Pro Adventurer
- Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Exactly. I think I'd have moar fun with that solo anyways. but HOPEFULLY WE CAN GET ALLIANCE STARTED TONIGHT.
The game becomes more fun when you get better abilities obv, lol. Wanted is fun, but it's hard to go back and forth between modes because you play so differently. Wanted you tend to use more stealth, and walk more. Alliance there's a little more freedom to slow run. ALLIANCE BETTER WERK OR I WILL NERD RAGE.
Well you just lemme know when OMG YASE ASK HIM OK that'd be awesome and yase we've got lots to do
We'll play brotherhood for now. When you have free time play a bit of Uncharted, then let me know when you're ready to try multiplayer. I wasn't very good at it, lawl. Force did most of the work. It would be fun with the three of us though, cause Uncharted uses a three-person team system. (although we can play just 2 if he isn't around)