funny that all that toonami stuff is getting brought up because i just finished gundam wing
i have made it my goal to go through all the titles featured in the super robot wars games, starting with the first gundam, gundam wing (because it's its own separate continuity), and mazinger z. watching all these series is going to involve a bunch of long 90+ episode kids series from like the 70s so i try to put them on while i'm doing other stuff lol.
i used the crunchyroll prime video channel for part of gundam (then switched to netflix japan because they skipped an episode) and gundam wing. subtitles are still bad, i even checked if it was just the website version by watching on the ps5 app and it was still bad.
names were especially bad. from little ones like:
haro - haru
tem rey - tim racer
amuro - amro, amaru, tomorrow??
get onboard white base = get on board. white face.
to probably the worst, frau bow, who got called (among others before i stopped keeping track): falbo, bravo, fran, krobo??, lord robbo??? switching to japanese netflix at least avoided all that (some of the later episodes didn't even have english subtitles at all on crunchyroll). although there was one episode where the japanese closed captions didn't match the audio because the word originally used is considered offensive nowadays. but it still played the audio unaltered.
gundam wing didn't fare better. i don't think it got quatre's or trowa's names right once. wufei was 'woof' more than a few times. relena dorian was 'lena dalton' once. gundamium 'cadmium' or 'scamdium'. called a gundam a 'condom'. oz was 'oss/aus/US'. i guess noin is vietnamese because they kept calling her 'nguyen'. zechs got zeke, zacks, lieutenant x, and most commonly 'sex'. choice lines include 'sex is in the atmosphere' and 'long live lord sex!'
but unlike the original gundam, i have previously seen the english dub of gw when they used to show it late nights here long ago. and one thing that stuck with me all these years for some reason was zechs in the first episode saying 'that will do just dandy' and 'not too shabby'.
so when these mangled subtitles used those choices of words, i was like. wait a minute, i think i've solved this. i think the english sub tracks are just using a machine transcribed version of the english dub's audio. to back up my theory, the subtitle tracks also match where references to alcohol are changed in the english dubs (getting changed to 'a cup of joe' in an episode of gw, or a mention of champagne becoming 'soda pop' in the original gundam). they would also sometimes try to transcribe things that aren't dialogue, like og's eye catcher sound or parts of the lyrics to insert songs in gw (but not the whole lyrics so it doesn't look intentional).
so despite complete subtitle tracks no doubt existing, they just ran it through a computer to get a dub transcript and just. never bothered to check it for all the broken grammar like sentences. ending in random. places or running on to the next line, or even to get names correct. which is very lazy of them. maybe that's what was happening with fafner as well.
anyway the whole way through the original gundam i was hoping the little kids would leave the show so i would be free of their antics, and even after all these years i still hate wufei in gw which makes me a bit sad because i like his gundam. i just wish it wasn't piloted by this little misogynist