Late poast is late
Anyway, I actually really liked Dirge of Cerberus very much. I'm usually in it for mainly the story, much less gameplay and/or percentage completion and all dat jazz but I still appreciate the latter. Vincent was a good character to get a story centered around him as, though he was once known more as an optional character, he still has the deepest and darkest history with ShinRa (aside from Cloud, perhaps arguably) and had the closest ties to Sephiroth's origins as well as Lucrecia.
Mind you, I don't necessarily think SE suddenly tacked on new canon to the FFVII storyline but moreso an attempt to fine-tune (and perhaps rewrite some) events already spoken of or alluded to from the original FFVII canon, as was done very well with Crisis Core, but for DoC, this seems to have been a bad turn-out, granted it was apparently a rushed and hastily run project. Regardless, was still fairly decent, if not good.
I love RPGs very much, but I srsly suck at playing through them XD and they take me FOREVAR to finish. For DoC, however, the 3rd-Person Shooter part of the game REALLY helped me big time (as I am pretty good at Shooter-types) and I got through it great and got a pretty good score on it.
Anyway, imho, the story was great, if not too well told, the new characters were cool (REALLY loved Shelke, and was NOT a "useless and meaningless" character, yoo iz an-idiot if you thought so

) and ftr, the OST was EPIC WIN!!! I have the entire OST on my PC

! Lastly, most awesomest scene EVAR: Vincent talkin to Cloud, Barret and Tifa on his cellphone. lmao
I rest my case
~ SoS