Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

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The Yellow King
The Unspeakable One, He Who Is Not to be Named
Can you see me?

EDIT: Ignore this post. Just testing something with my dupe. :monster:
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We have come to terms
Okay, whoa.

One, shitty reference to an excellent episode of Boondocks is shitty, uncalled for, and makes the show look bad. This does not rock.

Two, excellent reference to Chappelle's Show placed and used badly fills me with such indescribable rage and hatred that it makes me want to stab someone in the neck with a pencil. I love that episode, and use that phrase often. YOU, sir, do NOT do it justice and desecrate its excellence by such use. I am therefore filing a motion to cease and desist with your local judge. You'll be receiving the official notice in the morning.

tl;dr - eat a dick


Double Growth
Perhaps Square should have copyrighted the term,

I also got this when test googling our site, apparently twitter-like status updates are being called 'lifestreams'. Weird...I don't like it.

(didn't know where else to put this.)


Perhaps Square should have copyrighted the term,

I also got this when test googling our site, apparently twitter-like status updates are being called 'lifestreams'. Weird...I don't like it.

(didn't know where else to put this.)

Yeah, I've seen Lifestream used in a lot more contexts. I doubt Square would've been able to copyright this, about as much as they could copyright 'Cloud' or 'Midgar' or pretty much every name they've been using that doesn't count their games and stuffs.

Also, TLS has a whole different association over here - it's the abbreviation of Trans Link Systems, the corporation that's responsible for the creation and putting-into-usage-thingy of a new public transit payment system that everyone believes sucks balls.


fresh to death
o god guys i have just vommed and drank alot and had my ferioneds semsd me out of a club but there arew fstill 4 casns ofk koppioadrberg


The Yellow King
The Unspeakable One, He Who Is Not to be Named

How's the wife an' kids?

Lil' Unspeakable One is a funny kid, bro. I think he'll turn out to be a Great Old One. The other is now in her teens, and she's gone all emo an' shit and painted her tentacles black. Hopefully it's just a stage she'll go through quickly.

The wife turned cunt about 500 years ago, I left her.

'Sup with you? You settle down yet?
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