Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)


Pro Adventurer


Pro Adventurer
That piece about her chocker I'm... speechless! It's such great detail!

I'm so glad that they respecting Zerith so much this time around. There's a lot of caring in how their relationship is being portrayed in the Remake, and I would be happy just for that. But with that part 01 end, I excited we may be getting new content in the next installment as well.


Pro Adventurer
That piece about her chocker I'm... speechless! It's such great detail!

I'm so glad that they respecting Zerith so much this time around. There's a lot of caring in how their relationship is being portrayed in the Remake, and I would be happy just for that. But with that part 01 end, I excited we may be getting new content in the next installment as well.

None of this is quite spelled out by any of the developers, but if we're to assume what's written about her choker in Brave Exvius is canon in the Remake and that the flower actually is a Forget-me-not, there's a good chance that choker is about Zack. Conversely, it could be about her and foreshadowing her death.

Personally, I'd prefer it to the ribbon gift Zack gave her in CC, especially since she's always seen with a ribbon in her hair in flashbacks.


But Zack gave her that particular ribbon, so that ribbon is speshul. D:
Idk what to think about the "magic powers" choker. First time I hear that. It's just been a black cord for me all this time. And has no connection to Zack whatsoever.


Pro Adventurer
Dutch Dread

Ok, now I'm crying, never even heard that during my playthrough I think 0.o'

On the topic of Zerith, I have a question.

We know that Zack bought Aerith her ribbon in CC. But people have pointed out that in FFVII remake, Aerith already had the ribbon as a child,
and that is was therefore retconned.
Now I don't find that argument to be persuasive, since she could have easily lost that ribbon sometime during the following 10 years, and have selected a new one that looks like it based on the fact that it reminded her of the one she had as a child, but I was wondering if there was more information on it.

On the one hand it seems like one of those things that the developers might have simply not thought about, they wanted a young aerith, what would a young Aerith look like? Well clearly she needs her trademark ribbon to look as cute as possible, but it does seem like a pretty big oversight.

As a modern, openminded man, I ship it.


She could have had a ribbon and still get one from Zack. She did have ribbons as a child, several in different colours even, but who wears the same things they wore as children as adults? No one, I‘d say.
She could have easily bought herself a new ribbon from that stall, but she didn’t, for whatever reasons. Maybe she didn’t want to spend the money. That’s where our hero Zack came in. ^_^


Pro Adventurer
I collect these all in https://soldierhero-and-flowergirl.tumblr.com/info :

Compilation Story of Their Relationship (Official Quotes)


Crisis Core (0000-0007)
  • In “CC,” Zack is the lead character. His past is completely revealed, including his missions during his time in SOLDIER, his friendship with Sephiroth, his first love with Aerith, and his meeting with Cloud. –Zack’s Dengeki Profile
  • The two characters deeply involved with Aerith were Zack, who would become her lover (koibito), and Tseng, her guardian–Crisis Core Complete Guide
  • “CC” shows her meeting and relationship with Zack, and the budding love between them. However, fate would tear the couple apart. –Aerith’s Dengeki Profile
  • Just as Kunsel tells him not to “just read mail that he gets from girls” in Scene 01-04, Zack’s flirtation leads to Aerith calling him a “ladies’ man” in “FFVII”. Zack himself, while on the run from the Shinra Army after the Nibelheim Incident, also talks to Cloud about having several female friends in Midgar who might be able to hide them. Indeed, he hits on Cissnei and the receptionist in this game, and the female Turks in “BC” when they met for the first time. However, Aerith alone appears to have been truly special to him, and he tells his parents in a letter that he found a girlfriend (Aerith). –Crisis Core Complete Guide
  • “A guy who loves girls a lot” – That was what Aerith reflected on in FFVII, that Zack had a flirtatious streak, and was experienced in the treatment of the fairer sex. In BC, he gave compliments enough to set one’s teeth on edge to a female Turk member who was together with him on the same mission. As expected, there was a scene whereby he invited Cissnei, a young lady from the Turks, to a meal in CC. As a result of being able to surmise everything from each small deed, Aerith, who was in love with Zack, might perhaps have been jealous many times seeing all that… Zack’s Profile 10th Anniversary Ultimania
  • Aerith, the girl whom he met at the slum’s church. The existence of the girl, who had earnestly come to love Zack with sincerity, eventually became irreplaceable to him. Zack’s Profile FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania
  • At that chosen day, she accidentally met Zack, SOLDIER 1st Class, and they were attracted to each other…Aerith’s Profile FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania
  • Aerith gently embraced Zack, who came back sad. The atmosphere makes them feel like a couple….–Aerith’s Profile FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania
  • Zack and Aerith meet by chance in a church in the Slums. They become intimate with each other. FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Compilation Timeline
  • The destined encounter with Zack makes them becomes the irreplaceable existence to each other Aerith’s profile, FF VII CC Ultimania
  • Aerith never talks about her bitterness but lives brightly. It is growing by degrees into an inseparable relationship Aerith’s profile, FF VII CC Ultimania
  • Zack’s specific suggestion was that Aerith wears pink. Ultimately this promise was not fulfilled, but Aerith–who continued to wait for Zack’s return–starts to wear pink after making this promise (as demonstrated in this game, “FFVII, “”BC”, etc). –Crisis Core Keyword Collection

