Game of Thrones


Pro Adventurer
Littlefinger is a terrible person who has done very despicable things simply because he wants to, the same cannot be said for a lot of other characters in the series. Also not relevant but
Sansa's storyline is turning into an off the rails mess.

Did she though? She definitely took a darker and less sympathetic turn after Jon left but what exactly were her options other than to stay on with her group?

I mean it's justice for the kid,
whataver her background is doesn't matter because that didn't matter when his father died either. I can say the same for The Butcher killing The Hound for killing his son, even if he's just under orders.

As for Sansa
I welcome the changes. Her story in the books is too internal and you can't really capture that onscreen. She has no one to talk to for exposition.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I welcome
Sansa's sudden change. About time she wrote the rules for herself. :awesome:


We have come to terms
Le sigh. Now I accidentally read book spoilers because spoiler tags were un-specified. I never learn.

There haven't been any book spoilers that weren't tagged as such since your last post (admittedly I only went back to your last post and the post immediately before it). If you're referring to the post I think you are, that isn't something that has happened in the books, up to the end of book 4, which is the last book those two characters appear in until book 6 hits stores.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Friend asked me this yesterday: Is "Jaime" ever said to be short for anything?

I didn't have an answer, been a while since a read the books. Anyone know if that is mentioned at some point? It kind of seems like it should be short for something, but I don't think it is ever stated one way or the other.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Well to be fair, Sansa hasn't given an awful lot to do action-wise. She's had lots of drama, though.


Friend asked me this yesterday: Is "Jaime" ever said to be short for anything?

I didn't have an answer, been a while since a read the books. Anyone know if that is mentioned at some point? It kind of seems like it should be short for something, but I don't think it is ever stated one way or the other.

Pretty sure not. Wikia doesn't seem to state anything either.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The books have never used any name for him other than "Jaime". He's listed as such in the character lists in the back of each book, too.


We have come to terms
Well to be fair, Sansa hasn't given an awful lot to do action-wise. She's had lots of drama, though.
But the same could be said of Margaery - or even Olenna, both of whom are infinitely more interesting.

I realize that not everyone can be a Brienne/Asha/Ygritte/Dany/literally any of the women from Dorne, but still. Even Cat was more interesting to read about than Sansa (though maybe that's because she was a massively spoiled girl).


Pro Adventurer
That's because Sansa is BOOOORIIING (and has the personality of a wet paper bag).

I can live with "boring" but wet paper bag is makes me :@ Long rant ahead.

I assumed you're in Season 4 but my favorite character is Sansa because
she's a deconstruction of a damsel. All she wanted is to be married to a handsome prince and be a traditional woman but look at all the hardships she has to endure with no knight in shining armor for her. Despite that she retains her kindness and does not have bloodlust despite everything.

Yeah Arya is awesome but I hate it when Sansa's standard is to be "as awesome" as her sister. The two are fighting parallel battles. If they switched places they both would die, Arya uses her skills to survive out in the wild while Sansa uses her emotional resilience and ability to hold back any undesirable actions to survive in KL where no Stark lasted long. Just imagine if Arya stayed and lashes out to Joffey every now and then!

Arya had Yoren, Gendry, Jaqen, Hot Pie, Lommy, the Brotherhood of Banners, and now The Hound to help her. Sansa has... Shae and Littlefinger?

Ned Stark said that the only way they could survive was to stick together, and that was never an option. Robb had their mother. Rickon and Bran had Winterfell and then each other. Jon is on the wall, with his brothers, and then across it with Ygritte, then back to the wall. Arya had Gendry, and is still linked to Nymeria. But Sansa has absolutely no one who is her family. So she takes the strength and poise of a lady, and turns it into something as deadly and defensive as a direwolf’s fangs and claws. She knows that she is alone, and that no one is coming for her, so she adapts. She plays the game, she keeps her mouth shut, she stays alive. Because the best way to hide a wolf, to keep people feeling safe, is to make them think it’s just a well trained dog.

Gawd you can not like Sansa but to say she has no personality just makes me rant like this.


We have come to terms
I wrote an extremely long post in reply and then hit the delete key to correct a typo and the page went back. I'm so not bothering retyping it.

tldr I disagree with all of those points emphatically

I neither like nor dislike Sansa because she's not interesting enough for me to feel one way or the other - much like Bran, who has hands-down the most boring chapters in the books (which is absolutely mind-boggling).

ed: to clarify, drama = hella interesting, doing cool stuff = hella interesting
Last edited:


Higher Further Faster
Welp, even though I knew it was coming, a small part of me was actually really hoping that
Sean Bean would live.

But either way the dragons finally hatched!!! On to find more episodes to watch!


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I can live with "boring" but wet paper bag is makes me :@ Long rant ahead.

I assumed you're in Season 4 but my favorite character is Sansa because
she's a deconstruction of a damsel. All she wanted is to be married to a handsome prince and be a traditional woman but look at all the hardships she has to endure with no knight in shining armor for her. Despite that she retains her kindness and does not have bloodlust despite everything.

Yeah Arya is awesome but I hate it when Sansa's standard is to be "as awesome" as her sister. The two are fighting parallel battles. If they switched places they both would die, Arya uses her skills to survive out in the wild while Sansa uses her emotional resilience and ability to hold back any undesirable actions to survive in KL where no Stark lasted long. Just imagine if Arya stayed and lashes out to Joffey every now and then!

Arya had Yoren, Gendry, Jaqen, Hot Pie, Lommy, the Brotherhood of Banners, and now The Hound to help her. Sansa has... Shae and Littlefinger?

Gawd you can not like Sansa but to say she has no personality just makes me rant like this.
I can't thank this post enough. There's just no way you can compare both sisters. They're awesome for very different reasons due to their situations throughout the show thus far.

I'll be sad to see the finale next week. It's only felt like I'm truly embracing the season and to say goodbye is pretty sad. Another year to wait will be too long, but then it'll be one to look forward to. I'll also need a username change, which I'm also not liking. :(


Chloe Frazer
Tenny just finished season 1, by the time she catches up her optimism would have turned to ashes. :monster:

re: Sansa, she's by no means a bad character, I just never found her particularly interesting and it has nothing to do with lack of action.
The off the rails stupidity, plot holes and dumbass things have to happen for this new Sansa to start playing the game. Am I really supposed to believe that a guy like Littlefinger who's always meticulously plotting every single detail forgot to make sure Sansa wouldn't out him?

The whole going with Littlefinger instead of the Lords of The Vale, while she barely knows Lord Royce, he was a friend of her father, that's exactly a billion times better bet than Littlefinger.

re: Arya/Sansa, Arya's smart, clever and adapts quickly. While Sansa wouldn't survive in Arya's situation, Arya could perhaps survive in Sansa's. Also when did Lommy ever help Arya?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
That awkward moment when you realise what is going to happen on Father's Day. I wonder if they did that on purpose.


Chloe Frazer
I've been amusing myself thinking about that all week. I'm fairly certain it was done on purpose too.


We have come to terms
I just really, really, REALLY hope that they keep the final line of that chapter in there somehow.

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