Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

Elisa Maza

I'd like to share, but I do not suppose this is the appropriate thread... Oh well, I'll tag it.

1st reason: It is completely retarded and stupid. It's the pink. I TOLD you it was retarded, but this is one reason YOUARENOTALLOWEDTOJUDGEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

2nd reason: I found her intrusive, for lack of a better word. Not because of the whole LT nonsense, not because she asked Cloud for protection from Shin-Ra (heck, if a strong ex-SOLDIER was with me while the Turks had come to harass me, I'd do the same!), but because of her interactions with the team. Examples: the most well-known is the one with Barret and I know that she was supposed to be insensitive, but heck, WHY DIDN'T ANYONE CALL OUT HER CRAP????? Only Tifa did and she is easily debunked. If it was supposed to be a character flaw, why wasn't it handled as one? WHERE ARE THE CONSEQUENCES???? The story with Barret did take a bad turn, but did she ever apologized and recognized her mistake? Noooooo, never!

3rd, I found her interest in romance in general (not just about Cloud, it could be with anyone for all that I care), annoying, if not infuriating. "Honey, we are taking a lot of shit for your sake, can you AT LEAST focus on what's important here????" were my thoughts constantly through the game. Maybe it's because I'm not too much of a romantic, but whatever the reason, I was like this -->

And then, the scene with Caith Sid. Maybe it was worse that I had Tifa in the team, but when she said "I promise I won't get mad!" I screamed at my screen: "YOU won't get mad???????????? Why, you-- SHE'S RIGHT THERE, DAMMIT!!! IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Long story short: I found her tactless, intrusive and stuck about romance. A combination I loathe. Yet, the creators, with her death scene demanded my love for her. Heck no.

Yes, these reasons are a matter of interpretation (MAYBE), but that's my opinion and it's unlikely I'll change it.


Pro Adventurer
I don't expect you to change your opinion, since heaven knows this is a long-lived fandom and most of us who have had our opinions have had them for a long time. Liking a character is pretty subjective, anyway. But here's my two cents.

1st: ...I actually see this as a pretty valid reason, since video games are a lot about visuals and visual associations. I liked Aerith BECAUSE of this--my favorite color back then was pink, and I still like it because I love that she combines girly pink with combat boots--but hey, for some people it's going to strike too much of "pretty pink princess". (If the reason you don't like this is because it's too girly...uh, CC probably won't help. She wears white/light blue, but the "delicate flower" feel is amped up, if anything.)

2nd: It might just be me, but I've always thought AVALANCHE to be really chill about character flaws. Yeah, Cloud gets lectured when he's doubting himself, but that seems more about tough love. You know, "stop doubting yourself because if you do something crazy, I'll just whack you upside the head". Or like with Wutai--everyone's annoyed, yeah, but I don't remember Yuffie getting a serious lecture about Betraying Your Teammates Is Wrong. They just want the stupid materia back. Once she returns them, the issue is dropped. So the reason no one really calls Aerith out is... it's a character flaw, yeah, but not a seriously harmful one. She means well, which the party probably knows. There is a consequence: Barret gets upset enough to storm off and Aerith is taken aback by his reaction, judging from her "...I think he's mad" line. She knows she screwed up. There's no need for her to be called out.

Could it have come off more clearly as an intended character flaw if one of the teammates had pointed out "well, yeah, that was kind of stupid Aerith"? Maybe. Then again, with the teammates up to that point being Cloud, Red and Tifa, I don't see who would have. It'd be different if she'd acted like Barret was being unreasonable, but that's not the case.

3rd: the important thing is that her interest in romance isn't in general, it's with Cloud, and for a very significant reason. She does contribute toward plot discussions when they happen and provides a lot of info about things.

But yeah, the scene with Cait Sith is going to come off as a bit terrible no matter what if you have Tifa in the party. Although "It's not about you"--it is about Cait Sith, and the whole idea is cheering him up with one last fortune telling. It always came off to me as though he was playing coy to get Aerith to ask for the fortune more eagerly, and she goes along with it.

I'd like to share, but I do not suppose this is the appropriate thread... Oh well, I'll tag it.

