Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

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We have come to terms
All I know about POTM is what I learned from the one time I saw it performed at Her Majesty's Theatre in London.

I wanted to see The Lion King like my mom and aunt did the next night, but they wouldn't take me ;.;


The Phantom of the musical, Phantom of the Opera can never top Chaney's version of him.

And now, I'm not talking about that grasshopper crap. :@ I'm talking about Erik himself. I mean, he was supposed to have a full deformity, but instead Webber had to ruin that and add only a half mask. That completely takes off the real reason why the Phantom didn't want to show himself.


We have come to terms
...wow. Audrey just said something intelligent and that I totally agree with.

I think Hell just froze over. I'm afraid O_o


Great Old One
According to what I've read, they only put half of his deformity on his left side because it would be difficult to be singing with a full mask on. And nevertheless, the Phantom still did have a deformity. Webber's adaptation of Erik is musical, Chaney was a great Phantom, but concerning the musical itself, that's a completely different topic.


We have come to terms
But at the same time, it's sort of like why Quasimodo never wanted to show himself, whereas, in the musical PotM, yeah, you couldn't use a full face mask, but you could do something like have the mask cover all but the jaw/mouth area or something, so that it still retains the original artistic intent of the author =/


...wow. Audrey just said something intelligent and that I totally agree with.

I think Hell just froze over. I'm afraid O_o
I'm not that fucked up, I can say something intelligent too.

According to what I've read, they only put half of his deformity on his left side because it would be difficult to be singing with a full mask on. And nevertheless, the Phantom still did have a deformity. Webber's adaptation of Erik is musical, Chaney was a great Phantom, but concerning the musical itself, that's a completely different topic.
Crawford is a much better Phantom than Butler wil ever be.


Great Old One
But at the same time, it's sort of like why Quasimodo never wanted to show himself, whereas, in the musical PotM, yeah, you couldn't use a full face mask, but you could do something like have the mask cover all but the jaw/mouth area or something, so that it still retains the original artistic intent of the author =/
Agreed, but this is a musical. Singing pass a leather mask would be very difficult, and it was actually intended in the 2004 adaptation of the musical that Erik would have a full mask on, but his voice wasn't as clear.

And plus, I find a half mask to be more intriguing to be honest. Why half a mask when you can have a full mask on instead?


We have come to terms
Stupid question: was the original a story (novel) or a play?

I've never read it D:


Great Old One
Crawford is a much better Phantom than Butler wil ever be.

While Crawford has a much more powerful voice, Butler's emotions really topped it throughout the movie. Crawford was stiff throughout his scenes. While I agree that Butler's voice isn't as good as the Phantom's, he has that shakiness to it which brings the Phantom into life.

Stupid question: was the original a story (novel) or a play?

I've never read it D:
A novel, first authorized by Gaston Leroux.


We have come to terms
Agreed, but this is a musical. Singing pass a leather mask would be very difficult, and it was actually intended in the 2004 adaptation of the musical that Erik would have a full mask on, but his voice wasn't as clear.
'cept half a mask would have just as much of an effect on his singing as the "almost a full mask" that I was suggesting.


Great Old One
'cept half a mask would have just as much of an effect on his singing as the "almost a full mask" that I was suggesting.
Not too mention there would be an excessive amount of sweating throughout the musical; and make up on his deformity would have to be done before the show started, and it would have been ruined even if it was 'almost a full mask,' as that would only reveal his lips and eyes.



While Crawford has a much more powerful voice, Butler's emotions really topped it throughout the movie. Crawford was stiff throughout his scenes. While I agree that Butler's voice isn't as good as the Phantom's, he has that shakiness to it which brings the Phantom into life.
But the Phantom isn't about showing off his emotions; the Phantom is all about his voice. This is why Christine thought of him as her ANGEL OF MUSIC, considering how powerful his voice was. You could see obvious emotions throughout the Gerry Erik, but his voice isn't fit for the Phantom himself.


And to add to that, Gerard Butler was much too handsome to play the Phantom.

Um, hello. The Phantom is supposed to played by an ugly dude, not someone incredibly attractive.


Great Old One
Right.. but then again, his deformity is supposed to be covered by whichever the mask is. Thus, his deformity was revealed when Christine tore off his mask. That's the deformity. It doesn't matter whether the actor who played the Phantom was attractive in real life; there was still an added deformity to it.


See, the problem is though, now we have all these Phan girls coming into defense of Erik's side, claiming that they would have totally chosen him over Raoul, considering how 'beautiful' he is, when really, all the Phantom would have done to Christine if she had chosen him in the end was put her into an abusive relationship.


Great Old One
Abusive? LOL.

Erik would never hurt Christine - and mind you, in the end, Christine did make her decision, which was ultimately Erik. She even goes to show her way by kissing him; which is something he most definitely did not ask her to do.


Uh, yeah he did kinda abuse her in the scene where she takes off his mask, then he begins bitching:

Prying Pandora! You useless female! Is this what you wanted to see?

And then he pushes her out of the way; she begins to cry. That's not a healthy relationship at all. If she had ended up staying with him, she would have most definitely become a bit wacked out herself.


Great Old One
Considering how much abuse he's received in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't let anyone try to go near the mask; but that's his Achilles Heel; his deformity is the reason why for his madness, and I doubt he'd abuse her intentionally. Ever. He loves her.


It was most definitely not a love.

It was all lust. Christine lusted for the Phantom, she never loved him. The love you see in the movie is the love between Christine and Raoul. The 'love' between her and the Phantom is simply untamed lust.


Great Old One
Did you even watch the movie or the musical?

Erik tells Christine herself that he loves her. And Christine basically dedicates her life to him, and says so herself. If you can't agree that it's a romantic love, then fine, but there was most definitely a love there.


Yes, I fucking watched the movie and the musical.

The Phantom's 'love' for Christine was NOTHING but infatuation. Fuck, he would have probably ended up ignoring her forever if it wasn't for her voice anyways. And Christine was appealed by their relationship because of the mysteriousness he held into him, not for him. She hardly even knew him. Meanwhile, with Raoul, she was perfectly content.


Great Old One
Um, right. You're thinking about the book there. If you've actually watched the movie and the musical, you would know that his mannerisms are clearly trying to seduce Christine with his actions and his words. I mean, hell, The Point of No Return had the two talking about having sex and wanting to be together, which Christine obviously leaned forward. We don't see her trying to stop him at all.

And hell, what am I even saying? In Leroux's book we clearly see the Phantom falling for Christine, hard, even though it's her voice that first has him appealed to her. He literally dies of her love.
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