[Game Complete] Pushing It to the Thirteenth Hour: My Step by Step Impressions of Final Fantasy XIII.


AI Researcher
I thought it always got a different title, at least in the Japanese game (魔獣 [majuu, magical beast] for Ragnarok, instead of 召喚獣 [summoned beast] for the Eidolons).


Double Growth
After the way I've said it to myself since IX, I don't really like how they pronounce Eidolon. I was expecting the first syllable could be different (I've always said it like "I" as it sleight or height as it would be in English, but I knew the Japanese would likely be "ay") What I didn't expect was the emphasis on "dol" in the the middle. I always said it "AI-duh-lon," rather than "ai-DOLE-uhn"

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Hey you poop heads, save the pronunciation stuff for the other topic, update coming up. Anyone have any comments on my last 'update'?


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Hey you poop heads, save the pronunciation stuff for the other topic, update coming up. Anyone have any comments on my last 'update'?

Yes, that I never had any problem waiting months or years for the Platinum edition of any FF, or even a second-hand copy (heck, I'm replaying FFVI right now), and I'm glad to know that this time is no exception.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Update #17: End Game

Well, I beat the game.

Actually, I procrastinated a bit. I was at the end dungeon for quite some time, but I decided to go back to Pulse to power up and do some missions. I did a few and explored a little before I grew tired of walking around (where are the chocobos?) and I went back to the final dungeon. The final dungeon isn't much, it's pretty boring, consisting of mazelike corridors and such. It's more along the lines of FFVII's or FFVI's final dungeon than the marvelous final areas of FFVIII and FFIX. Nothing I really held against this game of course, but hey.

The final bosses weren't TOO difficult, but I'm unsure if that was because I was a fair bit more powerful than I originally was when I first had the opportunity to go at him. Still though, the final few fights in this game, minibosses and regular enemies included, demand strategy and a different way of thinking to win. Like I said before, you can't just smash the X (or A, in my case) button to win. Even though the final bosses weren't too difficult, they still posed a pretty decent challenge. HOWEVER I have to say that one of the final bosses has a move that can instantly kill you and considering that if the party leader dies=game over it's pretty cheap!

The ending was...pretty nice! Heartwarming shit. Endings seem to be hit and miss with people everywhere so some of you may VIOLENTLY DISAGREE, but I was pretty satisfied with it.

The game allows me to save after I complete it, and start from the last save point with all of my stuff, and the Crystarium expanded so I can become even more powerful. So in short, I can finish up the rest of the sidequests, beat the final boss's ass (again and again), and so on. It's a pretty nice feature and it doesn't break the game's narrative or anything because from a plot perspective nothing is changed; it's all gameplay (it's not 'after the end'. You just start right before the end and can beat the game and do so indefinitely). However it's not exactly NEW because Breath of Fire 3 and 4 has the exact same thing and they're like 10 years older. That's not a strike against this game though, I'm glad to see FF has caught on.

I'll still continue to chip away at the game's missions and whatnot and probably run through the final boss a few times for shits and giggles, but I can be pretty sure I'll never, ever replay the game from the beginning ever again; the replay value of this game is in the negatives and it's just like a movie that's really long and you have to press buttons to keep watching.

So, the question everyone has been waiting for; is this game worth a playthrough?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer, it depends. Is it worth spending 60 dollars on? Hell no, buy Mass Effect 2 (or some other game you may be hankering for) instead. Is it worth renting or borrowing from a friend? Sure! I'm willing to bet you'll at least give it a try, and you may just fall in love with it. Is it worth waiting until it drops in price? Yeah. By then there may be some DLC or something.

My final thoughts? This game is...quite a theatric adventure. It doesn't really feel like a game, though, and it could have been much, much better. In another review someone said this game feels 'overproduced', and that sorta hits the nail on the head on how I feel about this game. The time they spent rendering rocks and so on could have been spent on making this a complete, full game. After beating the game I'm sorta glad it's over and now I can focus my attentions elsewhere, but I'm pretty sure I'll never select 'New Game' ever, ever again.

So yeah. I'm done with the main game, but I'm willing to play through the rest of the missions with my continuing thoughts if you guys are interested! Feel free to keep the topic going too with your thoughts!

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Can someone just flat out tell me why there aren't any people on Pulse? Everywhere I look, I get "LOL DO ALL THE SIDEQUESTS TO FIND OUT" look motherfuckers I just want to know

so plz tell me


I was told before that Ragnarok killed everyone on Pulse, (did Tres say that?), but according to the Analects, it was various wars on Pulse and the population decline (by people failing their Focus) by the Fal'cie that did Pulse in.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Needs more game, and the main villain/final boss is the worst evar in FF imo. Boring shit is boring


fresh to death

I was told before that Ragnarok killed everyone on Pulse, (did Tres say that?), but according to the Analects, it was various wars on Pulse and the population decline (by people failing their Focus) by the Fal'cie that did Pulse in.

That was me. I thought that was what happened, as somewhere in the game, Fang says 'It's my fault Gran Pulse ended up like this.' So I assumed that's what she was implying.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Oh, you!

Also guys, feel free to ask me any questions regarding the game, the playthrough, the experience, opinions, whatever.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Great review, Mog. It's been a pleasure to read.

On the topic of Gran Pulse's extinct population, one gets the impression that several things lead to it. Ragnarok (Fang's line), inner turmoil (Analects), forced relocation to Cocoon by fal'Cie (story analysis from Piggyback's guide), the assigning of Foci (Analects), and maybe more.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Suiko FIVE?


Go play the first one instead. More better.

I have been an ardent Suikoden fan from the beginning. I own, played, and beaten (multiple times) all five. Maybe I'll pick up Tactics someday as well. Suikoden V is pretty good! Flawed, but enjoyable for what it is.

SO2 is the shit. I do need to get on that VP though, for real.
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We have come to terms
GOD NO. Suiko Tactics is really, really bad. So far, I've only gotten through the first one and number 5, though. Someday, when I have lots and lots of free time, I plan on playing all the games that I haven't started/finished, especially the amazing PS1 RPGs like Persona and Suiko 2. And Dragon Warrior VII. And...etc.

And yes, you need the VP. It's better than XIII any day.

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