SPOILERS Hard Mode Discussion


Pro Adventurer
Welp, beat Hell House. I had the fight well under control my first two tries this evening before getting ambushed by the mechs and wiping almost instantly both times. So I completely rethought my strategy to prepare for that final phase and ended up killing the house before the mechs even entered so :monster:

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Hey, there's this guy in youtube who flexes on his viewers so hard by defeating bosses in HARD MODE without taking any damage.

Is he anyone of you here?

EDIT: His name in youtube is "THE GAMER EYES", btw.


Pro Adventurer
I never really got into the wacky materia shenanigans of the OG because it always took too much time to grind for AP, and only the superbosses required anything beyond the most basic of tactics. So one thing I'm loving about postgame in the remake is the increased EXP and AP gain; I actually want to take the time to come up with crazy set-ups because I know that maxing the required materia won't take too long.


It is annoying for sure. I haven't played in a few days, I was on chapter 13 or so when I stopped. I haven't had a tough time so far on hard mode but that's probably because I pre-levelled everything and did all the stuff in the new combat simulator that's in chapter 17 so I have that accessory that gives you a free LB at the start of every battle. It also charges the LB super quick, any fight that lasts a couple of minutes and you'll have another one.

I even beat hell house first time, but I came well prepared for it so that helps.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Hit Chapter 17 last night. I've now cleared all the standard battle sims, including the Legends (but I didn't get the Bad Breath Enemy Skill, so I'm going to have to complete that again at some point), so it's only the final Secret Battle to go.


Try not to get nuked into oblivion by an enraged dragon and his flaming best friend :monster:

I'm just gonna say that I'm so glad I got Gotterdammerung half way through the game, because there were so many fights that it literally saved my life.

The stupid Ghoul fight.

The stupid Eligor fight.

....It wasn't necessary for the Reno and Rude, but it sure felt great face-rolling them.

The stupid Jenova PULSE fight.

The stupid Rufus and Dark Star fight (Dark Star literally did nothing but stagger and die, lolol)

....And then the Arsenal. The Arsenal fight was fucking atrocious. I can't imagine how I'd have managed that fight without Aerith wearing Gotterdammerung and keeping Planet Protection up. It was hell. It felt like Hell House's bastard cousin or something. But Aerith put in work.

I love games that let you win awesome, broke ass weapons/accessories and use them for their Hard Mode. That's one thing that made me mad about KH3 before Remind; by the time you get Ultima Weapon, there was nothing to kill.

This game? Oh, there's still so very much to do...


3x3 Eyes
And done in ... 42 minutes and 35 seconds! :P


The two biggest stumbling blocks for me were the opening Shiva fight and of course Bahamut. Shiva just seemed to be hitting extremely hard with Blizzagas, Whiteouts and Heavenly Strikes, with my group not properly guarding or dodging at the right moments. Barret just kept dying, so his Revival Earring went straight away and I kept casting Revive on him. I was playing conservatively, thinking about the battles ahead, so held back on using Fire Magic, which made that battle last quite a long time than it should have.

Fast forward to Bahamut, and I forgot how much time there is between the countdowns and the actual move. So I wasted some precious magic casting Manawall on the group at 5, and then again at 2, and then I had to do it again at 1 as it faded soooo quickly, lol. It was a good thing though, since it reduced a good amount from the attack. As soon as Ifrit appeared, Cloud went to town with his limits and Fire + Elemental just kept him immune to everything that Ifrit could throw at him. Then it was a case of turning back to Bahamut and repeating what I had been doing so far (minus the incorrect time sensitive casting of Manawall). He finally went down.

After all of that, the final battle was a walk in the park lol.


Double Growth
Though I'm sure other fights have taken me that long without my noticing, what's always burned in my memory when we talk about battles that long is the time I first fought Angra Mainyu in X-2. 45 minutes and lost :'(
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