Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It does. It's not really a spoiler. :monster:

More of a premise than anything.

Ghost X said:
They gave FFX a 6/10 because that's exactly the score it should've been given, as a slightly above average game :P.

Not knowing how to respond to this, I must simply exit the thread.


I love people who are critical about movies, games etc. Usually the reviewers only bother to review the good or much-anticipated movies, and give high ratings accordingly.

I mean, I've yet to see a review of Nogglo's Eemglees or whatever it's spelled (damn Japs). It's an excellent game, but the creators didn't spend the last two years building up hype with random trailers, mysterious websites, or stuff on social networks.


fresh to death
I have come across FF13 spoilers twice today. I almost broke down into tears.

Celes Chere

I've been trying to avoid MGS4 spoilers for a life-time. :shifty: It's not safe to go anywhere. They only safe place is under your blankies in bed. T^T


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal has posted scans of a FFXIII review by Official Playstation Magazine UK, and the game gets a score of 9/10!

But at least the same magazine previously gave FFXII a perfect 10/10, so while I'm shocked the difference between the two games to them, is only 1 point, they at least were capable of seeing FFXII as a superior designed game.

But damn. Guess these guys are easy to please, or something. But then again, you've got to be really bad to make the official Sony Playstation magazine lambaste you for fail.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Actually no, I was lying :(

My uncle that works for SE hasn't delivered it to me yet


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer

I recently read some FFXIII spoilers by accident, and my reaction can be summarised thus:

Bex's reaction was even worse. This game needs to hurry up and get released already ;.;

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I've been trying to avoid MGS4 spoilers for a life-time. :shifty: It's not safe to go anywhere. They only safe place is under your blankies in bed. T^T

Play that fucking game already, Celes!

It's been out for the better part of two years. Statute of limitations on spoiler warnings has passed!

Mako, you need to wait for the damn game a bit longer before passing final judgment. It just doesn't feel as empty as the facts about exploration make it sound.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It just doesn't feel as empty as the facts about exploration make it sound.

..... :awesome:

Well folks, he said it, not me. :awesomonster:

That about sums it up, right there. I guess the truthiness of the matter is, is that FFXIII just feels good.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Tip for Mako: Keep expecting and telling yourself the game is gonna suck, and it will.

This man speaks the truth.

..... :awesome:

Well folks, he said it, not me. :awesomonster:

That about sums it up, right there. I guess the truthiness of the matter is, is that FFXIII just feels good.

It does. It has Fang and Vanille.

Which means everybody wins. Even you, and even if you don't want to.


Lurk mode: ON
..... :awesome:

Well folks, he said it, not me. :awesomonster:

That about sums it up, right there. I guess the truthiness of the matter is, is that FFXIII just feels good.
And what's wrong with something feeling good?

Stop expecting the game to be utter shit, Mako; you'll never know what it's like 'till you try it for yourself.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It really does. The fact of the matter is, a game shouldn't feel good at all. If the game isn't making you piss yourself, scream in frustration, and literally cause you physical pain and misery from its difficulty, there's something seriously wrong.

If FFXIII makes you feel good, then there's a problem. A big one.
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