Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Sorry if this is a repeat but I thought this was really pretty:


Kermitu Kleric Katie

She's not up for "that" yet and being tsun tsun :awesome:

I've always seen Aerith and Zack as the kind of people that would casually have sex. I could never imagine Aerith not agreeing to have sex with Zack.

Then again, neither Cloud nor Tifa seem like the kind of person who would have sex on their first night of dating, and yet they did, though that was end of the world sex/don't want to die a virgin sex, a case which I could see happening to them, though that's partly because it actually did.

And there's also the fact that Aerith's personality was slightly different before she met Zack. But meh, whatever. It's just fanart.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I'm not sure the terms of first and second dates apply when you've traveled the globe together.

I never said anything about a date. I just said Cloud and Tifa had sex on there first night of dating, as in being a couple, not necessarily going on dates together. I would hardly call the HA Highwind scene a "date", it's more of "let's have sex since we're bad at talking about our feelings, but we need a way to express those feelings".


Pro Adventurer
Is there any more people to discuss about the couple here? I love the last scene of ACC, maybe we have different interpretation (like Nomura said he dislike to make all clear even about the Angel Statue), but for me the Buster Sword rest in Aerith's Church is the perfect ending for them and conclude everything. I know before it, we see they walked to the light together, that they're absorbed in Lifestream forever like the other soul, that they would never appear again involving the living people. But when I see the last scene, I imagine the scene 500 years after, though Midgar have been ruined, the sword still remaining, the flower keep blowing, and the spring would never dry, that this is the real symbol of the eternity of their togetherness in the living world. I'm speechless when talking about how beautiful their relationship.

Hell. I'm really a huge fan of this couple. I made fanarts, fanvids, and fanfics about them.


Pro Adventurer
@Dagger: Yeah, there's so many good Zerith MMD/Xnalara in DA. My Friend love to make it. The one you posted on top is his newest art. But these are other of his artworks:

This one is special he made for me^^. And I'm still waiting for two more Zerith arts he promised to give me (we rp as Zack and Aerith in Tumblr)):


Pro Adventurer
Orah, Iju
well i like zerith/clerith/cloti and everything but i definitely wouldnt call myself a "shipper". while i can let myself to a squeal now and then i dont think i would get that into like you guys are.


i do have a "song" for zerith (well more of zack to aerith) and i think its absolutely purfeckt. except the first two lines and the last two lines....those are for cloud. >.> well here goes.

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I came here to talk
I hope you understand
The green eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you
And how could, anybody, deny you
I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter now I met you
And honey you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes

Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know

The green eyes, you're the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who tried to deny you, must be out of their mind
Because I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter since I met you
Honey you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes, green eyes
Oh oh oh oh

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand


Ahh, this thread is a goldmine, a sanctuary, a blessing. The fanart is so beautiful. I love this place already!

(Hi, I'm new here. :) )


Hello :) Since I love ZackxAerith as much as CloudxTifa (possibly even more, because of the tragic element and because I love Zack so much), I need to introduce myself here, too, even though the last post has been more than half a year ago... :(

Maybe I'll find some nice fanart to post later.

I hope the remake will give the couple more (much more!) love than the OG. Especially Zack needs more screentime! Who agrees? :)
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