Optimistic posts? In a FFXIII thread?I have it.
It is everything I hoped for.
Tresdias said:Honestly, I'm not really that interested in playing the game. I don't feel that I lose anything by just watching it on YouTube, Viddler, JustinTV or while someone else plays it on a television. Really, the experience is in the story this time around.
LOL irony. But yeah, we talked about this, and that's what happens when a game's more story and movie, than actual immersive gameplay. If there's no integration of the two concepts, there is really no incentive to actually drop the hard cash and immerse yourself in the world. Because all you're doing is watching the cool characters do cool shit, instead of doing it yourself. Who would pay 60 bucks for a movie? Making the story is cool, but if that's all there is, why play it?
Mako said:Like I said before, FFXIII looks great and sounds great. But it looks more like a spectator experience, rather than a gameplay one. And the fact you really can get a feel for it and not miss anything by just watching just....says it all. I'm not that impressed with the combat system either, especially after from having a hands on playthrough of it myself.
Mako said:On another note, from what I've seen of the guide, it really *is* impressive. I'd buy it too, sometime down the line.
Mako said:Gosh, who would've predicted a surge in quality would occur once SE got rid of Brady Games as their guide publishers.![]()
Oddly enough, though, me getting this guide and gushing over it does highlight the irony that I'll probably never actually purchase the game itself.
Really? Because I find it to be full of cliches and annoying characters with annoying voices.Really, the experience is in the story this time around.
Really? Because FFVII's battle system bored me quite a bit at times.Even if just looking at the battle systems, VII, VIII, X and Tactics can be fun just to play. Tactics in particular, I can turn on and participate in random encounters anytime.
Exactly how I feel about 7. The only thing that managed to keep me interested in the game were the cool limit animations.For me, XIII's battle system is passable. It's just not stirring any emotions in me.
@Mako: So, instead of getting the special collector's extended editions of all three LOTR movies in addition to the theatrical versions I already owned I should have just been contented with watching clips on YouTube? Because LOTR is one big huge continuous story, really. But I guess I can't immerse myself in a great story if it doesn't have the right battle system. :/
Wow, how much did all of that cost in the end when all added up? $60? More?
Thanks for opening my eyes. I'm going to go sell all my copies and just rely on YouTube not taking clips down and keep watching them that way.![]()
The fact that you'd spend 60 bucks for the LOTR trilogy reeks of failure, right off the bat. Sorry.![]()
Hey fuck you buddy.
Also tell me more about what's in the guide![]()
I was wondering if there was stuff that would alleviate Ultimania workloads. Because that's be muy buenoEs muy caliente.
There's a couple charts for the Cocoon and Gran Pulse alphabets, some art exclusive to this guide's story summary, and, of course, comprehensive details about the gameplay elements.
I have enjoyed past battle systems, but I saw them as a means to an end (advancing the story) than something to enjoy on its own. Unless it's for levelling up or some other gameplay goal, I'm going through the battles to get to the next part of the game and the story. I might enjoy myself along the way, but it's not really my goal.
Gameplay is never THE END in a Final Fantasy though.
It's just a device used to move the plot forward, it's never been the main focus. Well, that's not really true. But it's never been the key focus. It was always more about the story.
Also, inb4 bitching about XII.
The gameplay moves the story, but that's also a very important role. If the gameplay sucks and I find playing a chore, whats gonna motivate me to play?
Obviously the plot is what's going to motivate you.
Seriously, most FF gameplay is boiled down to navigating maps, and battling monsters. Sure, there's always the sidequests and whatnot, but those aren't always as developed as the maingame.
Some of us actually enjoy exploration and interacting with NPCs than you token turn based battle though.
Right. But I'm playing them to get to my goal, which is usually getting somewhere in the story and experience of the game.But it was fun to actually play.