Ok, so an important thing here.
Some of you may be aware that we've been setting up a whole brand new website, which will be the main hub of our operations now. We've got a team going, but we're still on the lookout for new writers. This site in question is called Geekspective, where we'll focus on TV, movies and everything else geeky. The definitive perspective on all things geek!
The same also applies to Gamerspective; I've always stated we're always looking for new talent. However, since we've had writers that jump onboard and we never hear from again, we have a whole new application process now.
If you'd like to write for either Gamerspective, the new website or even both, then we would love to hear from you! But we'd also ask for the following:
- Three pieces of sample writing that may or may not go up on the site(s). This can be anything of your choosing, although we'd preferably like at least one of these samples to be related to the site(s).
- Your Skype name. We have two chats going for each website and it's the best place to gather to discuss ongoings. In the past, we've had problems where writers want to write the same things and one did without consulting the other. So that's where the chat was born. Everything from the site to writing to ideas are discussed there. Any concerns can be brought up in there, too! So don't be shy, we're a lovely bunch!
- That you like our Facebook page(s) and follow our Twitter handle(s). On the latter, they'll follow you back. Social media really is the best way to promote ourselves and it's a big push. All we ask is you make accounts if you haven't already and push to help us to promote our site, whether it be RTing articles or anything else related.
So please get in touch with myself or any of the Gamerspective team if you're interested, whether it be by PM, social media, Skype, etc. We're going live with Geekspective on September 1st, also the first year anniversary of Gamerspective! Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to hearing some replies.
Now, still on-topic and informal, watch my bloody tenth episode: