Game of Thrones


Chloe Frazer

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!? No srsly. No confession from Jaime, no mention of Tyrion's wife and more importantly NO FUCKING LADY STONEHEART.

It was actually a nice episode before they completely fucked it up. I didn't even mind the off the rails part of The Hound and Brienne fighting or Jojen dying for some reason. I'm so fucking pissed right now. I was really looking forward to Lady Stoneheart. :rage:



tbh in the books
he shits himself too
, :monster:

Also it's probably bad that I don't remember the books exactly for this episode.

Also where's
Coldhands? I want me some moose-mounted semi-zombie, ffs
. They're kinda skipping bits with Bran's story, I feel.

also, lulz



Chloe Frazer
-That bonding scene between Arya and Brienne was all kinds of perfect and sweet.

-The fight between The Hound and Brienne was fucking awesome. One of the few things in the episode that was changed from the books that worked well.

-Ygritte's funeral, it was both lovely and sad and it hit me right in the feels. ;_ ;

-Shae's death, I was wondering how it was going to play out since her character is so different from the book version but it came off well.


Chloe Frazer
It’s a great question, because it’s all I asked about last year when I was doing [the episode with Brotherhood Without Banners leader] Beric Dondarrion — who ultimately is the person who finds Catelyn and turns her into Lady Stoneheart. But no, they didn’t do it. It was never on the docket to do this season — ever.”
Graves continued: “They [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] have such a challenge adapting the books into a really focused television experience. It’s very hard, it’s very complicated, it’s much harder then they’ve been given credit for, I think — and they do a brilliant job. But to bring back Michelle Fairley, one of the greatest actresses around, to be a zombie for a little while — and just kill people? It is really sort of, what are we doing with that? How does it play into the whole story in a way that we’re really going to like? It just didn’t end up being a part of what was going to happen this season. And finally one [more] reason: In case you didn’t notice, a lot happens this season … To add that in is something they opted out of. But what’s funny is that it was never going to be in the season, yet it took off on the Internet like it was going to happen.We then asked Graves if there’s any chance of the Lady appearing next season. “As somebody who’s worked deep inside the show, begged to have an answer and wants more than anybody, I have no idea,” he said. “They won’t tell me. They’re very good at being secretive.”




Fun Fact/Spoilers for Season Finale:

A Japanese warlord called Uesugi Kenshin died in a similar fashion. He was assassinated in the toilet.

He was talking about how some kings have died while taking a shit, a few episodes back; while talking to his grandson.

Now we know why he's able to do Doctor Who!

trash panda

Is Tyrion the bastard of Aerys Targaryen? It's rumored that Aerys and Joanna had smexual relations, according to castle gossip. In Dance with Dragons, Dany has a conversation with Barriston Selmy regarding love and marriage:

"And my father? Was there some woman he loved better than his queen?"

Ser Barristan shifted in the saddle. "Not...not loved. Mayhaps wanted is a better word, was only kitchen gossip, the whispers of washer-women and stableboys..."

"I want to know. I never knew my father. I want to know everything about him. The good and...the rest."

"As you command." The white knight chose his words with care. "Prince a youth, he was taken with a certain lady of Casterly Rock, a cousin of Tywin Lannister. When she and Tywin wed, your father drank too much wine at the wedding feast and was heard to say that it was a great pity that the lord's right to the first night had been abolished. A drunken jape, no more, but Tywin Lannister was not a man to forget such words, or the...the liberties your father took during the bedding." His face reddened. "I have said too much, Your Grace. I-"

It's just something to think about. It would also explain why Tywin loathes Tyrion so much and hates the idea of giving him Casterly Rock. But mayhaps because he loved Joanna so much, he kept Tyrion. Plus the prospect of people finding out that his wife was unfaithful would be a stitch in his pride.

Think more! What's with all this "Three Headed Dragon" garble?? Who are the three dragon heads?

In the House of the Undying, Dany sees a vision of (presumably) Rhaegar, naming his son, Aegon. Rhaegar then looks towards Dany and says that there "must be one more", and that "the dragon must have three heads". I assume this means that he thinks his children (of which he anticipates having three) will be the three headed dragon.

When Aegon I overtook Westeros, he came with his two sisters; each of them had their own dragon. That's another three-headed dragon. In this case, all three dragons (the Targaryens) were related as brothers and sisters. I think that Blackfyres are excluded from being part of the three headed dragon because the three headed dragon is the symbol of house Targaryen.

I don't think that the three heads of the dragon have to be direct siblings, because Aemon says this:

"The dragon must have three heads … but I am too old to be one of them. I should be with her, showing her the way, but my body has betrayed me."

As if he might have been one of the three heads, were he not so old...

An interesting thing to speculate:
Dany (a definite Targaryen) killed her mother in childbirth.
If Lyanna and Rhaegar made Jon, then Jon would be another Targaryen who killed his mother in childbirth.
If Tyrion is Aerys's bastard with Joanna, he would be another Targaryen who killed his mother in childbirth.