1st reason: It is completely retarded and stupid. It's the pink. I TOLD you it was retarded, but this is one reason YOUARENOTALLOWEDTOJUDGEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

2nd reason: I found her intrusive, for lack of a better word. Not because of the whole LT nonsense, not because she asked Cloud for protection from Shin-Ra (heck, if a strong ex-SOLDIER was with me while the Turks had come to harass me, I'd do the same!), but because of her interactions with the team. Examples: the most well-known is the one with Barret and I know that she was supposed to be insensitive, but heck, WHY DIDN'T ANYONE CALL OUT HER CRAP????? Only Tifa did and she is easily debunked. If it was supposed to be a character flaw, why wasn't it handled as one? WHERE ARE THE CONSEQUENCES???? The story with Barret did take a bad turn, but did she ever apologized and recognized her mistake? Noooooo, never!

3rd, I found her interest in romance in general (not just about Cloud, it could be with anyone for all that I care), annoying, if not infuriating. "Honey, we are taking a lot of shit for your sake, can you AT LEAST focus on what's important here????" were my thoughts constantly through the game. Maybe it's because I'm not too much of a romantic, but whatever the reason, I was like this -->

And then, the scene with Caith Sid. Maybe it was worse that I had Tifa in the team, but when she said "I promise I won't get mad!" I screamed at my screen: "YOU won't get mad???????????? Why, you-- SHE'S RIGHT THERE, DAMMIT!!! IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Long story short: I found her tactless, intrusive and stuck about romance. A combination I loathe. Yet, the creators, with her death scene demanded my love for her. Heck no.

Yes, these reasons are a matter of interpretation (MAYBE), but that's my opinion and it's unlikely I'll change it.

Celes Chere

Pink is the best color on the planet. D<

Anyway, I'd reply but you're not bashing her character, you have every right to not like her. c: Thanks for sharing what you thought. And plus, someone already responded and I don't want to flood you with responses. xD


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I think you're reasoning is fair enough. Well maybe not the pink :kermit: I'm not a fan of pink either, but I never let that stop me from liking a character. Or a person, right Celes? :awesome:

Even if I don't agree with you about not liking her, I can find some agreement with some of your points about her personality. She tends to be a bit forward, and I didn't care for that moment with Barret at Gold Saucer much myself. I guess it didn't bother me enough to not like her though :lol: We all have moments where we say something stupid or insensitive.

And just to give you a heads up, Aerith isn't really like that in CC, so maybe you will like her, lol.

Elisa Maza

I think you're reasoning is fair enough. Well maybe not the pink :kermit:

LOL, I said it was a stupid reason for hating. It might be a valid one for not being among the favourites, but hate? Yeah, even *I* find it stupid. Buuuut, I cannot help it.

And just to give you a heads up, Aerith isn't really like that in CC, so maybe you will like her, lol.

OHO, interesting. Since I've already bought CC (I'm re-playing the original now), I'll see for myself. :salute:

Now, moar Zerith (sorry if they've been posted before)!


And to inform you, this is her Pixiv page. She has lots of Zerith. And Clack, for anyone interested. :lol:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
OHO, interesting. Since I've already bought CC (I'm re-playing the original now), I'll see for myself. :salute:

Well, she's...I can't think of a good word...more subdued? She's not as pushy with Zack as she is with Cloud. She's considerably younger so that could have something to do with it. Or maybe Zack just brought her out of her shell. Regardless, I think you'll like the game; I did.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I got a Zack and Aerith playarts for Christmas :monster:


well that's sorta Zerith I think...

Elisa Maza

Might as well post this here too. I found one of the "kiss memes". It also contains CloTi, so be warned if you don't like this pairing.



Higher Further Faster
If only he did return. :(

But yeah, that's a really odd angle for that pic to be at. :P

Still nice, though. Awww. :)


Pro Adventurer
Oh, it's probably Zack's perverted thought, then. <XD

Are we talking about the hiragana in the speech bubble? I wonder if it's actually the sound effect for Kadaj's sword striking Zack's head (note blood spurt, how nice they're getting along). It's "dosu" (with the small tsu indicating a glottal stop for emphasis), which as far as I can tell isn't an actual word.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
*Joins and revives this club*

Don't care what anyone else says, I liked Crisis Core, I love Zack, and Zerith is awesome sauce! :D




^ LOL.





Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Yup, Aerith the polar bear. :D

Everytime I listen to this song, I always think of this pairing. The lyrics are so bittersweet and fit perfectly. Thoughts? :)

And presents!





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