God of War: Ragnarok

I haven't finished the game yet, but I'd estimate you're maybe... 1/5 the way through? If not less.
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Wait what? Surely not XD. This has been billed as a 13-30 hour game and I have something like 26 hours on my save file XD

(I'm very pleased if you're right though. I'm enjoying the experience too much for it to be nearly over).


I doubt you have 26 hours already. :P
I don't think even I have that much and I'm a bit further. Where you are is still pretty early.

Ghost X

Post end-game discussion. Don't read until you finish:
Kratos's son is Loki. I think that could spell some trouble down the road, and tragedy and so on :P



See when he uncovered the blades from the house and then put them on with Athena in the background... the whole sequence from Atreus's illness to this point has been fucking amazing.

I exclaimed out loud when I pressed R1 and the blades were back. I wish I'd recorded my reaction. What a moment.



^Pretty sure they're optional.

These fuckers are SOLID. Just as you get a method down for one the next one is more difficult, so on and so forth. I've been stuck on Eir for a while now, took down 4 before her. Jeepers. They give you less room in an arena for a fight where it feels like you have to dodge and move far more than the others, the bastards.


That fight took me 2 hours and 20 minutes. wow. definitely underlevelled but what a thrill
...F*ck. Only just now realized that I've been reading "Cory Barlog" as "Cory Balrog".

Feels wrong to say Barlog. :P


That fight took me 2 hours and 20 minutes. wow. definitely underlevelled but what a thrill

So I've defeated all but one of these now, and that was the only one that took me that length of time. I think in part due to a weird delay on one of my PS4 controllers' R2 buttons rather than me actually being poor at the fight lol.

I spent most of my day today completing
Muspelheim. The trials thing is neat but I wish some of them weren't so frustrating/ random. I actually didn't have a problem with "don't get hit" but I had some serious issues on the impossible trial version of the one with killing enemies in the ring and the extend the timer challenge.

I've also unlocked some shiny Valkyrie armour and upgraded it some. Love the look of it.

Main story wise I've

been to Tyr's vault and Helheim Mark II, the next step is "finding a door" and I assume going to Jotunheim. I don't know if I'll progress the main story tomorrow following this Dwarven side quest or not - I might visit Niflheim since I've unlocked it but I haven't been there yet. I also assume this is where the last Valkyrie is.


I just beat the game and boy was it GREAT

Definitely my new favorite. Can't wait to see what happen's next



See when he uncovered the blades from the house and then put them on with Athena in the background... the whole sequence from Atreus's illness to this point has been fucking amazing.

I exclaimed out loud when I pressed R1 and the blades were back. I wish I'd recorded my reaction. What a moment.


I just got to that part.

I thought they might bring those back as a bonus post-game weapon or something rather than during the story. But that whole part was great.

Literally said "WE'RE BACK BABY" out loud when I got them :lol:


So today was
Niflheim day and tomorrow will also be Niflheim day. It's a good thing the combat in this game is tremendously fun or I'd likely hate this area. But it's an interesting addition. I just wish the quest part (for the realm tears) wasn't so grindy.

I took out the Valkyrie in there which means after Niflheim it's time to complete that quest aswell :3

Then I'll finish the game. I predict a Thursday finish :monster:


Completed the game. Also got the platinum trophy :monster:

Wow. What an excellent experience.

I was honestly surprised there was more to the mother than they let on, but I've now watched the Easy Allies interview with Cory Barlog and it's amazing how planned it all is, and how many hints there are in the game as to what's coming (both in this game and in sequels).

I thoroughly enjoyed the story in this, which honestly isn't really something I ever expected to hear myself saying for a God of War title.

I'm hoping Freya comes around at some point in the future because she's an awesome character and it would obviously be nice for Kratos to have a true ally among the gods for a change, but if she's really taking up Valkyrie armour again I guess we're fucked in sequels lol.

Also that little easter egg-lite ending with Thor is amazing. Admittedly I was expecting to catch a glimpse of him and Odin at some point (I thought they'd feature more in the story) but they serve a decent function as a looming presence throughout.

But wow @ the Loki/ Atreus stuff. There are hints that Jormungandr is his son and came from the future aswell, which is just insane. We still don't know who blew the horn when Atreus was "sick" either, there are theories it's Atreus from the future. The murals at the end also seem to hint toward other mythologies, there's Egyptian heiroglyphics in there.