...which would make all of these characters not only related by blood, but also by consequence.

I'm faithful that Jon is a Targaryen, but even if Tyrion is not, there's still Griff...who knows, maybe Griff is the real deal.

None of these speculations are probably true, because GRRM loves to torment his fans. :wacky:


We have come to terms
That would be interesting, especially since
Cersei had that whole prophecy about the valonqar thing, which I am completely convinced is referring to Jaime and not Tyrion. I also think that, over time, I'm starting to buy into the Jon theory.

What I don't buy is the assertion that the gravedigger in that little village is Sandor Clegane.

trash panda

Wow...I guess I haven't seen the princess bride in a long time...or maybe I'm just not good at adding things up. D:

Ghost X

I'm marathoning the 4 season today :P.

Edit after the fact: Most entertaining, but always leaves me wanting more :monster:.
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Chloe Frazer


trash panda

Lol. Cersei's face looks like that's exactly what she just said. XD

I suppose that I missed this in Jon Snow's last chapter, but someone somewhere on the interweb mentioned that when he was stabbed, his blood was described as "smoking", not the typical "steaming"...which may also be indicative of his lineage. So, I whipped out the books and had a gander.

Here, GRRM describes Waymar Royce being stabbed by a wight in the prologue of Game of Thrones:

The pale sword bit through the ringmail beneathe his arm. The young lord cried out in pain. Blood welled between the rings. It steamed in the cold and the droplets seemed red as fire where they touched the snow.

In Storm of Swords, Sam stabbs a wight:

When he opened his eyes the Other's armor was running down its legs in rivulets as pale blue blood hissed and steamed around the black dragonglass dagger in its throat.

In Storm of Swords, wights rip open a horse's belly:

They had torn the poor garron apart, and were pulling out her entrails with dripping red hands. Pale steam rose from her belly.

A direwolf, chowing down on some grub in Dance with Dragons:

Steam rising from an open belly, rich with the smells of blood and meat.

So, GRRM likes to describe blood as "steaming". I had a look at the scene where Jon is stabbed and confirmed that his blood is described as smoking. From Dance with Dragons:

He punched Jon in the belly. When he pulled his hand away, the dagger stayed where he had buried it. Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger's hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air, the wound was smoking. "Ghost," he whispered.

Alternatively, Jon Snow's piss does steam. This was taken from Clash of Kings:

A few yards away he made water into a frozen bush, his piss steaming in the cold air and melting the ice wherever it fell.


I also skimmed through all of the books, searching for descriptions of smoking blood. I actually just looked for every word containing "smok", so that I'd get all of the "smoked", "smoky", "smokily" and "smokings". The result? GRRM uses the word "smoke" a lot thoughout all five books, so much that I was starting to forget the meaning of the word. Blood is only ever described as smoking on a few occasions. As follows...

When Sandor Clegane kills Oberyn in Storm of Swords:

As he drew back his huge fist, the blood on his gauntlet seemed to smoke in the cold dawn air.

Oh dear...the theory has been dismantled. But to be specific, the blood on Sandor's fist is described as seeming to smoke. There are only two occasions wherein blood is described as actually smoking. One such instance is of course, when Jon is stabbed, and the other also comes from Dance with Dragons.

Drogon is attacked in the fighting arena:

His spear remained in Drogon's back, wobbling as the dragon beat his wings. Smoke rose from the wound.

When Dany is in the fighting arena with Drogon:

His head turned. Smoke rose between his teeth. His blood was smoking too, where it dripped upon the ground.

In the same scene, after she "tames" him:

Black blood was flowing from the wound where the spear had pierced him, smoking where it dripped onto the scorched sands. He is fire made flesh, she thought, and so am I.

Drogon takes flight:

The dragon twisted violently in the air, wounds smoking, the girl clinging to his back.

If we want to be all-inclusive here, when Sam kills a wight who used to be known as Paul, the wight's blood does smoke, but it is a result of the dragonglass used to kill Paul. As for instances when blood is described as most-definitely-smoking, and not "appearing" to smoke, there are only two.

1. Jon's blood smokes
2. Drogon's blood smokes

Sandor Clegane's blood only appears to smoke.
Wight blood only smokes when they are stabbed with dragonglass.

So you tell this some sort of evidence that Jon is a Targaryen?

By the way, the Prince that was Promised will be born amidst salt and smoke. Jon snow's blood is smoking, Bowen Marsh is crying...hmmmm?

EDIT EDIT: If Jon was born from Lyanna and Rhaegar, his would be a song of ice (Starks) and fire (Targaryens). Tah dahhhh...if...only if...
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trash panda

So...if you guys don't start discussing what I've said, I'll be forced to join a GoT forum, which I really don't want to do. I've seen me some of them GoT forum replies.
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