Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

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uprising down under
I've been working out a lot more this summer too. :3 I do weights (and not like sissy girly weights)! But mebbe you should replace some of that milk with other sources of protein? o:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Milk is incredibly cheap and full of calories. If I had more cash monies, I wouldn't mind putting down for some T bone steaks and all that jazz, but milk is cheap as shit and full of calories, which is what I'm going for.


uprising down under
Hm, makes sense. :> I buy the cheapest stuff too, when I'm not at home to have parents pay for it. When I'm there tho, it's like exotic fishes, protein bars, and yogurt smoothies galore.


Waiting for something
Ahh I love it when that happens :) When my work place was open late nights 2 years ago over the summer it was usually dead, no customers so I always got to go home early like about 2 hours before everyone else cause there was no point in keeping the section I was in open.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Ahh I love it when that happens :) When my work place was open late nights 2 years ago over the summer it was usually dead, no customers so I always got to go home early like about 2 hours before everyone else cause there was no point in keeping the section I was in open.

I had all my work done early in the bakery and nothing needed to be done in the cafe because the shop was dead so I filled the drink fridge and went home 40 mins early. :monster:


Waiting for something

I thought I'd get out early today because the area I work in also has a cafe at the bottom of the shop and it had to close early because the sink kept flooding and the dishwasher was broke...it really wasn't their day, anyway the doors to the cafe had to be locked and it was dead in my area so I thought I'd get away early too seeing as we usually lock up when the cafe locks up...no such luck, ah well.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker

I thought I'd get out early today because the area I work in also has a cafe at the bottom of the shop and it had to close early because the sink kept flooding and the dishwasher was broke...it really wasn't their day, anyway the doors to the cafe had to be locked and it was dead in my area so I thought I'd get away early too seeing as we usually lock up when the cafe locks up...no such luck, ah well.

ah you can't win everyday. I'm sure tomorrow for me will be a different story. :( Lucky I only got 4 days left at this job.


Waiting for something
Ah I see good luck with it. I might be leaving my own job soon as well I've applied for a full time job dealing with administration and immigration stuff they sent me a letter recently saying they've considered my application and will get back to me. But if I get the full time visual position in the place I work now then that'll be handy enough too.

I need a full time job at the moment, I got rejected from the Masters course in poetry I applied for but even if I'd got accepted I wouldn't have had the money to pay for it considering its £3600, so I'm reapplying next year and hopefully i'll have the money by then to support myself


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
thanks. and goodluck with either of those jobs and the masters course. ;)


Waiting for something
Cheers :) to be honest I'm sort've glad I'm not back at university right away. I've spent 17 years of my life in education so I think a year's break is a good thing in order for me to get my head together and decide what it is I really want to do.

You mentioned going back home to Australia, what made you move to NZ in the first place? I'd love to go to NZ one of my best friends is there at the moment and 2 of them are in Australia all on working/holiday visas. One of them is staying for a full year, the other 2 are coming home in September, apparently they've all been having a blast.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Cheers :) to be honest I'm sort've glad I'm not back at university right away. I've spent 17 years of my life in education so I think a year's break is a good thing in order for me to get my head together and decide what it is I really want to do.

You mentioned going back home to Australia, what made you move to NZ in the first place? I'd love to go to NZ one of my best friends is there at the moment and 2 of them are in Australia all on working/holiday visas. One of them is staying for a full year, the other 2 are coming home in September, apparently they've all been having a blast.

Well I was born in New Zealand but moved to Australia about 5 years ago. I moved back here because I needed to clear my head and sort my shit out because I dropped outta school when I was 16 to work in a shitty job. And when I tried to leave and get something better I couldn't because no one would hire a 17 year old drop out working in fast food. :monster: Since i've been here though i've been a head cook in a cafe, worked in a wool spinners mill spinning tons of wool for 12 hours a night (fucking boring job and I suffered from exhaustion and had to leave) and then I worked in a deli and now i've been a Baker and I love it. :monster:

btw this is the longest post i've written on tls. :awesome:


Waiting for something
Ah right, yeah it seems like you do like the baker job, I hope you're able to get a good one when go back to Australia.

Mr. Blonde said:
btw this is the longest post i've written on tls. :awesome:

lol congrats on your first long post :monster: My posts are usually long, they're a little bit like a reflection of me in reality because I tend to never shut up when talking to people :D


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Ah right, yeah it seems like you do like the baker job, I hope you're able to get a good one when go back to Australia.

lol congrats on your first long post :monster: My posts are usually long, they're a little bit like a reflection of me in reality because I tend to never shut up when talking to people :D


and I never shut up in rl either. I like to talk with people but normally I cbf typing up huge long paragraphs on a forum because i'm lazy and tired from work. Getting up at 3am takes it outta me lol.


Waiting for something
3am!! woah yeah that would be exhausting the earliest I ever start work is 8.30 so its not so bad the earliest I've ever gotten up for work was 4am because we were open from 6am. You must be tired at the moment then?


Waiting for something
That's not so bad then, are you up around 3am every day?

I do Sunday's 1pm -5pm usually, sometimes 1-6pm, Thursday 5.15pm-9.15pm and Saturdays whatever time I'm needed between 8.30am-6pm, I'm only contracted 12 hours so my shifts are usually broken up in 4 hours per day unless I need a specific day off then I usually work extra hours to make up the time. I prefer the morning shift on a Saturday though, it flies in.


Waiting for something
Lucky you! Having weekends off is great. When I was on work placement during my university degree I was doing management in the place I work and it was great I only had to do 10-5pm Monday-Friday and had weekends off.

I loved every minute of it, not to mention I could fib a couple of times and tell them I had to be somewhere to get off early, I wasn't getting paid for the work placement so why not, although they were good enough to fit my 12 hours into the placement hours so I wasn't doing 7 days a week and still got paid while on a non-paying placement.


Waiting for something
I'm sure you could get mon-fri if the bakery you wanna go to is good at being flexible, most jobs offer a bit of flexibility anyways :)
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