Game of Thrones

How could I go without mentioning how Sam Tarly's character really shined brighter than everybody else in this episode?

OPEN THE FUCKING GATE! :D You really see how far Sam has gotten when he is not the one about to shit his pants. Instead he has to instill courage in others. His line to Jon Snow "you can't protect me forever" is also immensely strong and satisfying. Just awesome.

The commander who hid should be the one to hold the title of "coward" from now on.

About Ygritte... Will admit that I liked how tough she is but in my eyes she always carried an aura of manipulation and deceitfulness that I just wanted to slap gone. Like a wildling version of Cersei. Perhaps I would have liked her better in the books.




Chloe Frazer
^At first I laughed really hard and then I remembered the scene and got all :sadpanda:

About Ygritte... Will admit that I liked how tough she is but in my eyes she always carried an aura of manipulation and deceitfulness that I just wanted to slap gone. Like a wildling version of Cersei. Perhaps I would have liked her better in the books.

Not sure were you got the deceitfulness part in particular since she was always straightforward and honest with Jon and he albeit justifiably was not. If you didn't like her expanded, more sympathetic, Rose Leslie portrayed tv series version I doubt you'll like her less sympathetic, minor role book counterpart.

I've always found book Ygritte to be rather meh. She had some cute and funny moments with Jon but that's about it, except for her last conversation with Jon before she dies which I liked better in the books than in the tv series.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
This is going to be a little off topic, but Game of Thrones related to be sure.

Why is Sam still so fat? I know his backstory is that he was the son of a noble, and sucked at all things physical. So I get why he showed up fat. I am not sure how long he has been at the wall, as the books and the show have rather different timelines. Seems like he has been there a long while, and one would assume that the men manning the wall have a diet of much less rich food than a noble would, and Sam would likely be doing more physical labor. Sure he could be just inclined toward being heavy, but shouldn't he of lost some weight just being there?


Genetics~. I don't recall if there was much mention made of his weight in the books later on in the series, but yeah, pretty sure he kept being chubby. I'm guessing it's a character thing, fit Sam just wouldn't be the same. He could actually grow, gasp, confident :monster:


We have come to terms

I knew it was coming but it still makes me unhappy, all the same

then again I'm like the only person on the planet who liked that person


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
[4:59:16 PM] Amizon: Ah
[4:59:19 PM] Amizon: No
[4:59:20 PM] Amizon: NO
[4:59:22 PM] Amizon: IT HURTS
[5:00:39 PM] Amizon: hahahaaha yes
[5:05:47 PM] Marcus: Woman
[5:05:52 PM] Marcus: have a word with yourslef
[5:05:57 PM] Amizon: No u

Also to the kid who killed Ygritte:



[4:59:16 PM] Amizon: Ah
[4:59:19 PM] Amizon: No
[4:59:20 PM] Amizon: NO
[4:59:22 PM] Amizon: IT HURTS
[5:00:39 PM] Amizon: hahahaaha yes
[5:05:47 PM] Marcus: Woman
[5:05:52 PM] Marcus: have a word with yourslef
[5:05:57 PM] Amizon: No u

Also to the kid who killed Ygritte:


He does kinda
look like Joffrey, innit?


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
He may look like him, but he will never be him. Doesn't stop having a scapegoat in the meantime. :awesome:


Chloe Frazer

Now you're just being cruel. ;_ ;


I knew it was coming but it still makes me unhappy, all the same

then again I'm like the only person on the planet who liked that person

Are you referring to Ygritte? Because her tv series version is not unpopular. She's definitely one of my top 10 favorite characters in the show.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I have a newfound grudging respect for Ser Alliser. Okay so he's a total turd that treats Jon Snow like shit on his off time but god damn is he a capable commander. Goes to show that all bets are off when you're fighting to the death.


We have come to terms
Are you referring to Ygritte? Because her tv series version is not unpopular. She's definitely one of my top 10 favorite characters in the show.
yes I am and NO I AM ALONE ONLY ME

more seriously, I really loved their dynamic in the show, which is where I started, and loved it as much, if not more, in the books, though I wish that windmill scene had been in the books, much like I wish Shireen teaching Davos to read had been

because that shit was so fucking gangsta GODDAMN


Chloe Frazer
yes I am and NO I AM ALONE ONLY ME

more seriously, I really loved their dynamic in the show, which is where I started, and loved it as much, if not more, in the books, though I wish that windmill scene had been in the books, much like I wish Shireen teaching Davos to read had been

because that shit was so fucking gangsta GODDAMN

Do you think that even with her role as the plot reaper she had to die? Or that taking in consideration the events and ending of ADWD it would've been more interesting if she was alive?


Pro Adventurer
late to post in this thread but my reactions

Mountain and the Viper: (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
MalefiSansa and Oberyn's melon head burst

Watchers of the Wall: (屮゜Д゜)屮 for the rest of the episode (ಗдಗ。)°.
When Pyp and Green died.

I have no feelings for
Ygritte. I dunno I don't dislike her but I was even happy when the kid killed her, it's justice. My brother cried tho.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I personally liked
Ygritte. She showed a woman who could finally overpower Jon and showed him that he knew something at fucking last. :awesome:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I don't know why anyone familiar with A Storm of Swords would have expected this season to be boring. So much epic shit goes down at the end of that book.


Chloe Frazer
I have no feelings for
Ygritte. I dunno I don't dislike her but I was even happy when the kid killed her, it's justice. My brother cried tho.

If the series operated in a black and white morality it would be justice but it's not.
Justice would've been if Ollie had killed Styr, the guy who killed his mother, put a dagger on his throat, made him open his eyes so he could watch his village get slaughtered and told him he was going to eat his parents. Also it would have been helpful to Jon since that's when he was actually in danger and his bro nod afterwards wouldn't have been out of place.


Pro Adventurer
If the series operated in a black and white morality it would be justice but it's not.
Justice would've been if Ollie had killed Styr, the guy who killed his mother, put a dagger on his throat, made him open his eyes so he could watch his village get slaughtered and told him he was going to eat his parents. Also it would have been helpful to Jon since that's when he was actually in danger and his bro nod afterwards wouldn't have been out of place.

I don't see why it's not justice just because something worse happened to you. It's like saying
Sansa bringing down Littlefinger in the future is not justice because it's the Freys, Lannisters and Boltons that killed the majority of her family.

Like I said, I don't dislike Ygritte, but I think she deserved her death. I felt sad that they really loved each other, but otherwise I have no attachment to her.


Chloe Frazer
Littlefinger is a terrible person who has done very despicable things simply because he wants to, the same cannot be said for a lot of other characters in the series. Also not relevant but
Sansa's storyline is turning into an off the rails mess.

Did she though? She definitely took a darker and less sympathetic turn after Jon left but what exactly were her options other than to stay on with her group?

I don't know why anyone familiar with A Storm of Swords would have expected this season to be boring. So much epic shit goes down at the end of that book.

Yeah, season 4 is the last quarter of ASOS. There's big event after big event.
Joffrey dies in episode 2 and that's not even the biggest moment of the season.
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