Original Game/FF7 Remake (0007-0008)
  • For Aerith, the sky symbolizes sadness. Zack and her mother, Ifalna, are important people dear to her who were taken away by the sky. —FF7 Remake Ultimania
  • Even though it appears she’s gotten rid of these thoughts, she gives off the image of considerable grief that the Zack from those days is now gone. —Aerith’s Profile, Final Fantasy 7 Ultimania Omega, pg. 29
  • “Do you know I used to sell flowers here? Weird, you were in the same rank as the first guy I ever loved.” —Aerith to Cloud, FF7 Remake: Chapter 9
  • A cheerful soldier continues the pursuit of his dream. This Soldier 1st Class has been MIA since his last mission 5 years ago. He has a cheerful and friendly disposition and never loses his positive attitude even in the most dire circumstances, cherishing his dreams and honor. He shares a deep bond with both Cloud and Aerith Zack’s Profile, FF7 Remake Ultimania


Advent Children (0009)
  • For Cloud, they were people whom he can never forget. The two irreplaceable people; Zack, “who was sent to death because protect him” and Aerith, “who met a tragic fate as he couldn’t protect her” became “the unforgivable sins” in his heart. –Advent Children Complete Post Card Book
  • In order to help Cloud recover, he assured him from the Lifestream together with Aerith. –Zack Fair, 10th Ultimania Character Profiles
  • She joined the Lifestream, but even then she carries on watching over the planet and Cloud. At all times, her first love Zack is always by her side. –Aerith Gainsborough, ACC Dengeki Profiles
  • When Cloud regained consciousness, he found himself in the Church. He saw the familiar faces of his friends and the orphans watching over him, and a smile slowly spread across his face. Aerith and Zack stand beyond the door, watching over them. At last, Cloud is no longer alone. ~pg. 119, Reunion Files
  • And when he turns around— ‘she’ is starting to leave. Together with the friend who had given Cloud his life. Cloud no longer has to suffer in loneliness… And so they too go back to where they belong. Back to the current of life flowing around the planet.FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania. Page 131, Revised Edition


Pro Adventurer
@Graymouse Awww, the first picture with the Zerith-Family is a longtime favorite of mine! ❤️

Oh, yeah. I love this type of fan art. I love how Zack is so happy in that picture.

I collect these all in https://soldierhero-and-flowergirl.tumblr.com/info :

Compilation Story of Their Relationship (Official Quotes)


