Higher Further Faster
idk I always thought it was weird that Harry had the most emotional moment in the books (seeing his parents grave) with Hermione as opposed to Ginny or anything.
CALL ME A HATER BUT I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING TO THE HARRY AND GINNY RELATIONSHIP BEYOND 'and ginny was totally hot btw gaiz and so cool and harry was all WOW SHE IS SO HOT AND COOL'
Maybe it's because I don't need every character I like in my fandoms to be paired with someone, but I just don't see how an emotional scene = shipping proof, or how it means that two characters need to be shipped/canon.
When I read the first book back when I was in 10th grade I thought I saw Harry/Hermione at the end of it when she hugged him. But then back then I really did think that every character had to be paired, and that a female main character always = hero's true love forever and ever.
But beyond that, once I read more and got older, I never saw a hint of it ever again.
I agree that the movies really did give more of a Harry/Hermione impression, but the books never did. And quite frankly the idea of book Harry/Hermione is kind of awkward to imagine for me. I like them being platonic friends.
I think that Ginny seems like a good fit for Harry. I wish we had been shown more than told about how awesome she apparently is, but JKR kind of limited herself in that regard with the whole idea of only ever wanting to focus on Harry.
But as far as I'm concerned it was either Ginny or no one. If it never happened I don't think I'd really care, but there's no one else that would make a good pairing choice for him. I like Cho being a train wreck and over and done with, so that's out.
Quite honestly I don't think Harry even needed to be paired with anyone. Maybe that's why Ginny doesn't bother me. I never really wanted him to be with anyone else. I don't really see why he has to be.
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