'Title' option and go back to the title screen and reload a save. Though with a save point around almost every corner, it's not going to be much different from restarting (unless you don't use every save point).

In more other news, I do wish you got more money and items (or money to buy them). The most I got was about 20,000 gil at about chapter 8.

You lazy bastard. LAZY. BASTARD.


AI Researcher
I think that's the Gran Pulse background music. Judging from the glimpse of the menu screen, it's late in the game. It says Crystarium level 10. I'm at chapter 11 (
after getting Hecatoncheir
) and at level 8. So either backtracking in Gran Pulse or a different area, I guess.

Which is a long way of saying "I dunno" :monster:


Lurk mode: ON
Yet another article, this time from

For those of you who don't want to read it all, it doesn't say much we haven't already heard. It pretty much says that FFXIII is focusing more heavily on story than gameplay, but the only thing really missing from the gameplay is the towns (which the author said he surprisingly didn't miss).


AI Researcher
That's end-game (after you've completed it once).

Now I've finished it, I still don't think it was as bad as people were making it out to be. People were talking like it was the worst game ever. It felt closer to FFX than FFXII (story-wise and atmosphere), and while I wish there some things they did (switching characters in battle/when one dies, using the shoulder buttons for quick access to item/TP abilities) I liked the battle system overall.

Actually, IIRC people brought up the 'linear/just walking down a straight path/interactive movie' thing about FFX as well. It's been a while since I played FFX now, but I think if you didn't mind FFX for that, FFXIII shouldn't be much different.
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Linearity in a game is not a Bad Thing. It's just that reviewers complain about it after the GTA 3 era. Note that GTA 3 wasn't that good, nor was its free roaming business.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I guess Square needs to start re-making FF Mystic Quest now.

It wasn't bad. Just ahead of its time, apparently. :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
That people complain about linearity reminds me of a guy who complained about Hitman relying too much on stealth.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Everybody needs to stop being gay imo lol


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
"The game is complete linearity until the open areas near the end. You can’t even backtrack."

"Of all the RPGs I’ve played in recent years, this is the first which has been so linear that it’s little more than riding an amusement park ride."

This guy/gal/whataver never played Neverwinter Nights and its expansion packs, for what I see.
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