If you're going into a game with full knowledge of its cutscenes and are interested by its story, why does it matter the % of time you spend playing?
I understand if you're in a mood for just straight gameplay and go to play Tetris or Modern Warfare or something. But if you're settling in for an experience, and accept that for this particular game/product, cutscenes are part of that experience, who cares?
If you don't mind cutscenes, then that's absolutely fine! I have no arguments if that's what you enjoy. But you can be interested in a games story, and be pretty miffed at the amount of cutscenes it has. Xenogears is a good example. A lot of fans, including myself, dislike the transition between Disk 1 and Disk 2, because in Disk 2, instead of having areas of gameplay where the player can explore and play the game himself, instead things were primarily explored via cutscenes.
There were PRIME areas that could have been dungeons or towns, but were instead glossed over via cutscenes. Not everyone minded this, but it definitely wasn't cool with me, and I LOVE Xenogears and its story. I just wished that for certain aspects, I got to PLAY a scene instead of watching it.
I mean, if you're cool with that, fine, I can't argue a preference, but you have to understand that there are legitimate reasons why some people prefer gameplay over a cutscenes to a certain ratio. And the 'BUT WE WANT TO TELL A STORY' thing only counts to a certain extent as well, there are many games that have absolutely stellar stories and plots with no cutscenes at all!