Standing guard
- Johnny
I have now binged the whole 26 EP series, and I have a few points
- Spike Lives, don't @ me bro
- "Mad Pierrot" seemed like some kind of homage to Batman: The Animated Series to me, but then I learned that Sunrise, Inc. did in fact work on Batman:TAS quite a bit. So I guess its more of them showing that they enjoyed the work itself. It's also brilliant, every bit as good as a Twilight Zone episode
- Edward is favorite character! Droopy stoopy stupids FayeFaye Spike person and Jet person don't know the breaks, takes, makes a lot of sense, woohoo
- The music in this was enjoyable in and of itself. Hot dang that OST is going in my CD collection soon.
- I love that it's both insanely futuristic and feels oddly familiar at the same time. It's also so satisfying to have characters that are constantly broke, starving and/or running out of gas, like idk, ME
- I asked my Dad about the music genre "Bebop" and his response was to put on the Birth of The Cool by Miles Davis. We also watched the first episode "Asteroid Blues," and he commented (being hard of hearing) on the subs in the Netflix version sometimes being complete gibberish. He needs them more than I do, and you subs vs dubs people don't seem all that interested in helping the hard of hearing ahem ahem
- Ein is an extremely good boy
- Of all the characters, I was most shocked by how Faye developed. To watch a person go from a cold and obnoxiously loud cynic to being the one crying in the last episode over the found family she now has breaking up, is really a giant rollercoaster of a ride.
- Space dogfights are cool ?
- Spike Lives, don't @ me bro
- "Mad Pierrot" seemed like some kind of homage to Batman: The Animated Series to me, but then I learned that Sunrise, Inc. did in fact work on Batman:TAS quite a bit. So I guess its more of them showing that they enjoyed the work itself. It's also brilliant, every bit as good as a Twilight Zone episode
- Edward is favorite character! Droopy stoopy stupids FayeFaye Spike person and Jet person don't know the breaks, takes, makes a lot of sense, woohoo

- The music in this was enjoyable in and of itself. Hot dang that OST is going in my CD collection soon.
- I love that it's both insanely futuristic and feels oddly familiar at the same time. It's also so satisfying to have characters that are constantly broke, starving and/or running out of gas, like idk, ME
- I asked my Dad about the music genre "Bebop" and his response was to put on the Birth of The Cool by Miles Davis. We also watched the first episode "Asteroid Blues," and he commented (being hard of hearing) on the subs in the Netflix version sometimes being complete gibberish. He needs them more than I do, and you subs vs dubs people don't seem all that interested in helping the hard of hearing ahem ahem
- Ein is an extremely good boy
- Of all the characters, I was most shocked by how Faye developed. To watch a person go from a cold and obnoxiously loud cynic to being the one crying in the last episode over the found family she now has breaking up, is really a giant rollercoaster of a ride.
- Space dogfights are cool ?