Crisis Core (0000-0007)
  • In “CC,” Zack is the lead character. His past is completely revealed, including his missions during his time in SOLDIER, his friendship with Sephiroth, his first love with Aerith, and his meeting with Cloud. –Zack’s Dengeki Profile
  • The two characters deeply involved with Aerith were Zack, who would become her lover (koibito), and Tseng, her guardian–Crisis Core Complete Guide
  • “CC” shows her meeting and relationship with Zack, and the budding love between them. However, fate would tear the couple apart. –Aerith’s Dengeki Profile
  • Just as Kunsel tells him not to “just read mail that he gets from girls” in Scene 01-04, Zack’s flirtation leads to Aerith calling him a “ladies’ man” in “FFVII”. Zack himself, while on the run from the Shinra Army after the Nibelheim Incident, also talks to Cloud about having several female friends in Midgar who might be able to hide them. Indeed, he hits on Cissnei and the receptionist in this game, and the female Turks in “BC” when they met for the first time. However, Aerith alone appears to have been truly special to him, and he tells his parents in a letter that he found a girlfriend (Aerith). –Crisis Core Complete Guide
  • “A guy who loves girls a lot” – That was what Aerith reflected on in FFVII, that Zack had a flirtatious streak, and was experienced in the treatment of the fairer sex. In BC, he gave compliments enough to set one’s teeth on edge to a female Turk member who was together with him on the same mission. As expected, there was a scene whereby he invited Cissnei, a young lady from the Turks, to a meal in CC. As a result of being able to surmise everything from each small deed, Aerith, who was in love with Zack, might perhaps have been jealous many times seeing all that… Zack’s Profile 10th Anniversary Ultimania
  • Aerith, the girl whom he met at the slum’s church. The existence of the girl, who had earnestly come to love Zack with sincerity, eventually became irreplaceable to him. Zack’s Profile FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania
  • At that chosen day, she accidentally met Zack, SOLDIER 1st Class, and they were attracted to each other…Aerith’s Profile FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania
  • Aerith gently embraced Zack, who came back sad. The atmosphere makes them feel like a couple….–Aerith’s Profile FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania
  • Zack and Aerith meet by chance in a church in the Slums. They become intimate with each other. FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Compilation Timeline
  • The destined encounter with Zack makes them becomes the irreplaceable existence to each other Aerith’s profile, FF VII CC Ultimania
  • Aerith never talks about her bitterness but lives brightly. It is growing by degrees into an inseparable relationship Aerith’s profile, FF VII CC Ultimania
  • Zack’s specific suggestion was that Aerith wears pink. Ultimately this promise was not fulfilled, but Aerith–who continued to wait for Zack’s return–starts to wear pink after making this promise (as demonstrated in this game, “FFVII, “”BC”, etc). –Crisis Core Keyword Collection

Original Game/FF7 Remake (0007-0008)
  • For Aerith, the sky symbolizes sadness. Zack and her mother, Ifalna, are important people dear to her who were taken away by the sky. —FF7 Remake Ultimania
  • Even though it appears she’s gotten rid of these thoughts, she gives off the image of considerable grief that the Zack from those days is now gone. —Aerith’s Profile, Final Fantasy 7 Ultimania Omega, pg. 29
  • “Do you know I used to sell flowers here? Weird, you were in the same rank as the first guy I ever loved.” —Aerith to Cloud, FF7 Remake: Chapter 9
  • A cheerful soldier continues the pursuit of his dream. This Soldier 1st Class has been MIA since his last mission 5 years ago. He has a cheerful and friendly disposition and never loses his positive attitude even in the most dire circumstances, cherishing his dreams and honor. He shares a deep bond with both Cloud and Aerith Zack’s Profile, FF7 Remake Ultimania


Advent Children (0009)
  • For Cloud, they were people whom he can never forget. The two irreplaceable people; Zack, “who was sent to death because protect him” and Aerith, “who met a tragic fate as he couldn’t protect her” became “the unforgivable sins” in his heart. –Advent Children Complete Post Card Book
  • In order to help Cloud recover, he assured him from the Lifestream together with Aerith. –Zack Fair, 10th Ultimania Character Profiles
  • She joined the Lifestream, but even then she carries on watching over the planet and Cloud. At all times, her first love Zack is always by her side. –Aerith Gainsborough, ACC Dengeki Profiles
  • When Cloud regained consciousness, he found himself in the Church. He saw the familiar faces of his friends and the orphans watching over him, and a smile slowly spread across his face. Aerith and Zack stand beyond the door, watching over them. At last, Cloud is no longer alone. ~pg. 119, Reunion Files
  • And when he turns around— ‘she’ is starting to leave. Together with the friend who had given Cloud his life. Cloud no longer has to suffer in loneliness… And so they too go back to where they belong. Back to the current of life flowing around the planet.FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania. Page 131, Revised Edition

I really do love how SE has fleshed out their story together. These lines from CC breaks my heart:

  • The destined encounter with Zack makes them becomes the irreplaceable existence to each other Aerith’s profile, FF VII CC Ultimania
  • “CC” shows her meeting and relationship with Zack, and the budding love between them. However, fate would tear the couple apart. –Aerith’s Dengeki Profile


Pro Adventurer
I think it would be really neat to play as Zack in the Remake. If things go that way. It would be an interesting concept. At the end of all things though we know that "everyone goes back to where they belong." I can see this happening. Maybe. :monster:
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