Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
And so much customization! There are a lot of tough decisions to make with the limited gil (compared to other FFs), weapons upgrades and classes....

The customization in this FF is 'okay' at best. I've already listed my perceived flaws with the Upgrade system in my playthrough topic, and the lack of equipment hurts customization in this game.


Didn't want to clog up Mog's thread with my not-so-articulate first impressions :monster:

I pretty much just started, not very far in. All I can say for now is that I'm lacking the normal anxious feeling I from FFs when I save over my previous file. Usually I'm always freaked out I missed out on some uber rare/super important item that I can't get later. I don't get the impression it would matter as much for this game. Granted, this is also a result of my prior knowledge of the game's linaerity... but I honestly don't think I'll have to go through multiple replays for "perfect" save files as I did with all the other FFs. Then again, there are trophies/achievements for that regular RPG-compulsive completionist streak. What trophies/achievements get you in-game however... beats me. Sense of accomplisment, I guess.

Lightning is my favourite so far, followed by Sahz. Vanille is adorable but I can't take her seriously half the time. I haven't even met Fang yet :\ Snow and Hope are annoying (though I feel bad for Hope sometimes), but not to the point where they are intolerable. I'll have to wait to see how their development goes to have a concrete verdict on each of them, however.

Battle system: attack attack attack win five stars!


Higher Further Faster
No game is too difficult, believe me you get people who spend their lives on games and do it.

You forget that not everyone spends their lives on games. :/

Also if it's your very very very first time playing a game I'm sure most people do die at least once.
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Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
You forget that not everyone spends their lives on games. :/

Also if it's your very very very first time playing a game I'm sure most people do die at least once.

oh yeah of course. But the original point was that no one could ever get through it without dying I think. I think only the most die hard would be able to finish most games without dying...
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Higher Further Faster
oh yeah of course. But the original point was that no one could ever get through it without dying I think. I think only the most die hard would be able to finish most games without dying...

I'm sure Tres meant normal people when he made his comment, though. The hardcores are a rarity and the exception, but the vast majority of people aren't like that.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, I meant the average player. Not necessarily the average gamer, but the average FF player.

When I played FFVIII, for instance, I got all the way to Adel before I died, and I wasn't trying to level whore then. In IX, I actually managed to get through the whole game without dying, and I wasn't even using a strategy guide. Had some definite close calls, but never actually got that game over screen without trying to.

In X, same deal. Had some close calls, but never actually kicked the bucket without trying to.

I know I got game over in the earlier FFs before reaching the end, as well as in VII (it was my first FF) and XII (could be pretty damn hard at times), but not anything on the order of how many times you'll die in XIII.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
In X, same deal. Had some close calls, but never actually kicked the bucket without trying to.

Dark aeons and penance would have remedied that had you the european version and accidentally strayed ;)

Celes Chere

I never knew you felt that way!




AI Researcher
I want to every single one of those images into smilies just to have whole (but repetitive) conversations with them.

Now I finally saw the advert on TV I want to go play this again :sadpanda:


When I played FFVIII, for instance, I got all the way to Adel before I died, and I wasn't trying to level whore then.

Same. Or maybe it was a bit earlier - I do know I only 'got' all the abbreviations and the draw system on my second or third playthrough. I mean, 'Elem-Atk-J' or whatever is a very confusing word if your English is underdeveloped, :monster:.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
So what weapon is best for Lightning? :huh:

I realise that it depends on my "playing style" or whatever.
I've looked on this guide, and worked out I want to upgrade one of these two:

Blazefire Saber
When maxed out to level 3 gives Strenght +620 & Magic +620
No status effects

When maxed out to level 3 gives Strenght +508 & Magic +508
And has the status effect "Quick Stagger"

So which is best?
Blazefire saber gives an extra 112 points to strenght & magic, but is the "Quick Stagger" effect worth slightly lower Str & mag? :huh:

Alex Strife

I used the Blazefire Saber, because it's sort of an "all-round" weapon, and that's what Lightning is in my game, an all-rounder.
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