How about that? Actual God of War mythology fans can speculate over and discuss. This is all I ever wanted from these games.

In terms of getting the platinum I like to do as much as possible before completing and I'd noticed I literally only had two trophies left to get after finishing (I don't look at the trophy list prior, neither were hidden). One for Odin's ravens and another for the artefacts (I was missing one stupid artefact from Helheim). Only took me 40 minutes to mop them up.

This statement is hyperbole free: this is the best PS4 exclusive and so far my second favourite game of the generation. It's fantastic and everyone should give it a go.


Pro Adventurer
I'm kind of curious. In the final fight with Baldur did anyone else try not to kill Baldur at the end of the fight when we have him on the ground and the games prompting you to punch him for the final time?

I didn't punch immediately. And then after the first punch and second punch I stopped each time in hopes the game or Freya would kick in and stop the fight at last. lol

That was such a cool boss fight. I really didn't want to kill him, not that I liked him as a character I just really really didn't want to do that to Freya.

Also regarding Alfheim. When you beat the boss for the area he says we made a grave mistake. Did anything come out of that line in the end? The games so big and I haven't 100 percented the side content, so I wonder if I missed something in connection to that or was it a sequel hook? Did he know/think turning the light back on was something that would get Ragnarok rolling?


This statement is hyperbole free: this is the best PS4 exclusive and so far my second favourite game of the generation. It's fantastic and everyone should give it a go.

What's your favorite though? You probably mentioned it / it's probably obvious but I need to know if there's another must-play game I've not played yet :monster:

Also I should just order this one already, fr*ck!


I'm kind of curious. In the final fight with Baldur did anyone else try not to kill Baldur at the end of the fight when we have him on the ground and the games prompting you to punch him for the final time?

I didn't punch immediately. And then after the first punch and second punch I stopped each time in hopes the game or Freya would kick in and stop the fight at last. lol

That was such a cool boss fight. I really didn't want to kill him, not that I liked him as a character I just really really didn't want to do that to Freya.

Also regarding Alfheim. When you beat the boss for the area he says we made a grave mistake. Did anything come out of that line in the end? The games so big and I haven't 100 percented the side content, so I wonder if I missed something in connection to that or was it a sequel hook? Did he know/think turning the light back on was something that would get Ragnarok rolling?

I completely stopped punching Baldur and didn't punch again but then the cutscene took over and Kratos punched him anyway. It's possible there are slight differences that'll emerge in time, but you're not alone in that thought for sure. As soon as I was sure the fight was won I just didn't punch him at all but it didn't seem to have affected the outcome.

Regarding Alfheim, there's nothing else in-game really to indicate one way or another but Cory Barlog said that Atreus is tuned into beings' emotions and that when he gets to Alfheim he can't make sense of all the "noise" in that respect, and basically confirmed without outright stating that they did the wrong thing. He mentioned the consequences could pop up in future games.

I recommend watching this video:

This statement is hyperbole free: this is the best PS4 exclusive and so far my second favourite game of the generation. It's fantastic and everyone should give it a go.

What's your favorite though? You probably mentioned it / it's probably obvious but I need to know if there's another must-play game I've not played yet :monster:

Also I should just order this one already, fr*ck!

This is a controversial view in the gaming sphere but my favourite game of the generation (so far) is Dragon Age: Inquisition. It has its flaws but I fell in love with it and have replayed it a fair few times now. Kinda boggles my mind it's already 4 years old at this point, it still looks fantastic.

I'm objective enough to know when games are better than my favourites - which is why FFVII is my favourite FF game even though I feel others score higher in various categories if I was to review them without considering how much I personally connected with them.

I've discovered I need two of three things to fall totally in love with a game: characters I enjoy, then immersion and/or palpable atmosphere. They're obviously related and pretty broad ideas. FF usually manages it. In the past decade games that have taken me there are Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Valkyria Chronicles, Deus Ex, Uncharted (only The Lost Legacy), The Last of Us and now the new God of War. For some reason I have very high hopes for Octopath Traveler, the demo has almost taken me there already.

