I know..why is that when you mention policy they think its your policy and not the store's? The worst experience for me about 3 months ago was when a customer upset me so much that I burst into tears in front of everyone in the shop
In the five years I've worked at that place that's never once happened, usually I'm really calm about things and polite as possible with customers but this woman and her husband ganged up me only because I was trying to explain why clearance items couldn't be returned to the store once they were purchased.
Apparently I was the most ignorant, rude girl they'd ever met and I shouldn't be allowed to work in a shop where I don't know what I'm doing..yeah because working in retail is oh so hard and I plan to spend my entire life there
Anyways I was stressed, in the middle of final exams at university, there was queue of 5 people behind them and covering the shop floor on my own so needless to say that I was mortified and lost it.