There are games I thoroughly enjoy that I don't have such a strong connection with, like the rest of the Uncharted series, Sonic Mania, Pokémon etc. I'd say FFXV was the first FF to fall into this category, but I've still to do a second playthrough.

If you'd told me a year ago I'd care more about Kratos's story than Noctis's, I doubt I'd have believed you. But here we are :monster:


Completed the game. Also got the platinum trophy :monster:

Wow. What an excellent experience.

I was honestly surprised there was more to the mother than they let on, but I've now watched the Easy Allies interview with Cory Barlog and it's amazing how planned it all is, and how many hints there are in the game as to what's coming (both in this game and in sequels).

I thoroughly enjoyed the story in this, which honestly isn't really something I ever expected to hear myself saying for a God of War title.

I'm hoping Freya comes around at some point in the future because she's an awesome character and it would obviously be nice for Kratos to have a true ally among the gods for a change, but if she's really taking up Valkyrie armour again I guess we're fucked in sequels lol.

Also that little easter egg-lite ending with Thor is amazing. Admittedly I was expecting to catch a glimpse of him and Odin at some point (I thought they'd feature more in the story) but they serve a decent function as a looming presence throughout.

But wow @ the Loki/ Atreus stuff. There are hints that Jormungandr is his son and came from the future aswell, which is just insane. We still don't know who blew the horn when Atreus was "sick" either, there are theories it's Atreus from the future. The murals at the end also seem to hint toward other mythologies, there's Egyptian heiroglyphics in there.

How about that? Actual God of War mythology fans can speculate over and discuss. This is all I ever wanted from these games.

In terms of getting the platinum I like to do as much as possible before completing and I'd noticed I literally only had two trophies left to get after finishing (I don't look at the trophy list prior, neither were hidden). One for Odin's ravens and another for the artefacts (I was missing one stupid artefact from Helheim). Only took me 40 minutes to mop them up.

This statement is hyperbole free: this is the best PS4 exclusive and so far my second favourite game of the generation. It's fantastic and everyone should give it a go.

That blowing the horn bit got me confused too. If it was futureAtreus like many seem to speculate, why would he do it? What purpose would it serve at that moment?

And is it just me, but does anyone else think that Atreus wouldn't go down the same path mythLoki did. I remember Kratos telling him after the Baldur fight that they will be "the gods we chose to be" and the way he was looking at that final mural in Jotunheim has me thinking he might defy his fate again and save his son from his predestined future.

On the other hand however, I totally buy the theory that the world serpent could be Kratos

Man this game is so rich in mythos that we can speculate for years before the sequel


A hint of the answer is probably somewhere in the game, but I don't think we're finding out who it was until a sequel. There are definitely some time travel hints all over this game but I honestly don't have a clue who could have blown that horn.

I think there'll be some similar story beats as Loki from mythology but it all depends on what happens in the next game doesn't it? For all we know that epilogue was the moment Atreus is taken away by Thor to serve Odin - after learning about the Loki thing I had visions of Atreus being the villain for Kratos in the next game for at least a while before the "problem" is resolved. I think they'll age him up a fair amount in the sequel and it'll be interesting to see which path he chooses.

This game tells us that being a God of War doesn't have to be vengeance or warmongering (Tyr fought for peace and the game seems to really push this), and I think they might be going in a direction where that's Kratos's path - or it could be Atreus.

One thing is certain, there are clues all over the game as to the future of the series and people will have fun finding them :)


The Sublimely Magnificent One
I swear, the next time this kid "whatevers" me, Imma slam a spike wall in his face.


3x3 Eyes
I was planning on finally replaying XV in order to give it a second chance (I've not played it since the original 'vanilla' version without all the QOL updates and improvements) ... but then I decided to God of War a go after all the posts in here - and I'm not regretting that choice one bit.

The combat is fun, the scenery is beautiful, and I'm immediately engulfed into the lore and the story between Kratos and Arteus. It's incredible just how quickly you feel for these characters - I've not felt anything like this gaming experience since The Last Of Us.

Really loving it so far.
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Atreus giving Squall a run for his money

Speaking of Atreus, what do you all think about his sudden turn to the "dark side" after learning he was a god? I thought it could be a normal reaction for a kid his age but what I found interesting was how he couldn't remember killing Modi when he saw those illusions in hell. Could this mean something for the next game?
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